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Everything posted by RosieLou

  1. We went to Bermo. It was zzzzzz. There were little kids with bb guns...
  2. Anyone know the advert for channel4radio or something? When they headphones drop from the sky. We should have those, playing LICM on a loop
  3. This is great, it's going on my MP4 now
  4. My brother said they don't do very well in the slovenian league... So...erm, what did you do today? <sips milkshake>
  5. There should be Internet Cafes with free internet access on every street, so we can get our MFC fix where ever we are
  6. One thing I know about football- there's a slovenian team that has the same name as my surname. sorry that it took my ages to reply
  7. Oh yeah, my brother said. David Beckam is back in the england team now or something. I don't really follow football though.
  8. RosieLou


    Wow, your DA is fab http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewAlbums&friendID=152179377 Mine
  9. Poor you, having to wait so long...
  10. I gotta go sorry tantastic. See you
  11. Good to hear you found it Were you the 100th member?
  12. Me too. We got 100 friends on IDC Ugly Betty finale tonight. I'll be sad to see it go
  13. Sorry that we're off topic On Radio 1. I heard Grace Kelly and thought it was great
  14. Erm... I tried to make some clay models but I put the oven on too high so they went all brown and have werid blobs on the tops. I'll have to get more clay tomorrow. You?
  15. I heard of him at the end of December. Feels like ages ago
  16. I printed it onto some special transfer paper and ironed it on
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