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Big Girl

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Everything posted by Big Girl

  1. My friend who came with us sent me this. I thought it was a good one of the group photo
  2. LOL! Yes it is right! I will probably have to pray to Mika and recite the whole of LiCM before bed!
  3. LOL! He'll never forgive me, but... He wants to go to Somerset House `in character', so he's going to have to get an outfit soon!!
  4. I've got to say yes really, haven't I?!!
  5. Holy Johnny has left the building! but keep the confessions coming, it will keep him busy after work tonight
  6. You are right though Yop. It's not like you couldn't sell them if you found out you couldn't go! I've learnt my lesson the expensive way!!!! The other thing is the tickets for Somerset House went on sale before I saw Mika live and I had no idea then how much I would want to go again!!
  7. MM - I also meant to add that I really hope you can get some tickets for less than I paid! I really think I was stung for them. I also think the seller puched the price up, cos it didn't go up until the last few seconds and then the invoice was sent straight away. Yop - yes you're right. I should've bought the tickets when they went on sale, but the gig is on a day I should be working and I never thought I'd be able to get the time off. I work for my in-laws so it is near enough impossible to pull a sickie!
  8. I paid roughly £20 a pair for the Birmingham tickets which was about double the original price. I am ashamed to admit what I paid for Somerset House
  9. Seconded! Ebay should ban ticket sales unless people are selling at cost price because they can't go for some reason. It is particularly criminal in the case of free festivals like One Big Weekend.
  10. OMG, tell me about it! I was the highest bidder on Saturday with 2 mins to go and then my computer crashed. By the time I got back on the auction had ended and the tickets sold for £122. £2 more than my max bid So I put a bid on the next set of tickets which ended last night. I won them, but I am a bit shell shocked by what I paid. Put it this way - they won't stop at £150 The tickets have gone up dramatically since the weekend. I put it down to so many people seeing him at Preston, who wouldn't normally have liked him, seeing how wonderful he is live!
  11. Ooops! sorry I searched Loo and not toilet, how improper of me! and I got the article from Heat online (check it out - it has lots of Mika articles on there yay!) and not Perez!
  12. I LOVE IT, I WANT ONE!!! Heres the link to the article! http://www.heatworld.com/Article.aspx?articleid=875&channel=Music&title=At+last%2c+a+portable+loo+you+actually+want+to+use
  13. Yep! He registered a couple of days after the gig, but didn't know what to post at first! Now there is no stopping him!!
  14. Weeeelllll, sometimes I am blonde! I get bored easily! Sorry, I didn't come and speak - I get a bit shy sometimes. Usually "The guy on the left" makes up for that though
  15. OMG!! I persauded him to go and pick the kids up! I didn't think I was ever going to get back on here lol! I think we definitely have a new Mika addict on our hands! lol
  16. Well, Hello!! Fancy seeing you here I knew you'd come around one day!! I guess seeing Mika live converts most people! xxx
  17. LOL!!!1 The guy on the left is Mark, my husband! That must've been before he found out about the car. He looked a lot less happy (?!?) after that!!
  18. Hi *waves* The night was too brilliant for anything to spoil it, it was just a bit of a bummer at the end. Now the windows fixed and alls back to normal, Mark is chuffed it gave him the chance to chat with Mikas dad!!!!
  19. Aaahhh! More details please Becky! What was he doing when she saw him? Were there loads of MFCers dressed up as Big Girl with him?
  20. I was totally unimpressed with the Academy (& the car park next door pppfffttt!). They took our water, glowsticks & lollipops and the queue jumping for people who had been drinking really took the mickey. Then, inside they sold us alcohol, let people had out metal keyrings and allowed people to smoke in the crowd - right at the front. One girl had her jacket burnt by a cigarette! Still, all said and done Mika totally made up for everything!
  21. Nah, they'll post on here I'm sure! Plus Jemma will put a blog on her myspace (won't you Jemma? ) I swear that girl has been blessed by lady luck
  22. Maybe they have finished filming and are having dinner with Mika, followed by a big party Now, I think I am toturing myself...! Hurry up Mika movie stars!
  23. I think the tickets were originally around £25 and the auction I just lost finished at £122 for 2 tickets , so they are over double the price I have put another bid on some more... please let me win them this time
  24. Here are some photos of everyone in the queue! Mainly backs I know, but memories none-the-less!
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