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Everything posted by RosieLou

  1. Looks great Your lollipop girl is brilliant
  2. Cool, you got to go to a gig It shows there's hope for all of us with overprotective parents (like me)
  3. I also know that my surname, which is Polish, is also a small town in Slovenia. I'd like to go there some dat
  4. I like the silver shoes The trousers are cool too
  5. I know what you mean Violet Sky. There's something, I dunno what it is though...
  6. I went back onto the IDC myspace earlier, loads of new friends and messages Thanks guys!
  7. Great idea for a thread Sometimes I just wanna say something but have no where to say it, this must be the place
  8. Yeah, maybe it's his sister's
  9. I've checked and there hasn't been a thread about this before... I was in Debenhams the other day and I was looking at the perfume. I noticed this Paul Smith perfume, called Floral. The logo caught my eye... I might be wrong, but it looks very Mikaish. With the swirls and the circles and stuff. And it's Paul Smith... I dunno, but maybe he designed it or something. It's pretty expensive
  10. I love the Billy Brown picture they've used... His sister has a great job, colouring in...
  11. Erm... he looks a bit ill in that picture... Hee, I like your av
  12. Hi guys, I'm back. Anyone wanna chat? sorry... <leaves for bar>
  13. Sounds like you had sooo much fun! And he does wear glasses....thanks for that You're so lucky...
  14. I like the little camper-van in the background
  15. Sorry it's a bit big. I wasn't able to touch up the painting, it's not perfect, something's up with my computer. Anyway, mine's the orange house.
  16. It's funny how protective people are of him. Well, this is the fan club...
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