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The Australian Thread: Part Eighteen

Rainbow Sky

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Umm, well my Mum hasn't been able to book in a place for lunch on Christmas Day so we'll probably just get some fish and chips or other seafood and then just eat it on the beach or something. That's all I know about so far.

:cheerful_h4h: That's my kind of Chrissie lunch SD ! :thumb_yello:


CD: SD will be on hols. in QLD at that time ... :wink2:


SEN: I don't like the heat much either ... I'm verra happy living in Southern NSW !! :wub2:

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I was in the blog thread... :fisch:

Have fun with Mother shopping. I expect to hear all about your purchases. :cheerful_h4h:


I didn't buy anything. It is my function simply to push the wheelchair, carry the shopping and pay for lunch :bleh:


Hiya Silv !!! Howz you ??!! : huglove:


Thanks for this morning's nose scrunch pic. btw !! :wub2::das:


Thought you might like it :naughty:


Umm, well my Mum hasn't been able to book in a place for lunch on Christmas Day so we'll probably just get some fish and chips or other seafood and then just eat it on the beach or something. That's all I know about so far.


Sounds wonderful to me (apart from the fish bit) - sitting on a beach ....over here you could only do that wearing thermal underwear and padded clothes (and knowing me, probably a sou'wester as well). And the chips would get cold too :thumbdown:

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LOL Oh it sure does get baaaaad here! Im wishing i lived south already, and its only mid december!!! :naughty:


Down here it still feels like winter, or spring at the least. Its all wet and cold still. I miss early summers and want summer weather already


Isn't it just typical, days without the MFC, fretting about not being able to post, and now it's back and working I can't think of anything to say :bleh:


Always the way it works.



And I'm slightly annoyed at either one of my brothers/brothers friends. I am on the lounge computer this morning since I was too tired to turn on the laptop. Our firefox has the whole thing where it opens the tabs that it was on when it was closed and when I opened it this morning all 3 tabs were for pr0n sites.


Now I have nothing against pr0n itself, but I'm annoyed for a number of reasons.


1. It is the lounge room computer. That type of stuff should be kept to the spare room,


2. I do not want to see pr0n first thing in the morning


3. The boys and their friends have been told not to use this computer (or any computer really) for looking at/downloading pr0n.


And as the 13 year old sister is the other person who uses this computer, especially during the day, it is definitely not the computer to look at pr0n on.


I'm thinking it has to be one of the friends, because the brothers all know that firefox opens to the tabs it was on, and would have used different tabs that they closed to look at the stuff...

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And I'm slightly annoyed at either one of my brothers/brothers friends. I am on the lounge computer this morning since I was too tired to turn on the laptop. Our firefox has the whole thing where it opens the tabs that it was on when it was closed and when I opened it this morning all 3 tabs were for pr0n sites.


Now I have nothing against pr0n itself, but I'm annoyed for a number of reasons.


1. It is the lounge room computer. That type of stuff should be kept to the spare room,


2. I do not want to see pr0n first thing in the morning


3. The boys and their friends have been told not to use this computer (or any computer really) for looking at/downloading pr0n.


And as the 13 year old sister is the other person who uses this computer, especially during the day, it is definitely not the computer to look at pr0n on.


I'm thinking it has to be one of the friends, because the brothers all know that firefox opens to the tabs it was on, and would have used different tabs that they closed to look at the stuff...


Why not just block the sites?

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Because blocking the sites doesn't work. There are too many sites and too many ways around the censors.


Besides they should be old enough to know better, not that it means they do of course


Just thrash them all soundly then :naughty:

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Thats the plan, especially since its early and I'm awake (or at least appearing to be awake)


:roftl:I've just realised that sounds like a scenario for a pr0n site itself - schoolboys being whipped :floor:

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We're back! Hooray! :woot_jump:

However, since I can't seem to get through more than two minutes without running to the bathroom to puke, I am going to do the lazy thing and just post what I had just finished writing when the site went down. So this would be it:








:crybaby: Insanity cat just smashed my favourite Homer Simpson glass all over the kitchen floor, I've spent the last half an hour sweeping and vacuuming and going over the floor with wet newspaper. Anyone want a infuriatingly naughty but extremely adorable kitty for Christmas?



In the last 24 hours he has also climbed the Christmas tree, knocking it over in the process five times (and smashing two of my favourite ornaments) :hair:



Originally Posted by zoidy


Oooh! I haven't been listening to the radio, and I still have got my copy yet!

I’ve heard it a few times now. I must go to itunes later & download it. I like it a lot more than I expected to.


Hehehehe! Etsy. I understand that they want to be paid fairly for their work, and that a lot of it is very time consuming hand crafted work with superior materials, but Etsy is out of my price range unfortunately


Does it have to be an owl? And why an owl? (just curious)


Actually, I’m not sure why it had to be an owl. I just saw him and fell in love with him, then I decided that we should both have one but I’m the same as you, Etsy is just too expensive. In any case, I have come to the conclusion that as much as I love Hetty, I am going to have to part with him because I can’t find anything else anywhere near as cool to send her.



I send lots of huggles and love....I know it's easy to say but try not to worry


....I like your thinking (bold)


Thank you :wub2:

I think it's ok now. I was all crampy yesterday which was freaking me out but it seems to have stopped. I just wish some morning sickness or something would kick in ...

I'll probably regret saying that in a few weeks :naughty: *Or less than a week later as it happens.*




Thank you :huglove:

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Same here... I love Ernie... I got Rock and Roll Ernie for my 16th birthday... I really should get some batteries and get him working again...


Though I don't think he plays the guitar very well anymore... Britt (my niece) used to make him play the guitar when she was little instead of letting him play himself..


I've got him too!

I've also got Tickle Me Grover, Tickle Me Cookie Monster... In fact pretty much every 'Tickle Me" except Elmo. I went through a phase about 8 years ago where I bought up just about every Sesame Street and Dr. Seuss toy on Ebay :blush-anim-cl:




I'm sure Mini Mikamite is fine...


But huggles anyway!


I do hope so. If it's anything like it's brother, I am going to be tortured for the next 8 months so I really should just stop worrying and get used to it.


Thank ye... I actually got the little pictures off LJ... the nput them together like that... took ages but I have time ot make siggies like that...



I didn't know if everyone in here would appreciate gratuitous man love...

... I would :fisch:









Oh geez.. how did that slip in there...









I never liked Anthony Morgan....don't know why.

I liked him for about 5 minutes in 1994 when he wasn't drunk... But it did only last 5 minutes. Then I went back to Greg Fleet because he's funny regardless of how drugged up he is :naughty:



And I know it's not Paul... but he came up and couldn't resist... he's adorable... in a cuddly teddy bear way...




I just can't look at him the same way since you said that he's sleazy off stage... Even if it is just a rumour :crybaby:


Grrr.... And now the server appears to be down. Well I'm off to do some Christmas shopping. Hopefully I can post this when I get home.

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herro everyone




Been away - eaten - come back - still can't think of anything to say :no:

:naughty: thats what i do aswell! except i soon realised the dangers of eating everytime i cAnt think what to write, so now i build card towers to pass time :cool:




We're back! Hooray!

However, since I can't seem to get through more than two minutes without running to the bathroom to puke, I am going to do the lazy thing and just post what I had just finished writing when the site went down. So this would be it:




:crybaby: Insanity cat just smashed my favourite Homer Simpson glass all over the kitchen floor, I've spent the last half an hour sweeping and vacuuming and going over the floor with wet newspaper. Anyone want a infuriatingly naughty but extremely adorable kitty for Christmas?



In the last 24 hours he has also climbed the Christmas tree, knocking it over in the process five times (and smashing two of my favourite ornaments)


ill trade you insanity cat for my insanity dog :D

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Hello all! Just a quick visit. Quickly scanned and immediately saw the topic of "Bert & Ernie" and it reminded me of what I caught on tv the other day (unintentionally of course) - but I found it hilarious. Best costumes evah - I want them. You'll especially appreciate this if you were ever a fan of The Sopranos.








Gotta go for now ... homework and arts & crafts are calling..

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I didn't buy anything. It is my function simply to push the wheelchair, carry the shopping and pay for lunch

Sounds like fun. Will you take me shopping? *wink*

Isn't it just typical, days without the MFC, fretting about not being able to post, and now it's back and working I can't think of anything to say
Been away - eaten - come back - still can't think of anything to say

You could've done a song and dance to entertain us.

Down here it still feels like winter, or spring at the least. Its all wet and cold still. I miss early summers and want summer weather already

Nooooo! I like this in between weather. :bleh:

And I'm slightly annoyed at either one of my brothers/brothers friends. I am on the lounge computer this morning since I was too tired to turn on the laptop. Our firefox has the whole thing where it opens the tabs that it was on when it was closed and when I opened it this morning all 3 tabs were for pr0n sites.


Now I have nothing against pr0n itself, but I'm annoyed for a number of reasons.


1. It is the lounge room computer. That type of stuff should be kept to the spare room,


2. I do not want to see pr0n first thing in the morning


3. The boys and their friends have been told not to use this computer (or any computer really) for looking at/downloading pr0n.


And as the 13 year old sister is the other person who uses this computer, especially during the day, it is definitely not the computer to look at pr0n on.


I'm thinking it has to be one of the friends, because the brothers all know that firefox opens to the tabs it was on, and would have used different tabs that they closed to look at the stuff...

:shocked: Little ****s!


Just thrash them all soundly then

:roftl: Filth.

We're back! Hooray!

However, since I can't seem to get through more than two minutes without running to the bathroom to puke, I am going to do the lazy thing and just post what I had just finished writing when the site went down. So this would be it

Ohhh, morning sickness... Horrible stuff.:thumbdown:

I have some bad news. I won't be able to carry out my plan today because one of my friends rang me this morning (of course I was still asleep) and invited me down the street. I couldn't refuse!


Too bad.


(I'm still going to send that text today)

Oh, skill. :sneaky2:

herro everyone

Good afternoon!

Hello all! Just a quick visit. Quickly scanned and immediately saw the topic of "Bert & Ernie" and it reminded me of what I caught on tv the other day (unintentionally of course) - but I found it hilarious. Best costumes evah - I want them. You'll especially appreciate this if you were ever a fan of The Sopranos.






Gotta go for now ... homework and arts & crafts are calling..


Catch you later. *wub2*


She's freaky but i laaaaaihke it.

Shake your bon bon Shake your bon bon Shake your bon bon..


*Shakes my Jon BON jovi* :das::naughty:

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But at least OKD won't have so many posts to catch up with


I would love to see her attempt an MQ though!



I bet MFC has made you an alcoholic.


For sure. But you'd just enjoy it too much.


Oh, that youngen is very naughty.


Blush with excitement.



Of course

Very true


All over!


What can I do to get rid of boredom??


Go for a walk!



I received an email on Friday evening (so roughly Australian Saturday night / Cost Rican midday), telling me to log in to MSN:


Petra!:wub2: You're lucky...I had a couple of lines of Bianca speak when I next logged in that I'm still trying to decipher! Thanks for giving us the update!


*tiptoes in*


*gazes fondly at sleeping Aussies*


Just making sure you are still there


*tiptoes out*



Tanya K. - Perhaps they merged threads. Maybe it looks less tacky that it appears you started the thread rather than the Mrs. Toaster.


I was spending all my time trying to figure out how I managed to stuff up the post! I didn't know that was Mrs. Toaster....I hope she's not upset:naughty:


MFC was half an hour in front yesterday but it was fixed sometime between 3:30pm and 4pm.. You posted just after the clock corrected itself and it messed up posting positions.


I knew you'd know oh great and powerful Melzy!


Do yous like my new siggie???




Okay! I have made a decision.. I'm going to send that text tomorrow at 1pm! No excuses!


Believe it when it happens!


Four sleeps until I go to Queensland.


But your not counting.


I was also wondering the same thing...


Just in case you didn't see Kelzy's reply, it was to do with the MFC clock!



I've just realised that sounds like a scenario for a pr0n site itself - schoolboys being whipped


Where is Kelzy when you need her?


Thank you

I think it's ok now. I was all crampy yesterday which was freaking me out but it seems to have stopped. I just wish some morning sickness or something would kick in ...

I'll probably regret saying that in a few weeks *Or less than a week later as it happens.*


I'm glad you're feeling better and there is nothing wrong with freaking out....be careful what you wish for!



I have some bad news. I won't be able to carry out my plan today because one of my friends rang me this morning (of course I was still asleep) and invited me down the street. I couldn't refuse!


Too bad.


(I'm still going to send that text today)




Hello all! Just a quick visit. Quickly scanned and immediately saw the topic of "Bert & Ernie" and it reminded me of what I caught on tv the other day (unintentionally of course) - but I found it hilarious. Best costumes evah - I want them. You'll especially appreciate this if you were ever a fan of The Sopranos.



Gotta go for now ... homework and arts & crafts are calling..


Hi Suzy :bye:


She's freaky but i laaaaaihke it.


No one is surprised by that statement :naughty:

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I knew you'd know oh great and powerful Melzy!

Well, either that or you have a crush on a certain common kitchen appliance and we need to get the Monkey with the sweets on a stick to bash you around a bit. Could be fun.

Where is Kelzy when you need her?

Mike is taking care of Brothers Becster/Brothers Becsters Friends:thumb_yello:

No one is surprised by that statement

That Mzee likes freaks? Well, she likes you, doesn't she? :naughty:

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Well, either that or you have a crush on a certain common kitchen appliance and we need to get the Monkey with the sweets on a stick to bash you around a bit. Could be fun.


Mike is taking care of Brothers Becster/Brothers Becsters Friends:thumb_yello:


That Mzee likes freaks? Well, she likes you, doesn't she? :naughty:



Mike sure does get around:naughty:

:lmfao: walked right into that one! *huggles Mzee*....don't understand how you could have such a sweet, innocent, lovely daughter!

I best do some work....toodles!

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