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Everything posted by RosieLou

  1. Hi people Anyone seen the 'Mika is a woman' thread?
  2. Man...woman.... it doesn't really matter. But I just sort of took it for granted that he was a man.
  3. Wow, great pic £200? I'm sending in my pic of Glyn from BB7 asap!
  4. I love the watches, you have loads!
  5. B U M P Lookie, this was on Unofficial Mills myspace # Anyway, anyone home?
  6. Around there. It's home to the smallest Asda in the uk. 80% of people speak welsh and 94% of 10-14 year olds speak it too. According to Wikipedia, we've got the only Michelin starred resteraunt in wales.
  7. Yey! Anyone know if he's been no 1 in Switzerland? Then he'll have been no 1 in all my 'countries of origin'.
  8. It's funny how hard it is to tell when someone's writing sarcastically. We should have a sarcasm icon, though I dunno what it would look like...
  9. Yeah it said that for me too. Thanks, for posting though
  10. House with pink railings in South Kensington. My hotel in London was in South Kensington Right next to his old school....
  11. Erm.. I thought about someone then they rang me. It was probably a coincidence.
  12. Can I come live here? My reason- it sounds great!!! Can I be at 7 Happy Endings Circle?
  13. Ha, thanks for posting, love the picture. Must hurt trying to take tape off your mouth.
  14. I dunno, maybe they were just songs he did but weren't put on LICM.
  15. Why, if Mika disgusts him so much, would he like to dedicate a whole page to him? Instead maybe he should write an article about how much he loves Beth Ditto and how intelligent she is. I think he's putting words in her mouth. Here's a scan.
  16. Boozy nights? Won't he do that chair on the bed thing? He should come to north wales... and... erm.... sit on the beach all day with all the other tourists.
  17. They are these things that shoot little red pellets. I'm not sure why we went there, it was raining and there's nothing to do. We went to a little diner and I had a jacket potato. It made a change.
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