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Everything posted by arcenciel

  1. yey !! it's gonna be quite sunny... not sunny enough for me to tan in parks though I'm gonna go for some shopping at the galeries lafayette !!! I've got a red dress to buy !! what are you all gonna do today ?
  2. i wish my 4 years old little sis could come but i'm afraid she can't hear anything after the gig !! it's a pity though , since she loves mika !!
  3. *makes some green tea for mikamayhem * welcome on the thread !! hope you'll enjoy it !
  4. * has finished her breakfast and starts cooking for lunch* i'm gonna spend my whole day eating ....
  5. hi everyone, enjoy your saturday moring for those who don't have to go to work !! *pours herself coffee and buys some croissants and pains au chocolats at the bakery*
  6. what about translating the best article to us lol ? so that we don't die stupid
  7. that's what is called : a mika-mid-life crisis as for me, i'm having a : mika-late-teenage crisis !!
  8. sure ! birthday parties is what makes life enjoyable lol !for my birthday ( it's in 3 days i'm already excited lol !!) i'm gonna get an ipod from my friends !! it's sooooooooo great !!
  9. lol je suis prete à te racheter la place qui reste !!
  10. so that kind of people do exist ? lol i mean celebrating a birthday is one of the greatest things ever, isn't it ?
  11. bienvenue sur le forum ^___^ !!
  12. that would explain why i've got a real pain in the stomach right now !!
  13. HIYA EVERYONE !! :punk: :punk: gotta be some punch here !! * takes a lemon vodka and swallow her whole glass*
  14. lol jsuis un peu dégoutée de pas m'etre décidée avant ^___^ en plus ça fait très très longtemps que je le savais, mais j'hésitais àcause des dates ( ça tombe entre mes exams!) enfin je vais me consoler avec le concert du 4 avril j'ai bien peur de ne pas être vraiment àplaindre !! et pour tous ceux qui n'ont pas la chance de voir mika en concert, vous avez la possibilité d'asssister àl'enregistrement de hit machine le 4 avril !!
  15. i saw the same advert it was on canal + wasn't it ?? oublie pas quand meme que c'est canal plus qui a lancé mika en france grace au grand journal !! donc tant que ça fait un peu de pub à mika je vois pas le mal !!
  16. the only problem is that i go to mika's concert the same day !! so i don't know if i'll have the time to go there and then come back, and i don't know if it's worth it !! But it's a great opportunity for all those who couldn't have tickets for mika's gig !! GYA !!! le seul problème c'est que le même jour je vais au concert de Mika LOL !!! donc je sais pas si j'aurais le temps de faire l'aller retour, et surtout si ça vaut vraiment le coup xD !!! Enfin en tous cas, pour ceux qui ont pas pu avoir de place pour le concert, c'est une super opportunité !
  17. i'm crawling of laughters ... i mean if mika really answered that to perez it's HILAROUS !!! that means that mika has a great sense of autoderision which shows that great stars aren't necessarily egocentric xD
  18. i'm gonna go for lunch !! bye bye everyone !! see ya this evening
  19. LOL !! i can't stop laughing !! this song is GREAT !! i'm gonna show it to everyone xD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. sure, but mika's parents are rich and they could afford supporting him if he didn't succeed in what he really wanted to do ... My parents can't even manage to pay the half of what an art school cost ... and they can't afford paying my studies for more than 3/4 years, after that i'll have to find a job but i'm not complaining ^___^ being in a business school is not a bad thing though, all my friends will be with me, and my parents are great persons too
  21. lol i like your positive way of seeing things steph
  22. i've got the same problem . If i do a business school i'll probably end up selling houses too ... That's why i'm quite lost, my dream would be to make an art school or smg like that.... of course nobody will let me , neither my parents nor my teachers ... and i'll find no job at the end !!
  23. yeah i know ... but i'm not very interested in it... I prefer reading than doing maths and economics... what about you steph ? What are you studying ? EDIT : i've just seen your profile... i didn't know you were a teacher SORRY !! lol
  24. i guess it's because the weather is SO bad that nobody wants to go to work !! so we all are on our computer !!
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