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Lorenzo van Velzen Bottazzi


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Lorenzo van Velzen Bottazzi ...

A freerunner/dancer that deserves his own thread :mf_rosetinted:



Curious what this guy is up to in his daily life? Check this vid!



Born 21-06-1990 in Italy.

He entered twice in the dance-program "So You Think You Can Dance" (Belgium/The Netherlands).

In 2009 he was the favourite, but got seriously injured in the first liveshow. Doctors said he could never dance again..

But a year later he was back, and how! In 2010 he was the runner up. He did some very nice dances!


One of the best dances of the entire show was done by him & Natascha.



And his first solo in the shows, where he had to get something out of his system .. bastard :naughty:



And now ..

He has his own style called Extremotion and he's working on sharing (his) passion with the world through his dancing ...




To end ... a blog about him, with a little history, written in a very nice way.

Happy reading! :biggrin2:


Set of Wings Official Hero; Lorenzo Botazzi

Posted on 26/10/2010 by Sandra da Luz - http://www.setofwings.com/blog/?p=83


Imagine this… There you are , a soon-2-be-mommy lovingly rubbin’ your tummy-full-of-baby, as this insane creature is just jumping and free-running around, wrecking your uterus… Poor woman…


Let me introduce to you; Lorenzo Botazzi… Free-runner, dancer, extreme-mover < that’s like moving, on LSD, but without the LSD…> He will jump on anything, off anything, up against anything… Tables, chairs, walls, staircases… pff.. is it an object ? Yes ? Lorenzo will do something to it, with it, or on it, no matter the height, no matter how humanly impossible, or just simply impossible, the task may be… He’ll do it… he’s like a walking NIKE-representative… Just do it… well… ( a lil’ LL Cool J, oldschool 4 my lovin’the 90’s-readers, holla ! )


We got to know our Italian daredevil in the second season of SYTYCD, where he quickly became one of the favourites and landed his free-running butt in the Liveshows. His inspiration is an endless one, as the source for his inspiration comes from everything around him; people, situations, and life-experiences. But also shapes found in nature, and achitecture triggers a translation to his style of dance. Its refreshing to see how he can entertain a viewer, with the magic use of creativity, as you just drift away to a world that looks a lot like the Coca-Cola commercial, with those silly creatures inside of the vending-machine ( cause we all know that the creator of that commercial was smoking sum’tin right ? Or at least should’ve attended his AA-meeting that day…Open happines… yeah right ! ), Lorenzo just makes you happy while watching him bouncing around… ( just like the Coke-commercial !)


Dance is more than just a few dancesteps, danced in a certain order…Without the passion, you’re just walking. Lorenzo makes you go trough it, as if you where the one performing it ( imagine yourself crawling up the ceiling, like Homer Simpsons SpiderPig ). He makes you believe every step ( preach, pastor, preach ! ) and invites you in. Every hero has his own heroes, and Lorenzo is no exception… Just to name a few: Daniel Illabaca, Quest Crew, the insane-but-magical Cirque du Soleil and last but Never(land) least, The King of Pop.


And so our Italian stud succesfully matches a few dancestyles, which he combines with extreme sport-techniques, and then remixes it all with lots of passion, love, powerbars, and energy-drinks ( no seriously ! ). The birth of a new style is born, and as a true loving father of his creation, he named it; Extremotion ( I think it’s a boy ).


In the unsoft world of the dance-industry, where unique-ness and ‘being different’ share a first place, Lorenzo found a spot ( somewhere right in front ) to crash the dancefloor with his dynamic, surprising and adrenaline-pumping way of dancing. The adrenaline however turned into kryptonite, as gravity decided to punish him for falling in love with fellow-female-contestant-and-partner Ona (I’m not hating!) , during their first dance of the first liveshow- last season- as he ripped his knee-ligaments. So many female (and male )-hearts broke into many pieces, when hearing the news that he and Ona were an item, and ofcourse the news that Lorenzo would not return to the liveshows due to the heavyness of the injury… and yes, in that sequence.


And so ‘the dark hours-alarm’ went off for our movement-junky… as the doctors ordered that dancing was out of the question ! Insecurity in a cellblock where the walls are made of shock and despair, made him hit rockbottom, as his addiction and the definition of him, himself and he, were rudely taken away from him.. Dance was nothing more but a memory, and he was forced into rehab…


But he said no no no…


In stead of picking a corner in his cellblock with his busted knee, crying and counting the loss of his blessings, he traveled in order to find help, finding doctors and specialists tributing to his dream to dance again, and bring him back to the place where he belongs.. On TOP ! Treatments such as electro-shock-therapie, massages (I would bust my knees for one of those ), aquajogging, physical therapy and lots of love from family and friends, kept his endless love for movement out of a coma.


And so… guess who walked in with Ona ( still together, still not hating ! ) as he auditioned ( and/or murdered his competition, whichever you prefer ), for SYTYCD season 3 … No, not Spiderman…


Eye of the Tiger- Lorenzo ( cause this story is soooo ROCKY )


So …Don’t call it a come-back… call it a Welcome back.


Now…Imagine this being your son, 20 years after the tummy-rubbin ? You lucky woman, you !


If you want to know/see more, just ask :wink2:

And last but not least ... have fun!!


If you want to follow him directly, check out:

His (future) website - Twitter - Youtube



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Welcome! :biggrin2:


And you bad girl! :aah: It's Tuesday already! :shocked:

But you have seen his performance already, no? You really should, just click the link in my sig, easy .. :bleh:

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Welcome! :biggrin2:


And you bad girl! :aah: It's Tuesday already! :shocked:

But you have seen his performance already, no? You really should, just click the link in my sig, easy .. :bleh:


i was plannning on watching it saturday, because during the week i have no time, show's a bit too long :aah:

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i was plannning on watching it saturday, because during the week i have no time, show's a bit too long :aah:


You can do that .. but you can already watch his performance you know.. it's not that long :aah:


This is a vid about the whole thing, also the intro etc. Love when he runs up the wall :teehee: And witht he crying at the end :teehee::wub2:





(just read the comments, they weren't there yesterday .. some people :no::aah:)

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You can do that .. but you can already watch his performance you know.. it's not that long :aah:


This is a vid about the whole thing, also the intro etc. Love when he runs up the wall :teehee: And witht he crying at the end :teehee::wub2:





(just read the comments, they weren't there yesterday .. some people :no::aah:)


:teehee: wish i could watch, ... but... well... still same freaking notebook :aah::aah::aah:

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It's scary, it really is! And the great thing is that I don't see any fear in him whatsoever! Weird! :aah:


The stairs-thing already scares me when I only think about it :blush-anim-cl::aah:


I always admire people like that, who can do things without fear .. And even when they fall or get hurt they just go on .. I used to be like that.. not anymore, it hurts too much :aah::teehee:


(with the horses you know .. I was always ready to ride on every horse, even the uh .. not-so-normal ones .. :aah: I didn't care, I knew I could do it ... But then that started to go wrong and well, at the moment I don't ride at all anymore :boxed: Not only because I'm scared to get hurt again, but because my body isn't 100% ok, so that's not an advantage :aah: ).

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:teehee: wish i could watch, ... but... well... still same freaking notebook :aah::aah::aah:


Oh yes .. true .. that was you :aah: Sowwy :teehee:


I'll have to wait untill Saturday then to find out what you think about it :roftl:

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Oh really? Nice! I'm gonna check that out yes, thanks.


But sneakily I'm hoping to catch him somewhere sometime while doing his other stuff :teehee::aah:


Yes, over here:




maybe we can go together! :boing: Shame it's only one day though! Doesn't really leave much options:sneaky2:

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