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Big Girl

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Everything posted by Big Girl

  1. From todays Sun newspaper.... It might be time to place a lonely hearts ad for chart-topper MIKA. The ultra-camp pop warbler has been moaning about his disastrous love life. He said: “I’ve only been in love once. It was a horrid experience, my heart was broken. I just want to forget about it.†I don't thinkn he needs to place a lonely hearts ad, he could just come here...!
  2. Thanks Sivan, I hadn't read this one before. Nice to see a good review as there seems to be a few bad ones around recently
  3. Thank you! They take after me obvioulsy....
  4. Bad NME! Oh, how predictable from NME again I bet all the journos at NME have a hidden Mika CD, but would never dare admit it! I think they try so hard to be cool, that it makes them very uncool!
  5. teehee oops, thought I had shown them off before lol!
  6. Aww cute, I would love a little girl I'm sure I have shown my 2 off before, but not one to miss an opportunity Big one is my step-son Kyle and small one is Elliott
  7. I would love to be able to do that, but I seem to be unable to keep plants alive. I am already panicking cos my mum bought me a plant for easter and I know it will be dead by next week! Dr Who was brilliant last night
  8. I've never ben to wales either! We are all going to have to come and stay with MM
  9. What are you most excited about Nic? Coming to England or Mika? Or is that a stupid question?!
  10. I don't like the song, but their video is class! So many blasts from the past! Rod, Jane & Freddy :roftl:
  11. Gonna go and bath my chocolate (& mud, which stuck to the chocolate ) covered kids, back soon xxx
  12. Sorry, so full of self pity, forgot to ask what you do?
  13. I guess.... maybe a little creme egg or two won't hurt...
  14. I work in a pub, it is owned by my in-laws, and basically the whole family works there! Today, I went in at 9-11.30 to clean, then back at 2 working behind the bar! Tomorrow I start at 9 again, but I am chefing (sp?!) until close. It's hard work, especially when the weather is nice and the garden is full as well as the pub, you just wish you were able to enjoy it with everybody else! Does that sound a bit "woe is me"!! Shameless plug - http://www.pubutopia.com/pubs/P/Peterborough/Holme/The%20Admiral%20Wells/
  15. Hi everyone, happy easter Just finished work and we have been absolutely mobbed today and with it being BH monday tomorrow and nice weather predicted again, I guess we will be mobbed again tomorrow and I have to work a 12 hour shift Oh, and I'm on a diet, so no chocolate for me Some good news though, I have got 2 more people to come to Mika in Birmingham with us, so there will be 6 of us coming now!
  16. No, you'd think that if Mika was coming on they would've said something then?
  17. Here it is.... http://www.whatson.com/metroradio/
  18. Metro Radio, hang on I'll find a link....
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