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^^ mmmm ssssexxxyyy! xD


I'd give smt like that @ Rob to sign,at least he got sense of humor {I hope} mwhah



~throw yourselves at me!~



what is thaaat? ^ x]





silly Twilight director whom I can't spell the name...


this wasn't in the extras! >.>


oh sheez, Little Ashes dvd for regio2 postponed @ July...



there are leaks of many new scripts Rob is supposed to play..& I CAN'T FIND THEM! aaaargh my virchoo is safe, r u happy Robward?!


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Nice :das: I'm totally smitten with what I have seen so far about 'How to be'. I can't really nail it down to anything. Maybe it is just kudos for playing the part of the obvious loser that nobody ever wants to be taken for in real life. I think I have to get that dvd as well, just to see if the movie can keep the promise the trailers are giving.

I wonder if it is easier to play such a part after being officially declared Hollywood's latest heart-throb. I also wonder if Robward would have accepted that job without Edward. I think he would.

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Art's in his happy happy place




How To Be won a lot of prizes...Art & his friends compose such an endearing tragicomical picture of late adolescents issues w/ find your path in life ^^


I'm reading Little Ashes reviews, it's a pity many critics bashes on the "Twilight star" like saying he's plying a not so confident dorky Dalì where the historical character had a smisurate Ego...while I do admit maybe Rpatz acts more naturally playing "losers" as the man himself revelead


"I try to choose things which are something that I'm going through in my life," he says. "Jobs that will help me realize or add something about myself. I don't really think about it in terms of a career."


For what I could watch around I find that his interpretation of the Salvador youth is indeed pretty interesting, coz it puts on discussion the supposed "super-human" personality the surrealist genius claimed to have.



and now a bit of pixspam mwahah




me loves AwkardRob & Darkward ^^









oh, by the way...so happy one of the Vulturi will be



Michael Sheen! :lol3:

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Michael Sheen!!!!:roftl:

Terrorist haha hilarious!!

He seems to be very nice, twittering all along to the fans!



here's the wedding proposal:


and the first part of the interview with the sneezing-thinking thing

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I KNOW it's tomorow, but I probably won't be able to get here tomorow (math exam blah)



HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY RPATTZ!:huglove: (Spunk Ransom :teehee::wub2:)


I wish that his obsessed fans & stalkers will give him a day off (in my and/or his dreams, I know). I don't know what else because he can have almost anything now, right? :naughty:





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Kstew: get a grip on yaself Pattinson! What's with all this afterdinner airguitar?!



{dayafter, LA}





*umpft, now they're all going to say I'm a fkn hobo...pfff yeah & I even still use CD coz I'm demode like that* :shun:





:doh: How could I miss all those drooly pics? :bash:


Rooooooob :fangurl:

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Rpattz got a great voice innit?!


They said in HTB he found a bit difficult to play guitar & sing as the mediocre Art was supposed to act


"He has a playfulness and naivety that he was able to inject into the character. He's very down to earth and unpretentious"


nothwistanding the low quality songs...I'm always mumbling "Chocking on the dust" now x]


btw, just read a crazy antiespionage like stuff happened in Vancouver..apparently a Gossip site leaked updates on a dinner Rob was having w/ the cast & Smeyer...in response some UNINTERESTED fans {mwhaha} spreaded false infos on their fansites/twitter bout time&location to damage control the eventual hysterical mobbing by Ivenothingtodobutstalk&harrassu fangurls..so they ended like in 10 {who has alreay seen their idols like10 times} chattin w/ the actors.


ubstrds ^^ *takes notes*


Kstew: get a grip on yaself Pattinson! What's with all this afterdinner airguitar?!



{dayafter, LA}




*umpft, now they're all going to say I'm a fkn hobo...pfff yeah & I even still use CD coz I'm demode like that*



LIEK, OMFKNGZ!:fangurl:











He shows the good example :naughty:


A bunch of twits and pics and scripts this week-end!!!

It kept me entertained from the rain outside!!


I dont understand how both scripts of NM and Remember Me were find in a bin :blink:

And I hardly understand how some (a lot actually) Twihards can stay away from reading or looking for NM leaked script on the web (while they can't leave him alone for a sec and know even his mate's girlfriend's full name :shocked:).

I can surely not. *feels guilty*


...the CD....for "Remember Me" soundtrack ....or just video of the auditions??


Rpattz day should become a bank holiday... *drools*


especially if he's heading soon to Cannes!!


Sure we'll get more pics tomorrow!!

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Happy Robday! :flowers2:




'And yeah, I do bite myself at times. Just because I can.




He shows the good example :naughty:


A bunch of twits and pics and scripts this week-end!!!

It kept me entertained from the rain outside!!


I dont understand how both scripts of NM and Remember Me were find in a bin :blink:

And I hardly understand how some (a lot actually) Twihards can stay away from reading or looking for NM leaked script on the web (while they can't leave him alone for a sec and know even his mate's girlfriend's full name :shocked:).

I can surely not. *feels guilty*


I didn't believe that dustbin story for a second. Let's all just download and print the stuff, add a bit of smudge and dog-ears and then call summit. I could need a bit of additional cash and those movie premiers sound fun...

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yummydummy...he's a grown-up sexy devil nao ^^




why Twitter has to plan manteinance on sacred Rpattz day?!?



why twatlight hasn't accepted me?!



why do i care?!?



but most of all..



why i'm not headed to Cannes yet to see Rpattz in Summer House?!?



to see someone like this in a car like that?



coz I'm a lazy creeper & wanna spend my time rummagin' utube for Robiuliciuous vids mwahha

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