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Everything posted by RosieLou

  1. Hi tee totallers Which colour braces did Beckar get?
  2. Same here. They think I'm mad. Apart from Ffion- who worships Gerrad Way or someone so she can't complain about me. She supplies my Mika fix during break - she got Mika on her i pod for me lol
  3. I never knew his surname before: Holbrook
  4. Wooo! I've made 999 new friends and counting
  5. Did you get mine? I sent you a link via PM. With my feet?
  6. Hi tee totallers. Hope you're all ok.
  7. Hi guys... just chillaxing.... yep. To Lollipop
  8. kk. I'm doing another cartoon thing. Arfh its taking ages.... for Satellite
  9. Erm... I'm only ickle but here's my deffinition of camp... A bit OTT, a bit theatrical (Mika said in an interview 'Some peope call me camp. Or theatrical. But I say whatever.') possibly a bit girly, colourful and very happy. Am I right?
  10. Is there anywhere I can download these like I got Satellite yesterday?
  11. I got this messgae of panda. never mind
  12. Random question- Beckar are you Panda by any chance?
  13. Hi I'm gonna enter that radio 1 thing to meet Mika :)
  14. I'll be in. I'm not brill at vidioes and stuff when it comes to actaully putting them on the computer but I'll try. You'll only be seeing my feet though (in my lovely new boots...)
  15. Oh I'm hungry after all this food talk. Better go and eat something....
  16. I just had some ice cream too. And I has 2 strawberry milkshakes todays aswell
  17. I've been listening to it loads and it's great. Thanks for introducing me to this song- I'm gonna try and do a cartoon thing for it.
  18. It's OK Beckar- I forgive you I think it looks quite good without the background. Which flavours do you like Freddie? There was this cafe in our town before which sold loads of different types- strawberry, chocolate, cherry, banana, mint chocolate, rasberry, blue berry, cream..... the list goes on. I miss that cafe...
  19. I know it's not much of a quote but I just heard Mika say on the radio now that "The Fray sound a bit like Bobby Davro". Strange....
  20. Thanks Keeper of the Kettle. I love these name things
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