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Everything posted by Fillip

  1. I wrote this massive long review thing ...and then my computer killed it ... not sure if I can be bothered to do it all again.... I'll see how I feel later ...but if you thought Saturday was good ....you saw ...nothing!!!!
  2. ooh you shallow lot love people!!! ...not gender, not looks, not size ..not age ....
  3. I'll wear my Mika Fan Club badge and probably my rather attractive ( ) blue anorak 'cos it is freezing here and pishing down ...and I don't do cold, so I wrap up and bugger the consequences ...ie I'm too old to give a stuff! Should be at the pub for about 6.30-645 ish ,can people stay near the front if there's seats 'cos if y'all wander to the back or upstairs I'll not find yas!
  4. I'll be leaving here in about an hour .... .....will report back all shennanigans
  5. ok maties so it's Kro bar (directly opposite the SU building on oxford road) at 6.30-7 then? I'll probably a little late as have to wait for babysitter before I can get ready etc
  6. aha! You made it then gorgeous welcme to the board with the best smilies in the world
  7. the Kro bar opposite the venue is nice ..if a bit pricey ....what time are people thinking of getting there?
  8. yes ...so true over here people seem to revel in failure ..like being successful and different to the mainstream is something to be ashamed of ,or be scared of *shrug* their loss! success is not a bad thing! and arrogant? Mika? ..please ..! He was an absolute peach on saturday night ..he didn't have to come out ..he was in the corridor and walking away, when he saw me and he immediately came over and then saw everyone else waiting. Granted he looked a little startled, but he was super friendly and sweet to everyone...he also seemed genuinely touched and happy ( I felt) that people were waiting He didn't have to do that he could have easily just slipped away out the other door. If that's being arrogant then I give up!
  9. *bump* so who's going tomorrow ....and which pub will we be in....
  10. not got a ticket but might pop over to leeds for the meet (and maybe a bit of st*lking ) I'll see how it goes cos it's 2 weeks before my trip to Luxembourg and might need the pennies
  11. Look who's back what a fabulous night ..not much else to add to what everyone else has said I must just say thank you to Luke (sorry about the nipple talk )'cos it was his going into the corridor that meant I spied Mika ..and then he could spy all of us ... what a trooper though he must have been when he seen us lot mobhanded at the door but he was absolutely lovely as was Cherisse and Luke can't wait for tuesday!
  12. Praise the lord and pass the tambourine..cos this means he'll be in Ireland on Saturday ..where I will be (with a bit of luck!) .... Muse,Klaxons, Sisters, Goo Goo Dolls, Eds, and Mika .... :mf_lustslow: I think I may actually die ...from joy by the way you read the lineups from the bottom first ...Kasabian are headlining that stage that night ..so you'll see Mika early doors ..
  13. ha ha! A tad short the show by the sounds of it ...but not to worry ....wonder if there's anyway we can let the powers that be know there is a big fanclub contingent coming tomorrow .. now if was the Sisters I'd know exactly who to e mail and bugger this secret society lark ...how come none of us are in it! PS just got my tix for the bus ....*rubs hands*
  14. I know I know ...the old old story ..work ...and stuff happened ...but I'm intending on going back permanently as soon as my kid finishes school....
  15. I posted about this a while ago ..he's supposed to be also down for Oxygen and therefore TIP and possibly Reading....haven't heard about IOW
  16. ok....but I shall be watching events closely ..if the gig is cancelled I'll bail on the trip. As wonderful as you all are, and I'm sure as your company is it'd be a bit of an extravagence for a night in the pub!
  17. I'd rather he got better and saw a gig eventually when he's firing on all 4 again:thumb_yello: The only caveat is that if there's an outside chance of newcastle being cancelled plenty of notice please powers that be if possible ...given the cost of the train tix etc . although having said that there's loads of us supposed to going to that ..suppose we could just have a party
  18. ooh.... I do like a man that does as he's told what's this Luckies like ..or I did like the look of the Crow's nest ....the Northumberland Arms is a cracking pub too ..very friendly and last time I was in there had 70's tunes on the go ..class
  19. perhaps he's at the tail end of it ..and just needs a couple of days rest to be ok....poor baby *starts making soup*
  20. hey I ain't raining on anyone's parade (Barbara Streisand ...teh fook ? )just from what my friend says it's doesn't sound like the type of place I'd be comfortable in ..but I'm game,nothing to stop us having one and if we don't like it, moving on.
  21. er guys ....the new choice of venue ..was talking to a native last night ...apparently it's chav city big time, especially on a saturday night.... and expensive as it's technically a wine bar not a pub... so I think I'll say a brief hello to everyone then then go to a real pub ..I the Northumberland Arms ...
  22. and don't forget to wear you Mika fan club badges ..for instant spottage!
  23. ooh what you going to be doing in dublin Aishlinn ..sorry being nosey but I'm a paddy abroad myself
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