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Everything posted by Mary

  1. Vocês sabem a que horas começa o streaming? Quero verrrrrrrrrr! (e chorar porque não estou lá )
  2. Bora! Posso começar a fazer as malas? Se formos rápidas chegamos a tempo da festa do MFC!
  3. Bom ano, pessoalzinho fofinho! (não sei se amanhã consigo vir à net, por isso ficam já aqui os votos de boas entradas)
  4. oi oi oi gente! Como não sei se amanhã consigo vir aqui, aproveito para desejar um bom ano a todos!
  5. Eu cheguei agora da aula de aeróbica...agora tou com uma moleeezaaaaaaaaaaaaa.................
  6. Tu vê lá, que eu não sei nadar e sou muito nova pra ir c'os porcos! Tu tens a mania que és da realeza, pá! Não queres ir pro meio do pobo!
  8. Oh wow! That's so cool! Welcome! (and feel free to share more stories with us! )
  9. I hope too! Now I just have to wait 5 months! I heard so many good things about their shows that I had to try now, they're coming to my hometown. Hope it's worth it!
  10. You're welcome! :wub2: Glad you liked it! x

  11. Awww and I got yours today too! :boing: So beautiful! Thank you so much!


    As for the pic...yeah... It is difficult to choose! :teehee:

  12. Got my ticket to see them................................in May! The GA standing tickets sold out a bit after I bought mine! Can't believe how lucky I was, the others were even more expensive!
  13. :aah: You stalker, you! Just a warning: if I ever go back to London I WILL go to South Kensington. That's where Freddie Mercury's house is (or near there), and I don't think they can move it anywhere, so...I will go there. Mika, stay away from that area, ok? About the real subject of this thread, it's amazing to see Paloma's recovery going so well! She's such a strong lady! And yes, time flies! It was over a year ago, incredible! *Edit* - There, Guy... I edited it!
  14. OMG Marc Martel won??? He's amazing, when I first heard him sing I was like.......OMGFREDDIEHADASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl:
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