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Mika on Oprah?

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I was actually thinking about this too the other day when I was watching Oprah! And that's so right about the whole crazy background thing-- I'm sure if that tidbit of information (regarding how he was born in Lebanon, had to move because of the Gulf War, his dad's fiasco, etc.) was brought to her attention he'd be flown over to Chicago immediately :bleh:


You know what'd be the awesomest? If Oprah filmed the Mika show in one of those giant concert halls-- you know, like what she did in the Kodak Theatre after the Oscars. Then everybody from the MFC could come :wink2:

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OMG THAT WOULD BE THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER!!!!! i never really liked oprah but if she did that i would love her forever!!!!! ekkkk!! we have to do that!! i would definitely try to go (if she films close to LA i HOPE so!!!!)

great idea u guys!

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maybe he can go on Ellen tooo!!!!!omg that would be so coooll!!! we should send her a letter cuz i mean she has random people on the show who arent famous ya know!!!!????


YES! That'd be amazing!

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uuuhhhh how bout both u guys!!???? duuhh!!!! i would like ellen better tho. shes funner!!!!! she rocks and it would be so greaatt!!!!!


I like Oprah for all of the serious topics and she's a great interviewer, but Ellen seems to get more into the interviews and asks more questions that the fans want to know, other than just the trivial, "I've heard it a million times" questions.


Plus she dances. Which is great. :biggrin2:

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I like Oprah for all of the serious topics and she's a great interviewer, but Ellen seems to get more into the interviews and asks more questions that the fans want to know, other than just the trivial, "I've heard it a million times" questions.


Plus she dances. Which is great. :biggrin2:


OMIGOSH can't you just imagine Mika coming onstage and dancing to the music with Ellen? SO GREAT! Loving this image in my head. It would be the best show ever!

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I think we should all try to send one individually! Strength in numbers, you know.


I'm filling out the "Email Ellen" page right now. When I was putting in my phone number and stuff I just thought about how completely AWESOME it would be if they called me or something and invited me to the show to see him..or meet him..or whatever. :thumb_yello: It would certainly be amazing if that happened..

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I think we should all try to send one individually! Strength in numbers, you know.


I'm filling out the "Email Ellen" page right now. When I was putting in my phone number and stuff I just thought about how completely AWESOME it would be if they called me or something and invited me to the show to see him..or meet him..or whatever. :thumb_yello: It would certainly be amazing if that happened..



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Guys, guys - Great Great idea to get our boy on both Oprah and Ellen!!! If he gets on Oprah he will FOR Sure be famous EVERYWHERE!!! And if you want La Grand Dame to consider him for her show you have to emphasize the right stuff. Play up the difficult childhood, the bullying, the evacuation from Lebanon due to civil war, the dyslexia, the rejections from the record companies.... etc. Oprah LOVES rags to riches stories! She is an advocate for the underdog. She herself survived a horribly (sexually) abusive childhood and teenage years only to become the amazing success that she is today. (She's a billionaire, but her real success is the amazing charities, foundations, schools and other projects to help the underpriveledged and impoverished worldwide. This woman must have the biggest heart known to Man/Womankind. She is a person who respects and in turn is respected. I think she would find Mika impressive and defintely worthy of respect.

Now: Ellen's Show - WHAT A HOOT THAT WOULD BE!!! Yes, I too have that image of the two of them boogying together onstage and in the audience! I can actually imagine it turning into a big masquerade party where Mika and the band would be wearing their Teddy Bear Picnic attire and asking audience members to dance. Lots of confetti! Lots of balloons, sparkle and glitter! Contest for best costume: winner gets 2 Mika tickets, show of their choice, free airfair, hotel and - get this - dinner with the band! Do I know how to PARTAY????????????

SO??????????? Whaddya think???????? :biggrin2::roftl::naughty:

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Guys, guys - Great Great idea to get our boy on both Oprah and Ellen!!! If he gets on Oprah he will FOR Sure be famous EVERYWHERE!!! And if you want La Grand Dame to consider him for her show you have to emphasize the right stuff. Play up the difficult childhood, the bullying, the evacuation from Lebanon due to civil war, the dyslexia, the rejections from the record companies.... etc. Oprah LOVES rags to riches stories! She is an advocate for the underdog. She herself survived a horribly (sexually) abusive childhood and teenage years only to become the amazing success that she is today. (She's a billionaire, but her real success is the amazing charities, foundations, schools and other projects to help the underpriveledged and impoverished worldwide. This woman must have the biggest heart known to Man/Womankind. She is a person who respects and in turn is respected. I think she would find Mika impressive and defintely worthy of respect.

Now: Ellen's Show - WHAT A HOOT THAT WOULD BE!!! Yes, I too have that image of the two of them boogying together onstage and in the audience! I can actually imagine it turning into a big masquerade party where Mika and the band would be wearing their Teddy Bear Picnic attire and asking audience members to dance. Lots of confetti! Lots of balloons, sparkle and glitter! Contest for best costume: winner gets 2 Mika tickets, show of their choice, free airfair, hotel and - get this - dinner with the band! Do I know how to PARTAY????????????

SO??????????? Whaddya think???????? :biggrin2::roftl::naughty:


oooooo on ellen that would be AMAZING!!! a huge amazing insane masquerade ball type show!!! <3333 i hope he goes on!!! eek and i would be in the wudience i hope!!!! <3333 I think Ellen would definately like him and think hes so fun and great!!!!

that would be an amazing competition and the US hasnt had a competition yet!!! eeekkk!!! aaarrrgghhh that would be so cool and well i would win....hehe just kidding........kinda......

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