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Hello!!!!!! Is anyone here??

I need help.. I have to write an essay about anything.. I would write it about Mika but I've written about him already.. does anyone have a suggestion?


Hi! :bye: Hmm you could write about music in general :biggrin2: or maybe your favorite city...like traveling...or something like that? I'm not too good with coming up with ideas :aah:

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Aw! You're sick? What do you have? I hope you get better soon:huglove:

I'm good... It's been a long day... I stayed home all day...


Hmm I'm not really sure, its like a head cold...I'm not sure what its called :aah: Thanks :huglove:


Ohh, did anything cool happen while you were at home? :D

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Hmm I'm not really sure, its like a head cold...I'm not sure what its called :aah: Thanks :huglove:


Ohh, did anything cool happen while you were at home? :D

Like a headache? or brainfreeze? like when you drink too fast a cold drink and your head hurts a lot...


Oh well.. something happened...its a long sotry... quiete weird too.. do you want to hear it?

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Like a headache? or brainfreeze? like when you drink too fast a cold drink and your head hurts a lot...


Oh well.. something happened...its a long sotry... quiete weird too.. do you want to hear it?


No..I feel sneez-y...I don't know if that made sense x) I had a headache last night though :dunno:


Oh yeah sure, if you want to tell me :wink2:

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No..I feel sneez-y...I don't know if that made sense x) I had a headache last night though :dunno:


Oh yeah sure, if you want to tell me :wink2:


I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning...


OK so here's the story:

I was at home and I got a call form really bad people that wanted to steal from me. A strange woman said my dad was in debt for 18 million pesos (which is a lot!!) and that he had supposedly turned in stolen checks to pay it... the I had to get all the things that were expensive and stuff for somthing I never understood... I was really scared... but it was all a lie

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I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning...


OK so here's the story:

I was at home and I got a call form really bad people that wanted to steal from me. A strange woman said my dad was in debt for 18 million pesos (which is a lot!!) and that he had supposedly turned in stolen checks to pay it... the I had to get all the things that were expensive and stuff for somthing I never understood... I was really scared... but it was all a lie


Thanks :huglove:


Thats really strange :boxed: Seems like it was a scam...maybe they were trying to get money from you or something...Like those emails when they say that "they are in a lot of trouble and would love it if you could send them money"...those emails are weird...did you figure out why they called? :dunno:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello everyone!! :bye: My American friend made a man-doll for me!! and she send it to me, i just love him :wub2: what do you think? She's amazing! :))






Wow! Thats really awesome :biggrin2: I love it :wub2: I tried making one of those dolls things but it was that other one Mika wears...and it didn't come out as good :aah:


Can I join?


Of course :biggrin2: Welcome :D

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Hey, anyone else here participate in the global dance event?

here is my vid, that shows me and my two sisters:


And look what I got:


My sisters and I have them. :biggrin2: They don't know Mika owns one yet though because they would tell that to Mom and my other sister and they would think me mad. :roftl:

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