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Everything posted by arcenciel

  1. ouaip il y a bien une interview de mika à18h demain ^___^ perso je serai scotchée devant mon poste de radio !!
  2. but wait ........... :blink: !! It CAN'T be TOMORROW since tomorrow mika is playing live in paris at the trabendo !! So he can't be playing at london koko !!! i don't understand o_________O
  3. great then !! Will you show us a picture of you wearing them ? I'm sure mika would be jealous if he saw them
  4. they are nice, but aren't they man shoes :roftl: ? it would be weird if you wore them, i suggest you to offer them to mika instead !!! And his shirt is very trendy ! i saw at least 2 men in the street with the same
  5. i think you can find johnny on you tube *makes a quick search* here you are : I absolutely love this song !! As for loverboy, i only heard it once and it's great !! hope he will play it !! unfortunately it's not available on the net anymore since the record company doesn't want
  6. tu t'es inscrit au moins ?? moi je n'y vais pas, j'ai cours et j'ai peur de perdre mon temps... imagine en fait mika enregistre l'aprèm !! T'auras perdu ta matinée lol ! faudrait que tu vérifies en appelant le studio nan ?
  7. it's because you're on holidays ?? lucky you !! enjoy lol !
  8. okay then Hi everybody !! !! Did you have a nice day steph ??
  9. Did Nicole tell what her secret was yet ?? Did i miss smg ??
  10. GYAAAAAA !!! lol :roftl: He'll be singing new songs i hope !! just like holy johnny or loverboy !!!
  11. i'm nearly 100% sure that mika + the guitarist = love !!! on all the videos they seem so cute the 2 of them !!!
  12. arcenciel


    i agree mika is too good for school !
  13. hello sunshine !! welcome on board !!! I'm a huge fan of beck too
  14. hello freddie !! * hides her croissants in her stomach* mmmh that was good... I'm gonna do some stuff outside, i'll be back tonight i guess !! it's a pity it's not a sunny day !
  15. good morning everyone ! *drinks her coffee and finishes eating her croissants*
  16. good night nicole !! i'm glad we'll at last learn what that secret was !! i'm off to bed too !! good night everyone *kisses everybody on the cheek*
  17. aslong as they don't burst out in front of me i don't care !!! But you know, everybody swears here... everybody puts "putain" or "fait chier" in every sentence .... It's like in english when you say : " oh my ****ing god", , "it's so ****ing bla bla" , etc etc etc !!!
  18. it IS evil !!! i advise you not to use it in front of a french person !!! the worse insult ever might be : fils de pute though ... it means that your mother is a bitch
  19. thks so much !!! that's very nice of you !!!
  20. tomorrow is the day before mika's concert !!! and it's also the day when my friends will give me the ipod they bought for me !!!
  21. business is business .... So here's a great insult : "espèce de sale bouffon" ! Well it's quite easy : you put "espèce de sale" and after you write the insult you want, such as connard, fils de pute, crétin, etc etc !! it works in every context :lmao:
  22. lol thks everybody !! i told you it was my birthday on purpose, so as to have a lot more happy birthdays !!! look i'm even giving a to myself :lmao:
  23. thanks for the poème, it was great :blush-anim-cl: !!! loved it !!!
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