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Mika Mad

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Everything posted by Mika Mad

  1. The only email that I've had from seetickets says that they haven't received them from the promoter yet and that I should ring them if they don't turn up by 5 days before the date. It's weird that you've had different emails to me, but I'm not worried (yet!) after reading the other comments about seetickets always being late.
  2. I know, I'm sorry. I do love him to bits really, but I just don't like the kerching or the braces. You can blame it on my age!!!
  3. I'm going to say this very quickly and then run away as fast as I can....... I don't really like the braces!!
  4. Mika Mad


    Hello and welcome you lucky, lucky thing! I couldn't get tickets for the Barfly, but I'll be at the academy in May. See you there!!!
  5. Hello Daphne. I've you like Mika, you're going to LOVE it here!
  6. Hello and welcome. You might as well put the rest of your CD's away for a while now because once you've hear Life In Cartoon Motion you're not going to want to listen to anything else for ages!!!
  7. I quite like spiders, but I HATE moths!!!
  8. That bit is fantastic! Plus, I am fascinated by how narrow his hips are. .......pure sex! I could try to list all of the things about him that appeal, but it would take me half the night and I might end up looking a bit of an old perv!
  9. You lucky thing! I'm off for a bath now and then straight to bed. The temptation to sneak back downstairs to log on again will be huge, but tonight I will resist. Goodnight all.
  10. What a lovely introduction. Hello and welcome. There are plenty of us working Mums who spend far more time than we should here. This site is seriously addictive -you have been warned!
  11. I can't believe Nicole has gone to bed!!! I hope that she's not ill. -She never leaves us this early!
  12. Seeing as so many of us are married or in relationships, I guess that a fantasy is all he could ever be, gorgeous or not!
  13. ....and imagine how long it would take you to build up a fan club the size that you've got now! :naughty:
  14. Freddie: Maybe when you hit 3000 you suffer total "Mika Meltdown" and have to start all over again as a newbie!
  15. Did we both get converted together at some funny number? I'm sure it must have been a while since we passed 300 and I hate to think that my brain is so addled that I haven't noticed for days!
  16. I don't think that I do have a lilfe outside of this website. I can't think of my favourite book or film. I think that my brain has turned to mush in the same way that it does when you've just had a baby. In fact, being addicted to this site is just about as tiring and time-consuming as actually having a newborn baby!
  17. Good grief, I've just noticed that I've turned into an "ultimate Mika fan". I'm bursting with pride!!! :biggrin2:
  18. Maybe we should force all newbies to introduce themselves properly by refusing to talk to them until they do! ..........But, of course we can't really do that because we're all far too nice and this is friendliest forum on the planet.
  19. There's no way I'd be here. If the music was rubbish I wouldn't have Googled his name and ended up here, no matter how good looking he was. Without the fantastic voice and lovely personality, he wouldn't be anywhere near as sexy! It's all very well looking at a pretty face, but male models do absolutely nothing for me. Looks alone are nowhere near enough!
  20. There's one question that I'm desperate to ask him: How long will we have to wait for a second album???? ( and please don't let it be too long! )
  21. You lucky thing. I've got to wait until May to see him and that feels like forever!
  22. Please post the links here, so that we can all listen to them Thanks.
  23. Your typing isn't up to much though now Freddie! 4 typos in one sentence!!!! :roftl:
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