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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobssessives' PART 4


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I was a Friday night in late July. Perhaps 8 o’clock. The sun was almost set now, and darkness was falling over the beach. I was at a friends birthday party. Her parents owned a beach house, and all of her friends from school were invited to come have a great day then spend the night under the stars. We all gathered around a bonfire. We were telling stories and just talking, drinking soda and eating chips.


“HEY!” said my friend whos birthday it was. “Lets play truth or dare!”

Oh, how I hated that game. It always ended with someone upset. Still, everyone wanted to play. We gathered in a circle. Some of the guys and girls were holding hands. This was our school class, the class that had been together for all of our years at school. Through the years some had started dating, and some liked each other but kept silent. Ofcourse though, I had no ones hand to hold.


My friend stood up. “Its my birthday, so I make the rules. I GET TO PICK if you get a truth or a dare, and it HAS to involve a guy if you are a girl, and a girl if you are a guy.”

Oh gosh, I could tell this would NOT end well.


The game started. The usual dares and truths appeared. ‘Is it true you like him? Is it true you love her?’

Once again, I hated this game.


I was so nervous about what my dare or truth would be.

I just sunk my head down and was not interested.

I didn’t raise my head up again until I heard the next truth.

“Hm…..whos next?” asked my friend. “Ahhh…ive got it.”

“I pick a truth for you!” I was uninterested in who she was talking to.

“Is it true…..that you like…..hmm, lets see. Ahh! MARIE!”

My head shot up.

“Is it true, MICA, that you like Marie?”

I looked across the circle, over the fire to see Mica. A boy whom had been in my class for as long as I could remember.

He was also not interested in the game. However, as soon as he heard the truth, he shot his head up aswell. He was drinking soda. He choked and spit it out of his mouth.

Everyone laughed.

Akwardly wiping his mouth, he stared at me. Then my friend. Then at me. Then my friend.

“Well…” asked the birthday girl, with an angry tone, “do you like her or not?”

“uh……” Mica said. “Marie, is a nice girl…”

“So you do like her!” My friend yelled.

“Well no…” said Mica. I looked at him with a surprised face.

“I mean I do, but not like that. Shes nice, but not that nice…I mean….urgh…….i don’t…..i guess i…..whatever.”

Mica turned bright red and stood up. He threw down his empty soda cup and stormed off into the dark.

Everyone laughed.

“Its not funny!” I yelled. “You guys really embarrassed him!”

“Awww…sticking up for our little boyfriend are we, Marie?”

Asked my friend.

Everyone giggled.

“No!” I yelled. “You were just real mean to him just then. And I cant stand this stupid game. Im leaving.”

My friend turned a dark red with anger. “If you leave, you cant come to my parties ever again. We aren’t friends anymore if you walk away.”

I looked right into her eyes and walked up to her. I was real close to her face. I whispered,

“Why would I want a rude, selfish friend like you anyway?”

I turned around and left, the opposite way Mica had.

Everyone cried out loud “OOOOHHHHHHH” ‘s.

My friend was FUMING.

She yelled at me into the dark….”Youre the selfish one Marie! You come to my lovely birthday party and don’t even give me my gift! You should be happy I invited you! You should be happy I was even nice to you!”

I turned around. I had had enough of this.

“You right..”I said to her, walking towards the fire.

“Heres youre gift.” I lifted up my soda cup and poured it right into the fire. The whole fire went out, it turned pitch black. Everyone screamed. My friend coughed a few times from the smoke.

“Happy Birthday!” I smiled, as I turned and left.


The beach was a big circular walk. I knew I would eventually end up at my friends place again, but I didn’t care. I just kept walking. It wasn’t dark for me at all, for the moon was full and bright that night where I was. Come to think of it, I didn’t even know where I was. I thought it best to just keep walking.

I came to a little peir. It slanted up wards.

I hopped up and just started walking. I was feeling quite proud of myself. I lifted my chin up and tight rope walked the side of the peir. As it slanted, I came to the highest point, about 20 feet high. I felt scared, but my pride overtook my fear. I was very high up. A fall could seriously hurt me. I knew it was dangerous, I had never been up so high. Still I didn’t care. I just kept hopping along up there.

Suddenly I heard a voice from below me.

“Marie, I just…its not that I….I cant…URGH!”

I thin tall boy with curly hair was talking to himself. It was Mica.

I didn’t even think he knew that I was up above him

“I just cant……youre really……I think I…….AHHH!!!”

He said to himself.

I walked at the same speed as him. I felt bad for the poor boy. He picked up a rock to throw into the water, which was about 100 feet ahead of us.

He was thin and tall, but this boy was quite strong with strong arms. He hurled the rocked, it flew straight into the water.

“Woah” I said, almost whispering.

However, it was loud enough. Mica looked up and saw me.

I gasped a little, my cover was blown. “Marie?” He asked.

That was enough for me…I was shocked…my left foot slipped on a wet piece of board infront of me. I felt myself falling off the peir.

Mica cried out….. “MARIE!””

I screamed as I fell through the air. This fall was huge, I knew it would hurt when I fell. I screamed so loud as I was falling. I was going to fall right on my back.

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I finally was about to hit the ground. Shockingly, my fall was broken. I felt myself landing in Mica’s arms. The boy was strong. Still, that fall was very high. He collapsed aswell.

“Ahhhhh!” I yelled. I felt my leg hurting badly.

I opened my eyes, Mica still had me in his arms, only he was sprawled on the ground.

I rolled off of him, and laid on the sand. Some sand had gotten into my mouth. I spit and coughed. Mica was coughing too.

“Are you alright?” He finally asked.

I looked at his face. I had never been so afraid in my entire life. I really didn’t know what was going to happen as I fell. The sheer terror and shock finally hit me. I began to sob.

I threw my arms around Micas high up shoulders.

“You saved me Mica. Who knows what would have happened if I landed by myself…..”

I was sobbing now into his shirt.

“I could have…..I might have…”

I couldn’t speak anymore. I was so terrified.

I was crying hard now.

“Shhhh…shh…..” Mica whispered to me.

He put his arms around me too.

I was still so scared, I kept crying.

“Youre fine Marie. Your safe. Its ok, Im here.”

He patted my head and back.

“Shhhh…….” He said to me.

After what seemed like forever, I let go of his arms.

I had stopped crying now, and I was starting to calm down.

He wiped away some of my tears with his sleeve.

“They were so mean to you, I just had to leave. I had to just……”

“Its alright” Me hushed. “We’re here now. It’s fine.”

“AOwww….” I yelped. My leg was hurting me badly from the fall. I couldn’t stand. I fell on the sand, sitting down.

“Whats the matter? Are you Ok?” Mica asked me, sinking to my level.

“Its My ankle. I think its broken. I cant stand.”

“Well then we will sit” Mica replied, trying to make me smile.

I did. “You’ve got lots of sand in your hair” I chuckled at him.

“Well you did fall pretty hard.” He laughed.

I reached my hands up. I put my fingers in his hair and shook all the sand out. Then I just ruffled it.

“Better?” He asked.

“Better” I smiled.

“Now,” Mica stated, “its quite dark and quite late. We should really be getting back.”

“Your right” I said. “But I don’t think I can walk.”

With that, Mika scooped me up in his arms and we started walking.

I told you that boy was strong. ;)

Before we had gotten too far, I told him to stop.

“Hold on” I said.

“Theres nothing for us back there. The fires out, its dark, lets just have our own party here.”

“Fine by me” Mica stated.

He smiled and put me down on the sand. He smiled and sat next to me.

The moon was above the water, shining right on us. His hair and lovely eyes glowed.

He just laid his hand on mine. We looked out into the water.

The night was perfect.












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how was school?



It was good - I was supposed to do the biology test tomorrow but apparently our techer didn't give it to us today xD

Aaand our chemistry and physics teachers didn't question us today :D



Hi my darlings:huglove: I've got a problem...I've got bad marks....so I mustn't be on computer:crybaby: I'm really sad...I hope see you soon:huglove: have nice times there...i love you


Noooooooooooooo!! :crybaby: I hope your marks will be better very soon! I'm gonna miss you,love ya :huglove:

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