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How do you feel right now? part 2

Dark Angel

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I wasn't scarred of them until Monday.. :blink:


Had a bad thunderstorm too?


I dont remember being affraid of it as a child... but i think every child has been affraid or it. I became rather fascinated and loved looking at it... was most fascinated by tornados and had (still do) a dream that has to stay that way cos its not possible,... to get up in an F5 tornado and survive :teehee:

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Had a bad thunderstorm too?


I dont remember being affraid of it as a child... but i think every child has been affraid or it. I became rather fascinated and loved looking at it... was most fascinated by tornados and had (still do) a dream that has to stay that way cos its not possible,... to get up in an F5 tornado and survive :teehee:

Yeah, I used to love storms, because they were aggressive, and mean, and I thought they were strong at the heart. :mf_rosetinted:


I have a picture.. It was a small tornadoe Monday, it didn't touch ground, but it really felled like it.. :blink:


I've never been a fraid of storms, but Monday scared me SO badly, I'll post a picture in the minute.. hold on.. :aah:

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I'll explain the whole thing here, hard to explain on twitter.. the 140 limit :teehee:


Okay, I was ya know.. on the MFC and tweeting, then I started hearing thunder.. and they were calling for thunderstorms, but all of a sudden, it started hailing, and it sounded like my windows were about to blow out! so, I quickly closed down my labtop and ran in there with my mom, gatherred all my stuff and went to the basement, while we were down there, it got really quiet.. and then the syrens started going off, and a funnel cloud had been spotted, so, I was freaked out.. :aah: and water started coming IN THE BASEMENT WINDOW! I grabbed my cat.. :teehee: and put her on the pool table, and it was blowing really hard outside, it finally stopped, but there was still tornado warnings in my county, but we went ahead upstairs, we waited about 15 min. and then finally, my dad went outside to see about the damage.. my house is fine, just a few shingles missing, my Dad's barn's roof came off, but that can be fixed, 2 trees were pulled out by the roots, one fell in my neighbor's yard one split on my Dad's barn, and one fell behind my house.. My Kittens are okay.. :pinkbow: we slept with no air condition, which was really hard, and the school bells were really messed up, but otherwise, all good. :original:

that's what happenned. :naughty:

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yeah, there were no injuries reported.. :blink:


it was really strange, people just acted like nothing happenned and some of my friends SLEPT through it.. :blink:


I mean, it was so loud, it could wake a dead person. :lmfao:


just moved there recently?

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just moved there recently?

No, I've lived here my whole entire life. :naughty:


My teacher lived in Kansas 6 years and said the sirens didn't go off any, when she moved to South y, she has experienced like 10 severe thunderstorms/tornadoes. :lmfao:


We have a tropical storm at our coast right now, and that is what is causing all of these storms, I went to a carnivel today and only got to ride one ride because of lightning.. it's thundering now, AND I might be moving to the Coast of South Carolina.. so, it's gonna be EVEN more storms.. :aah:

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No, I've lived here my whole entire life. :naughty:


My teacher lived in Kansas 6 years and said the sirens didn't go off any, when she moved to South y, she has experienced like 10 severe thunderstorms/tornadoes. :lmfao:


We have a tropical storm at our coast right now, and that is what is causing all of these storms, I went to a carnivel today and only got to ride one ride because of lightning.. it's thundering now, AND I might be moving to the Coast of South Carolina.. so, it's gonna be EVEN more storms.. :aah:


Dont remember the last time we had a very big storm in Denmark. Know we had one 12 years time ago cos i couldnt walk aoutsde... the wind made me see a wall very close :roftl:

theres sometimes reports of tornados here but that are very small! We have had an F2 here but i dont remember when

Do you know F it was that you had to deal with?

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