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mercurygirl, here is the the definition of a cult film:


A cult film is a movie that attracts a small but devoted group of obsessive fans or one that has remained popular over successive years amongst a small group of followers. Often the film failed to achieve mainstream success on its original release, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the audience response to a cult film is somewhat different to what was intended by the filmmakers, although usually a film that becomes "cult" started out with unusual elements or subject matter.

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mercurygirl, here is the the definition of a cult film:


A cult film is a movie that attracts a small but devoted group of obsessive fans or one that has remained popular over successive years amongst a small group of followers. Often the film failed to achieve mainstream success on its original release, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the audience response to a cult film is somewhat different to what was intended by the filmmakers, although usually a film that becomes "cult" started out with unusual elements or subject matter.


*cringing*Ah, my bad:blush-anim-cl: sorry. I got the wrong end of that stick. thought you were meaning it was like a regular cult. Sori madilambi........

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Mini would be right - seeing as it was just me....:blush-anim-cl:


HAHAHAHA...its all good, we all feel strongly about certain things



*hangs head in shame* Yeah....I didn't mean to. Everything just goes awry when you're gone...


No, no, no...its not me....ITS UR PROBLEM...what did I tell you about mixing booze with posting!



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Did anyone go to the freddie tribute ???





Wish I had! I saw it on TV the day before the exam to get in the University (I did pass though:biggrin2: ), I told myself I'd tape it so I won't miss it and study in the meantime, but just couldn't stop tinking it was on while I was studying Latin!!!! Did you go? (if you say yes, you'll be amongst the people I envy most - in a good kindda way, of course, hehe:wink2: ). What do you think of the performances?


BTW, thanks a lot for the link, it's always good to remember such great moments.

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Yeah, I think so anyway. It's just one of those cult films that I think gets too big a deal made out of it.


But that's just my opinion..

Haha, that could be the case! I just love the music and stuff.

It confused the heck out of me when I frist watched it, though.

Just like Tommy,but I don't like Tommy..at all!




I didn't go to the tribute concert, I WISH. But my parents taped it off the tv,so I watch it all the time.

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My parents were never into popular music. They listened to mostly Christian music and they played kiddie records for me and my sibs when I was little. So all the music I like now I found out by myself...and have thus introduced that music to my mom, etc...lol!

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