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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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can't wait for your story BoujourMika1990!


Nice debut Curly! I didn't remembered your first part(s?) Claire sorry...


And Happy Birthday Rosina! I just imagine the rest of your story... Maybe you'll want to be rescued before nine months don't you think...


Thank you!


you'll see! and no, im sure you cant quite imagine exactly whats going to happen! its never going to be that simple!


BonjourMika1990 haha i just noticed your signature!

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Okay so i decided to have a go at these stories :biggrin2:




Waking up to the warm sun, that was currently drying her falling tears, Tamar couldn't help but think she was there or a reason. Thoughts lingered in her mind like the bad smell drifing round the air from the bodies surrounding her. Lifeless beings were scatterned across the beach and through shock she was frozen to the spot. When the full impact of where she was finally hit, the tears flooded down her cheeks. A deserted island in the middle of nowhere was no place for a 17 year old, especially when she was alone. Her legs ached and she was still in shock but she managed to haul herself up with the help of a branch off a nearby tree. The view, she saw to the left, was the same for miles down the shore but to her right the amount of bodies decreased. She tried not to look at them as she set off down the beach but her eyes wouldn't let her. It was as if she was being forced to look at them as punishment for all she had done. Averting her eyes quickly she tried to erase the image of a bloodstained baby faced down in the sand. it stuck in her mind, tormenting her until her legs buckled and she sobbed weakly into the bark of a tree. Then.. a noise...an intake of breath...a man...alive...



And then...?


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Okay so i decided to have a go at these stories :biggrin2:




Waking up to the warm sun, that was currently drying her falling tears, Tamar couldn't help but think she was there or a reason. Thoughts lingered in her mind like the bad smell drifing round the air from the bodies surrounding her. Lifeless beings were scatterned across the beach and through shock she was frozen to the spot. When the full impact of where she was finally hit, the tears flooded down her cheeks. A deserted island in the middle of nowhere was no place for a 17 year old, especially when she was alone. Her legs ached and she was still in shock but she managed to haul herself up with the help of a branch off a nearby tree. The view, she saw to the left, was the same for miles down the shore but to her right the amount of bodies decreased. She tried not to look at them as she set off down the beach but her eyes wouldn't let her. It was as if she was being forced to look at them as punishment for all she had done. Averting her eyes quickly she tried to erase the image of a bloodstained baby faced down in the sand. it stuck in her mind, tormenting her until her legs buckled and she sobbed weakly into the bark of a tree. Then.. a noise...an intake of breath...a man...alive...

*Aplauses frantically*

That is SO cool, can't wait for the next installment

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can't wait for your story BoujourMika1990!


Nice debut Curly! I didn't remembered your first part(s?) Claire sorry...


And Happy Birthday Rosina! I just imagine the rest of your story... Maybe you'll want to be rescued before nine months don't you think...


I'll come back and tell you which page it is on and you can read that.

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Mika leaned in for another kiss. Our faith had been decided, all we had to do is let it happen. No one knew when we would get off this island if it was ever going to



Mika leaned in for a kiss. Our faith had been decided, all we had to do is let it happen. No one knew when we would get off this island or if it was even meant to be. Mika would finally have what we both had been waiting for… for so long. We slowly got up, still in each others arms and headed towards somewhere comfertable. Then, the long awaited moment happened. I was sure he had experienced it before, but to me, it was wonderful, it represented love and care, it meant so much. There was no way of describing it, it had no words.

"I'm glad you made the right choice." Mika said as he smiled.

"Thank you." I said to him before falling asleep once again.


I had woken up the next day while Mika was still asleep.

"Wake up Mika!" I whispered in his ear.

"What? What time is it? Do I have to go to school today mum?"

"Huh? Mika, we're on an island!"

"Oh, I'm sorry...that happens sometimes after..."

"So it really happened?"

"I think so..."

We both look down and then smile uncomfortably.


"Well I guess we should find something for breakfast then..." I mutter.

"Sure." Mika gathers his clothes.

In my desperate attempt to get up I stumble and fall, then run away to hide. It really happened, what now? I decided to go back and apologise for running off before. I must've confused Mika a lot since he had a funny expression on his face. I see him sitting on a log, his back turned to mine.


"Mika, I'm sorry for running off on you before." I say and wait for a reply.

Mika slowly turns around.

"ICE FIGHT!" he yells before suddenly throwing ice at me.

"How the-but we-where-we're on an ISLAND! Where's the ice from?"

"I'm magic, now do you know why I threw that ice at you?"


"So I could hug you because you're freezing, right?" Mika suggests while nudging me.

"You're weird...I like it, I like it a lot."

We both start laughing. The island has driven us to insanity.


As we eat some coconuts that we found earlier, I start to think. What if we never get off this island? First we'd need to do something about Squishy. As I'm 'deep in thought' something hard and round falls on Mika's head.

"What was that?"....

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Ok... I'm sorry but this is mine... *Embarrassed*



The memoirs of a lost soul, found.

Part one


Whether it was the sand moving beneath me, or the sun beating down on my fevered face that woke me, I do not know but when I finally got the strength to pick myself up, I saw that I was alone.

The helicopter that had saved my life from almost certain death was nowhere to be seen and the accident that had rendered me helpless had left it’s painful mark on my whole body as I stood unsteadily and tried to analyse my surroundings.

I was on a beach. The water was clear and every now and again, I caught a glimpse of the fish that resided in the shallows. The sand was white and littered with seashells of every colour and there were several trees with protruding branches with strange looking, pinkish red fruits, dangling from their off shoots.

I had no clue as to where I was. What had happened?

The last thing I remembered was Ella dabbing a cool flannel on my wounded forehead as I lay in a stretcher in the rescue copter. Looking back, I must have been inhaling anaesthetic because the sides of my face were bruised and tender from the gas mask that would have assisted in inducing my sleep.

Now I was alone in a place that I wasn’t familiar with.

Had the helicopter crashed into the ocean? Where was everyone? Were they further down the beach?

It was no use. There was not another soul to be found and walking on the sand in the salty air and the merciless heat was beginning to tire me.

Had I have known about this strange place what I know now, I would have been quicker to “relax, take it easy” but as I didn’t, I decided to rest for a while and then do some exploring…

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:roftl: *claps*


Dangerous Kat, Lolliepop_girl I loved it!


Dangerous Kat so you did it! but i have a question where did mika really get the ice from....i dont get it?!?

i love the bit where you say "your weird...i like it...i like it alot!" :roftl:


Lolliepop_girl, glad you make your debut, please continue!

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:roftl: *claps* I loved it! so you did it! but i have a question where did mika really get the ice from....i dont get it?!?

i love the bit where you say "your weird...i like it...i like it alot!" :roftl:


I have no idea where he got the ice from, as he said, he's magic :roftl:

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can't wait for your story BoujourMika1990!


Nice debut Curly! I didn't remembered your first part(s?) Claire sorry...


And Happy Birthday Rosina! I just imagine the rest of your story... Maybe you'll want to be rescued before nine months don't you think...


You should see my first part on p78. I have re edited it.

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I have serious writers block! cant think of anything, well I can think of things just not how to write them yet, do you understand what I mean?


Yeah! That's what I've got! I hate it:thumbdown:

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Here's the next installment of mine, it's not as good as the first part... but it's still as short :roftl: Hope you like it!




Tamar's eyes gazed into his, they were big and soft. He struggled over to her, desperately trying to determine wether she was real or just an illusion. He had been walking along the beach for hours and was thirsty and tired. Feeling foolish, Tamar stood up to face him. He lowered his brow and focused his eyes. His head was spinning and his feet burning from the hot sun. 'I'm Mika...' he said half concious, then without warning he dropped at Tamar's feet.

When he awoke he was lay down underneath a group of trees. His shirt sleeve was torn and was wrapped around his left hand, covering a deep wound he hadn't even noticed. Tamar was busy filling up half a cracked coconut shell with sea water. "Here, cool yourself down with this," she said once again gaznig into his deep eyes. "Thanks," he replied sleepily. He swilled the water over his sunburnt face an felt an instant cooling sensation. Tamar couldn't help but watch his every move, she was mesmerized by his dark curly hair and perfectly shaped lips, that she long to press aginst hers. Mika noticed her staring dreamily and interupted her thoughts. "I'm Mika by the way," he said once again with a cheerful smile. That smile! She could just about contain herself from taking his head in her hands and tasting those soft lips, whilts running her fingeres through his thick curls. "I'm Tamar," she replied breathless at the fantasies running through her head...

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Here's the next installment of mine, it's not as good as the first part... but it's still as short :roftl: Hope you like it!




Tamar's eyes gazed into his, they were big and soft. He struggled over to her, desperately trying to determine wether she was real or just an illusion. He had been walking along the beach for hours and was thirsty and tired. Feeling foolish, Tamar stood up to face him. He lowered his brow and focused his eyes. His head was spinning and his feet burning from the hot sun. 'I'm Mika...' he said half concious, then without warning he dropped at Tamar's feet.

When he awoke he was lay down underneath a group of trees. His shirt sleeve was torn and was wrapped around his left hand, covering a deep wound he hadn't even noticed. Tamar was busy filling up half a cracked coconut shell with sea water. "Here, cool yourself down with this," she said once again gaznig into his deep eyes. "Thanks," he replied sleepily. He swilled the water over his sunburnt face an felt an instant cooling sensation. Tamar couldn't help but watch his every move, she was mesmerized by his dark curly hair and perfectly shaped lips, that she long to press aginst hers. Mika noticed her staring dreamily and interupted her thoughts. "I'm Mika by the way," he said once again with a cheerful smile. That smile! She could just about contain herself from taking his head in her hands and tasting those soft lips, whilts running her fingeres through his thick curls. "I'm Tamar," she replied breathless at the fantasies running through her head...


ooooooo! haha I likey

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