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SWATCH Signing Session in Geneva, Switzerland -- 22 June 2016 -- 17h30 - 18h30


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Mika to hold a signing session in Geneva to launch his brand new Swatch!



Swatch Store

Rue du Marché 40

1204 Geneva


Time: 17h30 - 18h30

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/199450077116534/



MUMU Goes Live on Tour and in Stores
Reinforcing their ongoing partnership, Swatch and Mika have released a brand new Swatch Art Special: MUMU-CUCURRUCUCU (SUOZ210).
This brilliant New Gent, features a luxuriously engraved dial with bright, inspired designs on the front and back of the silicone strap.
See the concert, get your MUMU watch and come meet Mika for a Swatch Signing Session.

Geneva 22.06 17h30 - 18h30

Brussels 23.06 6-7 PM (  SWATCH Signing Session in Brussels, Belgium -- 23 June 2016 -- 6-7 PM


For up-to-date event information, stay tuned on Facebook.






Are you going? RSVP here:

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I contacted the Swatch, and they told me that:


"la séance de dédicaces aura lieu dans notre Swatch Store Genève Rue du Marché 40, de 17h30 à 18h30"

(the signing session will be at Swatch store on Rue du Marché 40, at 17h30 unti 18h30)

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Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter la #Swatch Art Special MUMU-CUCURRUCUCU (SUOZ210), la montre née de la dernière collaboration Swatch avec l'artiste MIKA. swat.ch/MUMU_fr_ch

A cette occasion, MIKA sera présent dans notre Swatch Store, Genève Rue du Marché 40, pour une séance de dédicaces.

Rendez-vous le mercredi 22 juin de 17h30 à 18h30 pour une rencontre exclusive avec l’artiste.

#swatchlovesart #mika


Es ist soweit, das brandneue #Swatch Art Special, MUMU-CUCURRUCUCU (SUOZ210) von Mika ist da. Die Uhr ist durch die neuste Swatch Partnerschaft mit dem Musiker MIKA entstanden. swat.ch/MUMU_de_ch

Triff Mika zu diesem Anlass exklusiv im Swatch Store Genf zu einer Autogrammstunde.

Wann : Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2016 von 17.30 – 18.30 Uhr im Swatch Store Genf, Rue du Marché 40.



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I mentioned this somewhere else, but is there any chance that someone could give this video (on USB or DVD) to Mika? It's from his fans and we were hoping to give it at the Palladium gig but that didn't work :/


Someone please? 


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Chers fans de Mika et amis de Swatch,

Les places pour la séance de dédicaces de Mika au Swatch Store de Genève sont limitées. C’est pourquoi nous vous remercions de confirmer votre présence en envoyant un email contenant votre nom, votre prénom et votre date de naissance à l’adresse clubswitzerland@swatch.com.

ATTENTION : les places seront attribuées par ordre d’arrivée des emails de confirmation, premier arrivé, premier servi ! Seuls les participants confirmés par email pourront accéder à la session.

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Hi! I just came back at home from Geneva. It was a looooong long day but what a wonderful moment!

I don't speak with Mika since 2 May 2014 and I was a little bit nervous about the fact to speak with him again lol I had so much to say and not enough time... That's why I gave him a letter but I spoke a little bit with him as well.

I was the first to see him because no one wanted to be the first lol

Here's the convesation :

Me : Hi, it's been a while!

Mika : Hi, how are you? ... it's complicated to translate because in French you means TU and Vous (tu is for friends, or people we know, VOUS is for a polite conversation, someone we don't know so I asked him why he said vous? I said "I'm not 50 years old ! :naughty:"

Then he laughed.

Me : Did you have the gift that we gave to Popof at Bercy?

Mika : which gift?

Me : Wait, I have photos... There were a bottle of wine, books, ...

Mika : Yes, i have it! There were a bread too?

Me : Yes but I think it was a tough bread

Mika : Yes it was haha

Me : Will you ever share the pic of our Merci from Grenoble or do you want to keep it fo you?

Mika : Nooooo I want to keep it for me. :sneaky2:

Me : Oooh that's not cool !

Then he sign my watch box and asked me if my name was Virginie and I said "yeah! You have a good memory!

Then I asked him if I could have a photo with me, he said yes and I leave. I said "see you soon!" , he said the same with a big smile but the fact is i don't know when will I see him again :naughty:

It was fast but I'm really happy to have met him again after all this time and he was so nice! He remembers me, he remembers my name, i couldn't ask for more ! All was perfect !

I'll share my pics tomorrow ! I really need to sleep

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Hi! I just came back at home from Geneva. It was a looooong long day but what a wonderful moment!

I don't speak with Mika since 2 May 2014 and I was a little bit nervous about the fact to speak with him again lol I had so much to say and not enough time... That's why I gave him a letter but I spoke a little bit with him as well.

I was the first to see him because no one wanted to be the first lol

Here's the convesation :

Me : Hi, it's been a while!

Mika : Hi, how are you? ... it's complicated to translate because in French you means TU and Vous (tu is for friends, or people we know, VOUS is for a polite conversation, someone we don't know so I asked him why he said vous? I said "I'm not 50 years old ! :naughty:"

Then he laughed.

Me : Did you have the gift that we gave to Popof at Bercy?

Mika : which gift?

Me : Wait, I have photos... There were a bottle of wine, books, ...

Mika : Yes, i have it! There were a bread too?

Me : Yes but I think it was a tough bread

Mika : Yes it was haha

Me : Will you ever share the pic of our Merci from Grenoble or do you want to keep it fo you?

Mika : Nooooo I want to keep it for me. :sneaky2:

Me : Oooh that's not cool !


Then he sign my watch box and asked me if my name was Virginie and I said "yeah! You have a good memory!


Then I asked him if I could have a photo with me, he said yes and I leave. I said "see you soon!" , he said the same with a big smile but the fact is i don't know when will I see him again :naughty:

It was fast but I'm really happy to have met him again after all this time and he was so nice! He remembers me, he remembers my name, i couldn't ask for more ! All was perfect !

I'll share my pics tomorrow ! I really need to sleep


:fangurl: Wow ! Thanks a lot for posting your fabulous experience !!


He has a retentive memory.  :thumb_yello:

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La visite éclair de Mika attire la foule Rue du Marché



Ce mercredi, vers 18H30, le chanteur s'est plié au jeu des dédicaces pour le lancement de la montre qu'il a pensée pour Swatch.


Mika a attiré la foule mercredi en fin d'après-midi à Genève. Dès 16h30, ses fans l'attendaient patiemment rue du Marché, où le chanteur americano-libanais était attendu pour dédicacer la montre qu'il a dessinée pour Swatch. Pour renforcer son partenariat avec la grande marque, le chanteur n'a pas hésité à prendre le crayon.


Une visite éclair de la star qui n'est pourtant pas passée inaperçue. Mais seuls quelques clients ont pu assister à cet évènement privé. Arrivé vers 18h30, il est reparti une heure plus tard, tout sourire et signant volontiers plusieurs autographes.



(Créé: 22.06.2016, 22h00)




Edited by Kumazzz
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Hi! I just came back at home from Geneva. It was a looooong long day but what a wonderful moment!

I don't speak with Mika since 2 May 2014 and I was a little bit nervous about the fact to speak with him again lol I had so much to say and not enough time... That's why I gave him a letter but I spoke a little bit with him as well.

I was the first to see him because no one wanted to be the first lol

Here's the convesation :

Me : Hi, it's been a while!

Mika : Hi, how are you? ... it's complicated to translate because in French you means TU and Vous (tu is for friends, or people we know, VOUS is for a polite conversation, someone we don't know so I asked him why he said vous? I said "I'm not 50 years old ! :naughty:"

Then he laughed.

Me : Did you have the gift that we gave to Popof at Bercy?

Mika : which gift?

Me : Wait, I have photos... There were a bottle of wine, books, ...

Mika : Yes, i have it! There were a bread too?

Me : Yes but I think it was a tough bread

Mika : Yes it was haha

Me : Will you ever share the pic of our Merci from Grenoble or do you want to keep it fo you?

Mika : Nooooo I want to keep it for me. :sneaky2:

Me : Oooh that's not cool !

Then he sign my watch box and asked me if my name was Virginie and I said "yeah! You have a good memory!

Then I asked him if I could have a photo with me, he said yes and I leave. I said "see you soon!" , he said the same with a big smile but the fact is i don't know when will I see him again :naughty:

It was fast but I'm really happy to have met him again after all this time and he was so nice! He remembers me, he remembers my name, i couldn't ask for more ! All was perfect !

I'll share my pics tomorrow ! I really need to sleep


What a wonderful experience for you :thumb_yello:

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