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Mika Mad

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Everything posted by Mika Mad

  1. Oh dear! Let's hope that he does visit this site, if only so that he knows how much we all adore him! ....and welcome anyway, even though you're not Mika
  2. If ever there was a new member here that looked suspiciously likely Mika posting, then it has to be Lookovermyshoulder. No introduction, no details, no profile, only one post.......... Please own up if you're not Mika (and please, please own up if you are!)
  3. This question has come up on here before. Apprently, according to the gorgeous man himself, he's 6ft 4 inches.
  4. I've got nothing against meat-eaters, I just don't want to be one. You're right about Mika, he could be a full-on, raw steak stuffing carnivore who eats a dozen chicken legs for breakfast and I'd still adore him.
  5. Try telling that to the chicken. ......oh sorry, you can't -it's dead!
  6. So we all agree that he probably doesn't smoke, which is good. Shame about the chicken, so for me he's not 100% perfect, but at least it proves that he's human. I can forgive him this one small imperfection!
  7. [quote=Beckar;9021Hes 12 years older than me grr. I wish he was younger. And so when he got his first record i would be old enough to get into my car and drive to his concerts x3 But school and exams keep getting in the way of me getting to them. So sad He's only 8 years older than you, so that's not too bad. When you're 20, he'll only be 28, which is fine. I'm 16 years older than him, so I'll always be virtually old enough to be his mum! Boo hoo!
  8. Lovely, lovely, lovely video. :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: Thank you!
  9. Does anyone know if Mika smokes? I'm hoping that he doesn't, because anything that might endanger that fantastic voice would be bad. In the radio 2 session video there is something in the back pocket of his jeans that looks like it could be a packet of cigarettes , but I'm hoping that it's an ipod or some kind of battery pack. My other question is whether or not he eats meat. I am a vegetarian and would love him even more if Mika was too!
  10. When I first heard Grace Kelly I assumed that he was at least 30 because his voice is so big and powerful. When I googled him and found out that he was only 23 I was amazed. (I also feared that he might look a bit grotty, so I was thrilled when I saw him -result!)
  11. There's probably at least 1,000 members of this fan club that would have to agree with you! I could melt just looking at them
  12. Hello Davieboy. Welcome! If I worked on the record counter of Woolies everyone in my whole town would know about Mika because I'd just play Life In Cartoon Motion over and over, all day every day! ...and get the sack probably.....
  13. How many more weeks can he keep this up for, I wonder???? Brilliant. :thumb_yello:
  14. Me too! I couldn't believe how awful the records before Mika came on were! To think that people listen to that bland, dreary stuff voluntarily! Maybe it was deliberate, just to emphasise what great music Mika makes!
  15. I hope that you lot are going to post some of your pics on here for the rest of us to see. We'd like plenty of Mika please, (especially of his hair ) and some of you rabble too!
  16. I forgot to say that in the booket that comes with the CD there is a grammatical mistake. It says: "Jesus want's her but she wants more" -There shouldn't be an apostrophe in wants!
  17. Jesus wants her, but she wants more.
  18. Mika Mad

    hi all

    Hello Nicola. Welcome to this wonderful place. I'd love Mika to come to Wales too, but the nearest he's coming is Birmingham, so it's a long drive for the nearest gig, but it will be worth it!
  19. Maybe he was lined up to support them, but has now become such a huge success that he's too great to be anyone's support act!
  20. I think that it's a con (either that, or only one vote counts!) I've just spent ages repeatedly voting (dozens and dozens of times) and it hasn't made any difference to the percentages.
  21. Right, someone needs to chuck a bucket of cold water over all of us!
  22. So true! What's really great about Mika is that not only he extremely talented and absolutely gorgeous, but he's a really nice person too. There aren't many people who you can say that about.
  23. 'Just as well Mika didn't fly to Estonia to spend Valenetine's Day with you after all!
  24. Can I be Daphne??? I've got the costume! (don't ask!)
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