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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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:shocked:My goodness, no-one's posted since the last time I was here :naughty:


I was here and read stuff, but had to go get my family ready for the day and there was too much I wanted to MQ, so I thought I'd do it when I got back. And now, after putting the dishes away, putting on a load of washing and putting out the garbage, I can settle down to go back and MQ.

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I was here and read stuff, but had to go get my family ready for the day and there was too much I wanted to MQ, so I thought I'd do it when I got back. And now, after putting the dishes away, putting on a load of washing and putting out the garbage, I can settle down to go back and MQ.


Usually takes me about half an hour to MQ - and then I find I can't remember what I was going to reply to :roftl:

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Haha !! Pammy , you are awesome !!! I love your humour !!!


Now go & pick up your husband ... before WE get into trouble !!!

Aw thank you! :blush-anim-cl: You're quite awesome yourself!

Ha ha, it's ok. I was only a teensy bit late. I did kind of blame it on Mika and he just rolled his eyes and said "Of course, I should have known" :naughty:



Oh, but just wanted to say... ALL BEATLES FANS!!!! What did you think of Wes doing "Get Back" on Aus Idol last night?

I usually hate anyone covering Beatles songs because what's the point? It's not like anyone could improve on the original but I LOVED it. I think it was just about the best performance on idol ever. I am so happy that he's in the final :punk: ...Now he just has to win...


Ah the first stages of MFC addiction, wait till you get withdrawals (i.e. fidgeting and restlessness accompanied with wondering "I wonder what so and so thought of that post" or "I wonder if a new blog has been posted" etc.), inability to log out and go to sleep even though it's 4am or later, "nesting" (i.e. sitting down with a supply of food and drinks and not budging for 12+ hours)... or worse considering paying an obscene amount of money for the internet at a cafe while you're out grocery shopping.


Heh, well the blog part has been going on for quite a while... For some reason I just didn't know that this place existed. I guess I am just extremely slow :bleh: The rest of it though I am anxiously awaiting!


zoidy, Nice to meet you! Thanks for finding the aussies. Hope you get settled in and we can get to know you better. :biggrin2: Have an awesome time.




and Hiya everyone!


Hi! Nice to meet you too. I am having an awesome time and settling in quite nicely, I think :wink2:

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Don't forget the part where you say something that offends/upsets another member and you feel terrible that they took it the wrong way, then you both discuss it and are all smoochy coochie from then on *pbs*


I KNOW I am going to have that problem. I am very good at putting my foot in my mouth so for anything stupid I ever say to anyone, I hereby apologize in advance.


Part 3




Hello :bye:

Hi! :original:



Oooooooh! DAAS FAN!!!


Feel free to complain to me... I feel your pain! I want to watch DAAS Kapital, but I'll just make do with my Big Gig stuff...


Did you get the new DVD with the Big Gig stuff on it? If you haven'tt, get yourself to an ABC shop ASAP!



No, I completely forgot that it was even out until they were talking about it on GNW last night! It's all I've been thinking about ever since but I can't buy it because I went and spent all my money on plastic jewellery to match my glasses :o Now I'm trying to decide if I will run out and get it next week or if I can wait until Christmas and ask my husband to get it for me...



Technically Orange doesn't have it either, but the nice man at Sanity said it was on the system and that they could order it in...


I bit my tongue when he said "You would think someone like Mika we would automatically order in..." :naughty:



I might have to go in there and propose to him... he's the most useful person I've met in there ever!


Ooh! Send him to my store! My Sanity guy is an ass. I went in and asked and he didn't even offer to order it in. He just grunted and said "We don't have it" :bash: Luckily JB had it in abundance. Yay for JB.


It's gone!


I can't believe I never bidded on it! And it's gone!



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Who wants to see my pride and joy? :das:

(Yes, I can still be proud about something I aquired through not totally honest means, thank you very much :sneaky2:)





And you should be proud! Congratulations!!

Although my first thought was that it looks like tomato soup :bleh:



Turn on Subtitles. :wink2:

Hurry up and get to 6,000. I no believe that you are still under 10,000.


There are subtitles?

Oh. I AM slow.

That give me an excuse to watch it again!

Like I needed one.



...And I have officially decided that the only thing I don't like about MFC so far is the smiley limit. I like smileys :(

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You are most welcome to call me Pammy but I really don't mind either way is fine by me

I think I'll probably be on most during the day too. The husband kind of takes over the computer when he gets home from work... Speaking of which I really should go and pick him up... I should be half way there already. Oops. Oh well, he can wait a few more minutes



Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Mika that did it for me too. I remember when I first heard him thinking "I LOVE this...But it's on commercial radio, this isn't right...But I love it... How can this be?" Ugh, what a pretentious little music snob I was. I can't help but wonder what other good music I missed out on by refusing to believe any decent music was made after 1997 outside of what I already liked but as long as I didn't miss out on Mika I suppose I should be grateful.



Yes, that does appear to be a distinct possibility at this point.


Snap! I have the same problem with the computer being monopolised in the evening by hubby. There was a very short stage there earlier in the year before we moved house where we had two computers networked and I could be on at the same time as him, but the layout of this (much smaller) house makes that impossible.


What were you listening to if you weren't listening to commercial radio? I tended to find that all the radio presenters on commercial radio were gits who got on my nerves, so I rarely tuned in and I'm sure I missed heaps of good stuff. Plus, there was a large serve of crap music out there that I couldn't be bothered sitting through. I found Mika by accident on the internet. God bless the internet!


Ah the first stages of MFC addiction, wait till you get withdrawals (i.e. fidgeting and restlessness accompanied with wondering "I wonder what so and so thought of that post" or "I wonder if a new blog has been posted" etc.), inability to log out and go to sleep even though it's 4am or later, "nesting" (i.e. sitting down with a supply of food and drinks and not budging for 12+ hours)... or worse considering paying an obscene amount of money for the internet at a cafe while you're out grocery shopping.


Who logs out? I don't bother! But I've done all of those things - the wondering, the staying on all night, the "nesting" and the internet while out. I nearly did it yesterday but decided to save my pennies.


I managed to get that site I linked to say Perth by just typing "Perth" and not Australia.. You could try again.

Perhaps HK could go into a little more detail with this as she is our local astrologer. I am merely a witch and know something about everything, including this, but am not an expert.

Any hoo, here is an interesting site if you want to read up some more.


Don't forget the part where you say something that offends/upsets another member and you feel terrible that they took it the wrong way, then you both discuss it and are all smoochy coochie from then on *pbs*


Thankyou, it has now worked for me as well and I'm also looking at the interesting site. Some of the reading was very accurate, some of it was nothing like me. I will double check with my mum later to find out the time of my birth, cos I think I've got it right, but it might be pm and not am.


Yes... done that one too...


No, I didn't see it. I don't really watch Australian Idol. I can't say I'm a fan. But I saw the ad for it when I was watching the TV just before and I must say that Wes is A LOT better than the other two.


*goes to see if 'Get Back' is on youtube*


He's fantastic! I got all excited last night cos he (Wes) made it through to the Opera House and I started thinking "If he wins, he gets to make a record (which I'll def buy) and he might tour! He might come to Canberra!!!" I could get real fangurly about Wes:wub2::blush-anim-cl:


Yes. I go into the Queeniac Thread quite a bit and post there. I often go into other threads but I don't post in them much because I usually don't feel like I can add much to the conversation.


Have you actually read what some other people write? They don't really add much to the conversation, but they post anyway! What's to stop you?


Having said that, I completely get where you're coming from:naughty:


I just made those Choc Caramel Baileys Coconut Balls that I'm making us for Thursday.. This was a test round. But, also Mother Melzy wanted to take some to work because one of her collegues loves my cooking apparently.


Did you watch Supernatural last night, you Bailey's lover? You are such a girl!


I missed GNW... I was doing school work and other people were watching tv... and I couldn't have been bothered going to my room to watch it!


I did however catch the slightest bit of Supernatural... I saw Ted Raimi wearing glasses... I had to explain who he was to Mum cause she couldn't remember who he was...


Luckily for her she's watched Xena...


I don't think you missed much on GNW last night, it wasn't that great. Although they did have Ronan Keating on which was nice. He seemed a bit scared the whole time.


Hubby has been torrenting all the the Xena episodes, so we've been watching a fair bit of Ted Raimi just lately, so it was a giggle to see him last night. You know the story of how Bruce Campbell used to babysit him when he was growing up, don't you?


It's gone!

I can't believe I never bidded on it! And it's gone!


Poor baby! *pats Teegs then remembers her own sorrow* :crybaby:


I am tempted to bid on Burnt Offerings By Flacco...



I love Flacco ...


Urgh! Sorry, but Flacco is one of the people I DON'T miss from the old GNW. I do miss Paul doing more singing though... *sigh*


Did we notice the "inspirational" picture of Luna Park in Es Devlin's workshop/office/whatever? :naughty:


Really? Hmmm, well, we all picked it in the Aussie thread, didn't we? I remember saying to my son "Gee that looks like Luna Park!' Hey, that could be something for the Melbournites to play up in the petition to Mika...

"Come see the original place that gave you your stage setting for PDP!"


Usually takes me about half an hour to MQ - and then I find I can't remember what I was going to reply to


Or I find that what I was going to write isn't as funny or relevant as when I read the other person's post initially and so I end up culling.


And I will get that article about Terry Pratchett scanned and posted, promise


Much obliged, thankee!

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I usually hate anyone covering Beatles songs because what's the point? It's not like anyone could improve on the original but I LOVED it. I think it was just about the best performance on idol ever. I am so happy that he's in the final :punk: ...Now he just has to win...


Yay!!!! Another Wes fan!!!


Do shorter MQs - then you get to use lots




But I lose track of where I was up to! And I can't be bothered going back to try and find it. I just usually cut out everyone else's smilies and any unnecessary pics...

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Snap! I have the same problem with the computer being monopolised in the evening by hubby. There was a very short stage there earlier in the year before we moved house where we had two computers networked and I could be on at the same time as him, but the layout of this (much smaller) house makes that impossible

What were you listening to if you weren't listening to commercial radio? I tended to find that all the radio presenters on commercial radio were gits who got on my nerves, so I rarely tuned in and I'm sure I missed heaps of good stuff. Plus, there was a large serve of crap music out there that I couldn't be bothered sitting through. I found Mika by accident on the internet. God bless the internet!


Yeah and what really sucks is, if I want to use it at night he's all like "Oh but you get it ALL DAY" as if I'm not running around all day cleaning and doing errands for him. It's not like I sit here all day... Well except yesterday :fisch:


I used to listen to community radio (RRR) but then all the shows I liked finished so I didn't really listen to anything at all for years, which is why I got stuck in 1997 for so long. Then the husband got a job that starts at 7am and since he doesn't drive I have to take him. Then the CD player in my car broke so it was radio or nothing. So I started listening to Nova since Dave Huges & Kate Langbroek were about the only breakfast radio presenters that I didn't want to punch in the face :naughty: I still hate about 90% of the music hey play but going from 0 to 10% it still ok with me.



He's fantastic! I got all excited last night cos he (Wes) made it through to the Opera House and I started thinking "If he wins, he gets to make a record (which I'll def buy) and he might tour! He might come to Canberra!!!" I could get real fangurly about Wes



lol, that was exactly what I thought! Well, except Melbourne, not Canberra :bleh:


I saw him a few weeks back. I accidentally happened to be at the mall when they were making an appearance. Wanna see my crappy mobile phone photo of him?





Urgh! Sorry, but Flacco is one of the people I DON'T miss from the old GNW. I do miss Paul doing more singing though... *sigh*

I agree. I loved Flacco on DAAS Kapital but once he got together with the Sandman it ruined him :( I am SO glad they ditched the Sandman for the new GNW but yes, more Paul singing would be lovely :wub2:

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Yeah and what really sucks is, if I want to use it at night he's all like "Oh but you get it ALL DAY" as if I'm not running around all day cleaning and doing errands for him. It's not like I sit here all day... Well except yesterday :fisch:


I used to listen to community radio (RRR) but then all the shows I liked finished so I didn't really listen to anything at all for years, which is why I got stuck in 1997 for so long. Then the husband got a job that starts at 7am and since he doesn't drive I have to take him. Then the CD player in my car broke so it was radio or nothing. So I started listening to Nova since Dave Huges & Kate Langbroek were about the only breakfast radio presenters that I didn't want to punch in the face :naughty: I still hate about 90% of the music hey play but going from 0 to 10% it still ok with me.




lol, that was exactly what I thought! Well, except Melbourne, not Canberra :bleh:


I saw him a few weeks back. I accidentally happened to be at the mall when they were making an appearance. Wanna see my crappy mobile phone photo of him?





I agree. I loved Flacco on DAAS Kapital but once he got together with the Sandman it ruined him :( I am SO glad they ditched the Sandman for the new GNW but yes, more Paul singing would be lovely :wub2:


Well, I do spend rather a lot of the day on here on some days, and on those I don't mind so much giving it up in the evenings, even though most of the Aussies are on then and so I don't get to chat with them so much. But on the days when I've not been on here and I'm dying to catch up with what's happening I find it hard. I tend to try and lose myself in the tv on those nights...


For some reason, not long after we got married hubby started listening to local ABC. We were in Brissy then and some of the presenters were great. But you don't really get to hear commercial music much on that and there's an awful lot of talkback. But I was working night shift in those days and asleep in the day so I didn't really care too much.

Actually, Dave Hughes is someone I would want to punch in the face! It's taken me a while to love Hamish and Andy as well, but I actually do now. Although I prefer them on the telly than the radio, strangely enough.


Ahhhhh!!!!! Yayyyy!!! I can't believe you were close enough to even get a crappy pic on your mobile! Does it matter that it's crappy? It's personal. You were there! And it's not actually that bad a pic. It's definitely recognisably him and that's all that matters! Doesn't he look great?


Yes, I didn't appreciate the Sandman terribly much. I kept wanting to slap him and tell him to get a grip!

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I've decided that just for today, while I think about it, I'm going to post about random stuff and not actually try and have a conversation with anyone, cos no-one is here. So... I just had to go rebalance my washing machine cos the towels had wrapped themselves around the agitator in such a solid block that I could see clear down the sides all the way to the bottom, which I've never had happen before.


Anybody who wants to jump in and actually chat is welcome to do so, cos it's only going to go downhill from here:naughty:

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