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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. I replied to that : i said that you believe who you want, i believe what HE says... But i agree you heard he had 5 octave voice, cause that's what a lot of journalists said... But HE said he had 4...
  2. And i swear it's true !!!! But maybe it's just because she doesn't notice them... But I do ! I feel them miles away... I'm never calm when being outside on a veranda/balcony during the night overthere...
  3. Money ! Either the money he's earning now, "Screw you" the music companies that said "No" to him, either the money the music companies he went to wanted to earn even if it's without making good music (or making crap, as you like)... He never talked about the "kerching !" as far as i remember... According to the movement he does, could be the first option...
  4. Thank you !!! I like making people smile... That's the best compliment you can do to me !
  5. I think it's supposed to be the sound of a cashier... Earning money, you know ? So pronounce it like your hear it when you buy something ! Don't know about the writing, anyway...
  6. Maybe you can try and find it on Youtube or something entering "Culture Show Mika"... All the magazines first said he had a 5 octave voice. That's why you read it ! But he said himself he had 4... Who do you believe, then ? I don't know if the Wolrd record is 8, but i know that Mariah Carey is supposed to have a huge vocal range... But when you see what she does with it, better having 4 and do something good with it !! Maybe she can talk to dolphins and whales, though... Ultrasounds... We should take her to deep water, and see what happens, just in case...
  7. Oooooh D Day -2 ! Take care ! To the others : See what you're doing to her ?!!!
  8. He has a 4 octave voice. He said it in an itw on English TV, the Culture Show. I'm sure you can find the whole film somewhere, cause i saw it... And i'm not from England... It was a good interview, though, worth it
  9. How are you doing Sunshine (Sivan) ? As an "already done", i worry about your health, now... Is everything ok ??? Hold on... Only a few days left And this is for you :
  10. OMG ! it's so mean to the journalist !! I feel so bad for him... "Ok, what's my name ?" "... Mika ??" "Yeah, you got this one good..." He was not even sure of the name anymore !!! Poor boy... Even if it's really funny, but i always tend to be in the "oppressed"-side... And i don't think any of them is actually in the joke...
  11. I don't know if that is the problem but : when you click on the link, a window appears where you have to click on another link to actually listen to the interview... It's down the page. Had you seen it and it didn't work ? or is it the problem ?
  12. Yeah, grasshopers are included in the "too many legs + wings" insects... And there soooo big ones in Martinique too (like the coackroaches, about 5 cm), about 15 cm !!! :shocked: Brrrrrr... And my mom about grasshopers when i ask her to kill them : "But she's so pretty, look at her !!" Me, screaming from another closed room : "Noooooooooooooooooooooo !!! She's ugly ugly ugly !! Kill her !! If they don't want to be killed, they don't come here !! Everybody will be happy !" And each time i go back there on holiday, there is AT LEAST 1 coackroach AND one grasshoper coming there, during the time i'm there... 1 week to 5 weeks... And my mum says there are NONE of them when i'm not there !! What did I do ??!
  13. I've grown up in the Carribeans, with insects, and put me in front of a coackroach and i'll run away screaming like "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!" and close the door of the other room i run to behind me... I will NEVER get used to it ! They are sooooooooooo big !! And they fly completly "nonsensively"... Unpredictable... I still call my mum to kill them, and don't enter the room until it's not dead and in the closed bin, preferably in another room, the bin... Brrrrr...
  14. Excellent !! Never heard this one before !! No really new info, but good things to remember of Great job
  15. That's what i thought !!! Anyway, very beautiful ! Again !
  16. It looks really beautiful, but isn't it a bit dark ? Or maybe is it the light ? Deserves a big
  17. Insects !! OMG !! They can walk, and fly !! With too many legs, and wings at the same time !! And they fly without any precise direction, and soooo fast !!! So confusing !!! NO : 2 legs, maybe 4 and NO wings at the same time... Except for birds... They can have wings... Coackroaches... Aaaaargh !!!!
  18. Steph, you're ACE !!! (from a translator to another translator )
  19. I brought you here !!! So proud of me... Welcome !!! Have fun !!!
  20. I'm not really a newby, now... But i realize i never took the time to say a little something about me... The time has come now ! Hope i won't be too much in details... I'm Olivia, 23, born in Martinique (French West Indies) and have been studying Medicine in Paris for a little while now : 6 years... So as a student i work at the Hospital every morning, have classes in the afternoon and classes in the evening twice a week... And still find the time to come here a bit too much to be honest... There's something i don't spend enough time doing, and it's not being on the forum ... Well... I absolutely adore cats, and sleeping... I eat only pastas (almost). And i'm not really into sports... I love travelling, and i'd like to go everywhere, especially in South America at the moment. I've been to Australia last summer and it was the most wonderful time of my life ! A dream come true... I don't like cinema that much... And i go there about once a month to be honest ! And don't really miss it. I love music and couldn't live without it, although it's all been a bit disappointing these years. I like songs, not singers. But i like all the songs on LCIM, so i'm a bit confused, now What can I say more ? I don't know... Oh yes ! I love photography, to give you an idea, I had nearly 1300 pictures back from Australia, where I spend 2 months 1/2, but only 20 days in holidays I can't stop when i start !!! And i'm obsessive, so when i don't like something, i do and re-do it until i'm satisfied... And it takes a lot of time... Some of my friends say I'm like Monica in Friends... Freaky, uh ? I like watching series on TV, mainly : Friends, Desperate Housewives, Scrubs... And I also master Walt Disney Classics... Well... I think it's all for now... Hope I wasn't too long...
  21. Have you read the book The Green Mile ? I thought it was much better than the film (I read it before i saw the film)... As a lot of book are actually better than the film they inspire...
  22. Let's make the longest groupwave EVER on the internet for SIVAN !! Yippiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!! Starts here : :groupwave: :groupwave: :groupwave:
  23. Think you must wonder "Why the hell did I propose that ?!!" Hope that helps ! :
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