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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Hello Kelzy!

Hey Sarah! How are you?

Yes, Season 2 of Xena is quite brilliant. Actually, some of it is quite innovative cos they had to work around Lucy breaking her pelvis. We only just found that out, never heard about it all those years ago when it actually happened.

Did she?? I didn't know that.

Now I feel like watching some of season 2. :naughty:

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Hey Sarah! How are you?


Did she?? I didn't know that.

Now I feel like watching some of season 2. :naughty:


As I said, neither did we. You know how at the end of each episode it has "No Gods were harmed during the making of this movie, but Cupid did get a lightening bolt up his clacker courtesy of Tanya" or whatever it said relative to that episode? Well, I think we were watching one of the Callisto episodes and saw something along the lines of "blah, blah wasn't hurt but something about Lucy's accident." On looking it up, apparently she broke her pelvis doing a horse stunt on one of the talk shows (which I can't remember the name of right now).

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Hey Sarah! How are you?


Not bad thanks. But I'm starting to worry about the year 10 performance night tomorrow. I'm playing piano in quite a few songs and knowing me, I'll start playing the wrong one at the wrong time. But it's pretty exciting. The songs I'm involved with are 'We Will Rock You' (the whole class singing and stomp stomp clapping - my idea!), 'Mamma Mia', a solo piano piece called 'Black and White Rag', 'I'm Yours', accompanying somebody on clarinet for a song called 'Catch It!' and either 'Another Brick In The Wall' or 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' (the band hasn't decided yet). I think that's it.


How are you?

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Actually, would you like to help out with our petition book to get Mika to tour here?


Done. I even told him my embarrassingly stupid reason :blush-anim-cl:


And since I can't get my stupid brain to focus on anything tonight I am going to bed.


Goodnight all :bye:

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Sadly I have not seen it.


Here they are (warning: you may not understand why on Earth I find these things funny)..






Hahahahahaha! I love the jacket with the writing on it. And I love the second one just because I don't get it.


WAIT! I see one thing I get! Hugh Grant vs. Colin Firth, right?


No he doesn't! He looks like Roger!


And Malfoy :thumb_yello:


Bastards!! I slept til about 10am and was woken by Merlin walking over me repetitively. Basically as soon as I fell back asleep he would do it..


Hahahaha! I kicked all the animals out my room at about 7 because they started causing trouble, and then Ambrose scratched at my door until about 10 when he finally gave up :naughty:



You know, that was actually pretty good! I love spastic dancing and bright colours :mf_lustslow:


Possibly. He's being crazy today, even more than usual. He keeps running up to me and acting all lovey and then for no reason he bites me and runs away. he's a freak


:lmao: I love retarded animal stories.


OK, brace yourselves people. Any minute now.... any minute... I'm anticipating it as he's standing right next to me, just winding up the phone call...


*braces self*


Not bad thanks. But I'm starting to worry about the year 10 performance night tomorrow. I'm playing piano in quite a few songs and knowing me, I'll start playing the wrong one at the wrong time. But it's pretty exciting. The songs I'm involved with are 'We Will Rock You' (the whole class singing and stomp stomp clapping - my idea!), 'Mamma Mia', a solo piano piece called 'Black and White Rag', 'I'm Yours', accompanying somebody on clarinet for a song called 'Catch It!' and either 'Another Brick In The Wall' or 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' (the band hasn't decided yet). I think that's it.


Ooh, was the class performance of it that successful? :biggrin2:

Your band is playing? And people in the audience will be filming? And it will be placed on youtube? Briliant!

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Hahahahahaha! I love the jacket with the writing on it. And I love the second one just because I don't get it.


WAIT! I see one thing I get! Hugh Grant vs. Colin Firth, right?


And Malfoy :thumb_yello:


Ooh, was the class performance of it that successful? :biggrin2:

Your band is playing? And people in the audience will be filming? And it will be placed on youtube? Briliant!


The jacket has all names of famous rock songs on it. He wore it when he played 'God Save The Queen' on top of Buckingham Palace.


Yes, you are correct! *ding ding ding ding* "Cuddle!" .. "Neck!"


:tears: He doesn't look like Malfoy! I don't find Malfoy at all attractive.


Yes. We are also the ones doing 'I'm Yours'. You can get your hopes up all you want, but I doubt that there will be a youtube video unless Jack (the guitarist) decides to post one. :naughty:

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The jacket has all names of famous rock songs on it. He wore it when he played 'God Save The Queen' on top of Buckingham Palace.


Even more brilliant!


Yes, you are correct! *ding ding ding ding* "Cuddle!" .. "Neck!"


:lmfao: :lmfao:!!!!!!!!!!!!


He doesn't look like Malfoy! I don't find Malfoy at all attractive.


Okay. Malfoy looks like an ugly version of him. :naughty:


Yes. We are also the ones doing 'I'm Yours'. You can get your hopes up all you want, but I doubt that there will be a youtube video unless Jack (the guitarist) decides to post one. :naughty:


Brilliant! *goes to stalk your friend list for Jack to pester him to do so*

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Okay. Malfoy looks like an ugly version of him. :naughty:


Brilliant! *goes to stalk your friend list for Jack to pester him to do so*


That's slightly better, I suppose.


:roftl: Please don't. He probably already thinks I'm strange enough without random people asking him if he can post videos of me performing.

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I have no idea :naughty: All I know that is in Syndey is the Harbour Bridge and Opera house, it's up to you to figure out what we do!


Righto then... *thinks of stuff to do in Sydney...*


Since when do you have a hubby? Is there something I missed?



Well, I'm glad they inspired you to start the slash fiction, but the idea of Flacco and Paul kissing is just URGH! Not on the Paul side, but on the Flacco side.



Yay!!! You were obviously meant to get it, to find another copy so quickly.


Oh yes! I have quite a few actually!


There's Bruce, Bono (I share Bruce and Bono with Kelz), Adam (I don't have to share him! :das:), Paul, Brendan and Sanity guy...



But... But... it's hot (okay, so I might be on my own here)!



Actually, I think it was the one I saw before... :blush-anim-cl:


Yes, the guy who works at Sanity is her hubby


Amongst others...


I decided I'm going to marry him cause he's the most useful person in my Sanity, and he actually has customer service skills!


What a coincidence! I'm married the guy who works at the local music shop here (it's just called The Music Shop). He likes Queen and The Beatles and we often have conversations about them when I go in there. The only problem is he looks about 25-30.


Oh and I'm also married to Roger Taylor's (the one in my signature with the blonde hair) son, Rufus.


Noice! dad used to joke about how I should marry the Subway guy (who's not working there anymore)... he had dreadlocks and heaps of (visible) piercings...


It is indeed. And he's only 17! I'm sure I've posted pictures of him before but here he is again (with his mummy)..


Where's englishrose?


Hell... If I was a teenager I'd go for him!


No, because she mentioned the Sanity guy in the next sentence that I deleted. She said she'd keep the Sanity guy as well.


Yeah, cause Pammy wanted my Sanity guy... I don't know if I'll share him... not yet anyways! :naughty:


And 10 years younger than me!


The music shop guy is my age :das:...


Sarah, you'll have to get a pic of him...


Well since you don't have a JB, I guess you deserve to keep him. Yeah, I think I will ask him to get it for me. I'll check if they have it at JB tomorrow and if not he will have to order it in.



Yeah, what happened to Julie? She was cool, I've got nothing against the new girl but it's not the same without Julie... And that old lady poet that used to be on all the time but I think she died.



Good luck. When does the auction end? What is the book about? I've got the DAAS Kapital book but I didn't know they had another one.



NAKED Sandman? I am so glad I didn't see that. In fact I probably could have lived without even the thought of it.



I am there... I don't quite know how I will manage it but I will have to come up with something.



Oh, I AM a whinging Aussie. I have been practicing for ages, I just didn't have anyone who cared to listen until now.


That's nice of you to let me keep him... maybe if you're lucky you can have him sometime...



I have a feeling she wasn't interested in coming back... the poet woman was Margaret something... came from Tassie... All I can see in my head of her is saying "Did someone say threesome?" after Paul said " I thought we were supposed to be a threesome" to Mikey and Julie...



The auction ends in less than an hour... It's called Book, and it's short stories written by DAAS...



Trust me, you'll be happy you never saw that... I think it was in the Flacco and Sandman special at the Melbourne Comedy Festival (must've been around 2000)...



We all need to figure out how it's really going to be done, but I'm sure we'll be there for it...



Feel free to practice... Twatty's our resident whiner...


Done. I even told him my embarrassingly stupid reason.


That's cool... my comment is pretty stupid, but screw it... I'm sure he knows me as the girl who said on video that she liked his hair...


Now you have a willing audience. Let it rip.


No doubt you can give her some good tips... :naughty:

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Feel free to practice... Twatty's our resident whiner...


No doubt you can give her some good tips... :naughty:

Indeed. :naughty: Lesson 1: Intention. Do not whine to get pity or attention, the true benefit of whining comes from venting, getting a weight off your chest, and expressing yourself. :thumb_yello:

Edited by SuperTwat
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