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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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Its what you've been writing silly! haha


It's a story that fans write about meeting their favorite artist. Basically it's fantasizing...


not even just meeting their fave artist, it can be like their own take on a tv show or like using characters from a book and writing yor own stories about them, basically, you take characters and people from something, and you write them into a story the way you want it to happen

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Hello everyone! I might take a bit of a break from writing today :)... perhaps tomorrow I'll post part 6!


Oh and I should tell you guys that soon life's going to get pretty busy for me... Mondays and Wednesdays I'm going to be taking a fashion course at Columbia college downtown... so i'll be commuting practically the whole day lol... and well I'm planning on getting a part time job. Plus I have some book reports to do... for my summer reading :o... and countless other stuff to do!




but don't worry I'm still going to write... it's too much fun to stop now!




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Hello everyone! I might take a bit of a break from writing today :)... perhaps tomorrow I'll post part 6!


Oh and I should tell you guys that soon life's going to get pretty busy for me... Mondays and Wednesdays I'm going to be taking a fashion course at Columbia college downtown... so i'll be commuting practically the whole day lol... and well I'm planning on getting a part time job. Plus I have some book reports to do... for my summer reading :o... and countless other stuff to do!




but don't worry I'm still going to write... it's too much fun to stop now!





Awww man......:-(


Well good luck with the job and fashion college thing and just know I love your story:thumb_yello:

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sorry its been a while people, too many birthdays in june! *cough* mine today*cough*

anyway thought i would give you people a gift and post the next one soon


BonjourMika1990, WOW I think I did cry! God + new life + stomach.......child?!?! cant wait for the next one!


Dangerous Kat, where is part 8?!?

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Thanks guys! grr writers block...what to write...what to write :doh:

Be finished soon! post as soon as its finished!


Chicken! hahahaha


I'm such a sicko haha. I can't wait to read it!

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ok ok its not that good as i said i had writers block


Next thing i know i wake up once again in his arms! He watches me as my eyes open.

“hey” i said still half asleep

he winks at me

“whats that look for?” I asked him

“you know what we were saying about kids?” he said

“yes?!?” I said suspecting something was up “dont tell me, youve got a wife and 2 kids, a lover and im the girl you met on the way to mexico” I joke

his nose crinkles in a sweet smile “not quite” he said as he put his hand on my stomach

“would it be so bad if...well..we?!?” he tried to say it but by then I already knew

“um, I dont know mika I mean......” I say

“have you noticed the great thing about our relationship is we dont always need to finish our sentinces...” I say

“because we already know what the other is going to say?!?”

We both laugh


mika looks at me his hand still on my stomach, looks at me as if he was expecting me to answer right then in there

“it might happen enventually” I say “I mean we sort of ran out of..” we hear the wind blow past “days ago”

Thats good then, he said and i looked at him as if I felt i had insulted him in some way

“sorry mika, was there something wrong in what i said?” i ask

“nothing” he said and gave me a kiss

I walk to the beach, and take a walk by myself, it was a time of reflection, a time to think about what mika had asked me. All of a sudden i come across mikas watch, somehow it was still working, i desided to bring it back to camp. I take it back to camp and mika is carrying something from the other side of the island, its a book OH NO its my diary

“i have something for you” we both said at the same time

“you go first” he said

“I have your watch, it survived!!” I said exitedly

“does that say the 24th” he said

“yea it does why?” i ask

“oh nothing just something i read somewhere” he said “oh which reminds me i found your diary”

“and what use would my diary be on an island?” I asked him a bit upset at realising he had read my diary

anyway come here, we need to work on the hut again

I follow him believing this is exactly what we were going to do

we get outside the hut and he says “close your eyes” so i do

He leads me inside the hut, and locked the door

“take the blindfold off” he said

“yes boss!” i said jokingly as i did so

“WOW” i said as i survaied his work, the hut was no longer a one room shack but was more like a hut vilage, a room for everything,

“well...take a look around” he said

“i look at a room full of books selvaged from the crash. A room with our food and a fire in the middle, and all of a sudden i got to a room, with nothing, nothing but a childs bed, and soft toys he had found on board, all sporting war injuries from the crash, one bear had only one eye, the other had no legs but they were cuddly all the same, all had been no doubt loved by their late owners! I was both pressured and humbled by this gesture! Then i thought with nothing on this island to find out who knows it might even be on its way! Maybe mika knew that?!? naa how could he know if i dont even know myself?!? then I a thought pops into my mind! How long have we been here?!? i look at mikas watch which is conveniently hanging in the straw, its been weeks not days since we crashed and if we ran out 3 sunsets after the crash.....then its been 3 weeks,

I do the maths in my head, my mind goes crazy, different emotions rush though my head, fear, joy, pressure, my mind i question everything i have ever believed in and ever stood for! Confusion filled my mind and i collapse in a heap on the floor and start to cry! Mika comes running to my side

“what is it?!?” he asked me, thinking it could be something he had done or said “was it me?!?'

“no...well not really” I try to explain “mika...you see....ive never been good at math or anything....but....well......help me figure this out

we sit together on the floor, doing math, which we both totally suck at and it takes us through to sunset “by the way baby i have a birthday present for you!” he said

“what?” i asked

“youll see, im sure youll like it, we'll try things you never heard of” he replied and leaned in and kissed me softly and passionately at the same time, a sort of im there for you but I want you kind of kiss.........................................................


what do you think.......damn writers block!

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no more right now! for real writers block!

I cant think of what to write right now!

soon though for sure


Yes please make it soon because your stories have become my life sadly haha

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Hmm...I don't know what to write next...well I do but I don't know how to write it. This is going to take a while...


EDIT: Great, someone just ruined my writing spirit so I don't feel like writing at all right now (it wasn't anyone from here don't worry). Well part 8 will be out tomorrow then.... *sigh*

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Here is my Part Six The Rain Came




The yacht is still progressing towards us. I still cannot see Mika anywhere.

“Mika,” I shout. “The rescuers have come for us. Where are you?”

A voice behind me whispers, “I wasn’t far away. Nature called and I had to find a place to relief myself.”

Oh, I think. A cheeky smile on my face.

A man gets out the yacht and calls out, “hello!”

He has to shout to us above the noise of the engine.

Mika and I walk hand in hand.

I then try to scramble up the big step onto the yacht, and am finding it very difficult.

“Hey, you need a hand?”

And before I can say anything, Mika lifts me up.

He placed me on one of the seats on the boat, then came and sat beside me.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” I look up, and above me I see huge rain clouds gathering in the sky.

“This doesn’t look good.” I am still wearing that coconut shell bra. I don’t say anything to Mika but it is beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable.

We begin our journey away from the desert. I’ll have to make do with it for now. That pretty lace bra was so dirtied up with sand I decided to leave it behind.

The first spots of rain begin to fall.

“Wow, here it comes, we’re gonna get soaked!”

I reply, “I know. Is there anywhere we can go, maybe below deck?”

“I’ll ask the captain.” Mika does so.

The captain advises us to go to the galley and shows us the directions.

Down some big steps again. “Mika, can you help again please?”

“Yeah, hold on.” He helps me down the big steps.

We can both smell food cooking. I am beginning to feel hungry.

“I need to eat,” I say.

“Me too.”

In the galley there were three chefs at a stove cooking what looked like a fish dish.

Mika and I observed the chefs as they worked.

The sky outside was very grey and the sea was getting rough.

Mika could see me looking at the activities outside.

“You don’t get seasick do you?”

“No, I’m just starving hungry at the moment.”

One of the chefs heard me say that. He turned and smiled.

“Are you both in need of some lunch?”

When the dinner was cooked we sat down and tucked in.

“Mmm, this tastes fabulous.”

Then suddenly a massive flash of lightning bounced off the sky and hit the water at great speed. This was followed by a loud clap of thunder. The sea protested underneath us. This sent the yacht rocking vigorously from side to side, and I though it would capsize.

I scream. “Aaaagh! Oh my God.”

“Wow!! This is not looking good,” Mika yells.

We lose our appetites completely.

“What are we going to do?” I panic.

“Calm down babe, panicking is the worst thing you can do in a situation like this.”

Mika puts his arm round me. We cuddle up together.

Another flash of lightning. Then a loud rumble of thunder.

The boat rocks again. The galley lights flicker then go out completely.

“The lights have gone out now, what next?”

Mika has an idea. “Let’s sing. It may take our mind off things.”

(Starts singing Grace Kelly)

I sing with Mika. Then the chefs who are still in the galley start singing too.

Then we sing Love Today.

We forget about the storm and the lights having gone out and form our own karaoke on a yacht.

next piece. Carrying on from last time.


We are away from the desert island and are still travelling on the yacht (Mika and I were both rescued). There had been a massive storm. We are almost through the worst of it now. The rain outside was slowing down. I breathe a sigh of relief. “Phew, thank God for that. I really thought we were going to land ourselves in real danger.” Mika looks at me feeling relieved. “Yeah I was real worried too. At least our karaoke took our minds off things.” The lunch that was served us was not eaten. There was too much to distract us. The chefs came to our tables and took our plates away. “Would you guys like a drink?” Mika ordered a beer and I an orange juice. The lights in the galley came back on again. “Wow, we have light,” I said. Mika laughed. “Oh you are funny, it’s the way you say things. It’s real cool.” He put his arm around me. “Are you sure you are alright after that real fright we had?”

I smile sweetly at him, “Yes I am thanks.” The chefs bring our drinks. “There we go chaps.” Mika and I drink our drinks and talk quietly. The yacht is travelling over a calm sea at long last. The captain tells a member of the crew to go down to the galley and tell us that we will hopefully be in England within an hour’s time. Clare asks Mika where he will be going? He says, “I have to be in Scotland for a gig tonight.” Clare looks at her watch. It is 5:30 pm. “Oh no, when does it start? You are going to be in such a rush.” Mika smiles and says, “I know, it’s something I am used to.” He appeared to be calm about the whole situation. Clare thought to herself, I couldn’t do that. “In fact”, Mika searched in his pockets. “I would like you to come with me.” Clare nearly jumped off her chair. “What?” The chefs were clearing up the tables and at the sight of Clare leaping almost off the chair and shouting like this they stared at her in amazement. Mika pulled out a ticket. “You are welcome to come to the gig tonight. Here you go.” Clare went crazy, jumping up and down, yelling with joy. She flung her arms around Mika. “Thank you, oh thank you.” She kissed him. “Oh Mika, I don’t know what to say.” The chefs were laughing. “Hey chaps what’s up?” They came racing over to our table. “I’m going to Mika’s concert tonight. He’s just asked me and given me a ticket. I am so pleased.” The chefs were pleased for Clare. “Finished your drinks chaps?” Clare nodded her head. She couldn’t believe that she was going to Mika’s concert. After all this waiting and she was finally going. She just couldn’t believe her luck. They disembarked the yacht after a little while and were on their way to Scotland within ten minutes. The quickest way was by plane.

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Okay so i decided to have a go at these stories :biggrin2:




Waking up to the warm sun, that was currently drying her falling tears, Tamar couldn't help but think she was there or a reason. Thoughts lingered in her mind like the bad smell drifing round the air from the bodies surrounding her. Lifeless beings were scatterned across the beach and through shock she was frozen to the spot. When the full impact of where she was finally hit, the tears flooded down her cheeks. A deserted island in the middle of nowhere was no place for a 17 year old, especially when she was alone. Her legs ached and she was still in shock but she managed to haul herself up with the help of a branch off a nearby tree. The view, she saw to the left, was the same for miles down the shore but to her right the amount of bodies decreased. She tried not to look at them as she set off down the beach but her eyes wouldn't let her. It was as if she was being forced to look at them as punishment for all she had done. Averting her eyes quickly she tried to erase the image of a bloodstained baby faced down in the sand. it stuck in her mind, tormenting her until her legs buckled and she sobbed weakly into the bark of a tree. Then.. a noise...an intake of breath...a man...alive...

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can't wait for your story BoujourMika1990!


Nice debut Curly! I didn't remembered your first part(s?) Claire sorry...


And Happy Birthday Rosina! I just imagine the rest of your story... Maybe you'll want to be rescued before nine months don't you think...

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