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Everything posted by arcenciel

  1. hey that's really a clever guess !! indeed you must be right !! I must say i'm impressed by your clairvoyance
  2. lol and this person is NOT lookovermyshoulder, is it ? come on nicole pliz tell us !
  3. yey it couldn't be mika mad or one of us of course ^___^ he should built up a strategy in order to attract mika and to make him want to post ....
  4. :sweatdrop: why don't you wanna tell us ?
  5. hya andi !! you lucky have a photo with mika
  6. we are being obsessed by the same thing lol !!
  7. girlintheblue !!! please tell us who you suspect to be mika !!! please !!!
  8. that becomes more and more interesting !! you know at first i suspected jemalee to be him but then i saw her pictures ans she's indeed a girl ! why won't you tell us nicole?? we would all like to know !!
  9. gyah and does your suspect have posted smg ??
  10. it's a good summary of the situation but as for Mika on the forum, it doesn't really matter who he is since he's not gonna talk to us because he doesn't have the time
  11. hiya satu !! *serves satu a cup of green tea and takes one for herself*
  12. she doesn't want to tell us her secret about whom she's gonna marry
  13. good evening freddie hope you had a nice day !
  14. lol it's quite silly but i'm deceived ! i only wished mika would be among you, but of course that can't be, he don't have the time
  15. leighhodgson & nicole, please tell us who on the thread you suspected to be mika ^___^ !!
  16. yay tell me too !!!!!!!! plizzzzzzzzz !!!
  17. OMG OMG tell me !!!!! pm me if you don't want everybody to know it !! i wanna know O___O !!!
  18. congratulations for your wedding nicole ! you achieved the secret desire of everybody here
  19. is it a plan for your holidays ?? or i think i've guessed * very proud * : you've been searching for a long time who mika was on the forum, and you've nearly found out !!!!
  20. why can't you tell ? is it the results of an exam or something ?
  21. sorry for being that curious, but what's going on ?? What are those important news ??
  22. thks for this very clear explanation :roftl:
  23. yey i know what it is .... i'm glad it works again
  24. no sleepy for me unfortunately... but maths at 8'o clock in the mornin
  25. i want some lettuce too !! what about your turtle ? is he OK ? are you gonna bring him to a pet doctor ? tantastic i wanna see your doll !!
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