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Everything posted by arcenciel

  1. is it true that you went on a weekend trip ?
  2. here you are freddie !! welcome back !!! hope you enjoyed your week-end !!
  3. OMG = oh my god ! it means that the person is shocked, kind of surprised !!! I don't know how you would translate MDR in english, but i guess if you say "LOL" or "XD" everyone will understand it !!
  4. what about you steph, what did you do today ?
  5. If you are that deseperate, why wouldn't buy a 70E ticket from ebay ???
  6. i don't know what rubbing mean , but i was drawing in the church ^___^ because it was really a beautiful church !!
  7. mmmh je pense que tu peux téléphoner directement ^___^ mais aujourd'hui ça doit être fermé !!
  8. mmmh i've done a lot of things actually ! I went drawing in a church where there was a party ( it's a catholic feast i think today !) and then i went to strabucks and i had a nice chat with a friend, and then we went to the palais royal park to tan because it was SO sunny ! And now i'm back on the thread !! what about you ?
  9. oops I'm sorry if you don't like milk !! I'm french and i'm used to drinkin my tea with milk ...
  10. HI steph !! there aren't many people online for the moment ! want a tea ? coffee ? coca ? vodka ? I've made some cookies, wanna try ?
  11. hi johnny !!! I'm a parisian too !! welcome on the board !! If you want there's a french thread where you can speak.... french
  12. yay !! i'm gonna have a tamagotchi for my birthday !! sooo great !!! :blush-anim-cl:
  13. mika's parents are rich though .
  14. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2409 just see by yourself !!
  15. welcome on the board !! you can speak french on the french thread if you want ^___^
  16. i guess it was a spoiler concerning that silly april joke .... I believed it, i was like OMG !!
  17. hello everyone !! * pours herself a coffee * Today was really a very sunny day, i hope you enjoyed it !!
  18. I believed it for at least ten seconds .... April jokes should be banned !!!!!!
  19. lol j'ai réservé les places mais jpense pa que je vais y aller !! T'as raison , mika doit enregistrer le matin ! Mais je peux pas y aller j'ai cours ! Donc tant pis !! surfsafe =======> c'est juste que mika enregistre une interview sur fun radio à18h ! mais je pense pas qu'on puisse y assister !! Enfin tu peux toujours aller te poster devant les locaux de fun radio et attendre mika devant ....
  20. I can't remember where the apostrophes go. j'taime ==> 10/10 lol !! in fact in french you say : je t'aime but j'taime is correct too in spoken language well croissants must be the same, it's French word, eating in Italian is mangare, j'aime mange croissants ==> well in fact i'm quite impressed since it's nearly good !! you say " j'aime manger des croissants" tu est ? ====> beautiful is nearly the same word in french as in italian ! it's "beau", so "tu es belle/beau" is correct ^___^ comment allez vous aujourd' hui? How does Love Today translate?? (this one just tripped off my tongue, strangely! => love today means in french "l'amour aujourd'hui" (l'amour tout de suite ) Is that just bonjour? (literally good day) but you don't say bon matin, do you? => bon matin doesn't exist but it's understandable bonjour is correct you're quite good at it !!!! it's quite funny to see how people are interessed in french ! But it's a really hard language !! Continue comme ça, c'est très bien, tu feras beaucoup de progrès !!
  21. i do agree !! It's amazingly difficult to choose a picture of him, he's so photogenic
  22. hey nicole ( may i call you nicky ?)
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