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Everything posted by arcenciel

  1. okay then !! today is a really sunny day, so i think i'm gonna go and enjoy in the park !! see ya everybody ^___^ !!!
  2. and you've still got time to come on the forum ? it's impressive !
  3. aaaaah okay !!! * takes some tea* well Beckar, what do you like eating then ???
  4. mmmmh *makes a quick search on wikipedia* I dunno .... It was a long time ago that my sister took that ... all i remember is that after eating those kind of things she would have black teeth for at least 2 days
  5. carbohydrates ... aren't they those things which make the teeth black when you eat it ? my sister used to take some :roftl:
  6. Milk !! The doctor told me that my bones would be too fragile if i didn't drink milk ( i hated milk at that time) , so i started drinkin a lot of milk and i took weight ... It's quite weird !! BUT, i don't advise you to do the same thing. If you really think you are far too skinny go and ask a doctor what to do. But on the photos of you I don't think you are that skinny though !!! Well try to eat healthy things and to make some sport, i guess you'll start putting on weight when you'll grow older !!
  7. *super excited* yay !!! i'm gonna earn some virtual money by doing a virtual job which i love :mf_lustslow: !!!
  8. i wanna be a waitress in the re-built butterfly bar !! I can dress as a lollipop girl that'd be great !!
  9. yeah i know how you feel . I was so skinny when i was young, everybody would laugh at me or would ask me if i was anorexic. Now it's okay i'm fat enough ... well i'm maybe too fat but it's better the way it is now !
  10. what about re-opening the butterfly bar ?
  11. well you put it on your body and then somebody has to suck it ! But it's disgusting !!
  12. :roftl: i tried it once.... it's terrible
  13. i wouldn't imagine a mika who wouldn't like chocolate ... I mean it's CLEAR that he does !! Doesn't he ?
  14. Ding-a-ling-ling-ling-ling-ling-ling-ling! Boo-ba-doo-ba-doop! Boo-ba-doo-ba-doop! Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone I've got this feeling, so appealing, for us to get together and sing. Sing! :laser: :gun_bandana: :fisch:
  15. !! i didn't know that it could give headaches though !!
  16. don't tell me it doesn't exist in england !! nutella is the best thing ever :mf_lustslow: !!! But i guess it's better not tasting it because it's like a drug :roftl:
  17. yay !! In that film with brad pitt ( where he played the role of the devil ... i can't remember the title of the film), he used to eat peanut butter a lot that was funny !!
  18. euark !!! If there's something that we french hate, it's peanut butter !! But we are fond of nutella instead :mf_lustslow: !!
  19. eh eh !!! it's because i'm so jealous !!
  20. hiya everyone !! this is gonna be a really lovely day !!! *pours herself a huge coffee and eats some cake*
  21. see ya jvais me coucher !! dodo *Zzzzz* faites de beaux rêves tout le monde
  22. i've got a whole month since i've got my exams !!
  23. loool !! you lucky !!!! i've still got school for one week xD !!! well enjoy your holidays !!!!!
  24. in france, holidays are only next week !!
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