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Big Girl

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Everything posted by Big Girl

  1. This is my first Mika gig, and I am sooo excited. I am like a hyperactive 5 year old! So is my sis in law (who is coming too), she is a recent convert but loves him as much as I do now!
  2. Thanks Bexxy There are 5 of us coming in 2 cars. I will try to sort out with everyone what time they can leave as some people (including us lol!) have got to arrange babysitters (my mum!), so as long as they can come early enough, shouldn't be a problem! I will get back to you as soon as I know!
  3. I don't know Birmingham at all, is the bullring easy to find?
  4. I will try to be there if I can, we are planning on leaving fairly early. I think it is about a 2 hour drive from P'borough. I will be the only MFCer in our group though, is that OK with everyone? Is the Bullring easy to find?
  5. Sorry guys, i haven't been on as much as I'd like recently:blush-anim-cl: What are the plans for Thursday, can we join in? 2 days to go, I'm soo excited....
  6. I am honestly stunned by this. I am so sorry for what happened to you guys. I take it you are going to complain?
  7. We have a spare ticket for the Birmingham gig on Thursday as somebody has pulled out. If anyone wants it, please either reply to this message or PM me. I can arrange to meet you there to give it to you. Thanks Kat x
  8. I was convinced Love Today was going to be a number one too, but the thought crossed my mind that a lot of people had already bought the album. Also, and it pains me to say this!, I know a few people who loved GK, but hate Love Today. How very dare they?.... !
  9. Massive congratulations to everyone who won! It is great that so many of the winners are from MFC! You must all be sooo excited! Well done
  10. Hi guys I live in Cambridgeshire, UK. I have 2 boys (11 & 5) I work full time... and I try to fit in as much MFC as I can, but don't get to post as much as I'd like anymore... after I realised that perhaps I was neglecting the housework, sleeping, feeding the kids... that kind of thing! Love your original post Blue sky... I think I can relate to just about all of that!
  11. Hi, We are in Peterborough, so not far...!
  12. Either or both really?! Although 4 of us have to be at work at nine, so I don't know how long we'd be able to stay. Would be nice to meet you all though. The non MFCers are my hubby, sis in law & hubby and a couple of friends.
  13. Jimmy White came to our pub a couple of years ago and I served him a few times. He seemed nice! Warwick Davies' kids go to the same primary school as mine. I often see him in the mornings, he's really nice. A lot of his family are/have been in films too and they often come into our pub! I used to date a well known drum and bass DJ, but I suppose he is only a celeb if you are into that kind of thing!
  14. Thanks for that one Titania, it's good to read stuff like that! Lets face it most of us can't get enough of Mika! The second review was great too!
  15. I had Hedgehunter and Numbersixthingumybobby. Needless to say I lost! I have won on the last two nationals and I was kinda expecting to win on this one too (lucky thre and all), d'oh!
  16. OMG, I have no idea what time we will be able to get there. Originally, it was just going to be four of us and it wouldn't have really mattered what time we left (my mum is staying overnight with the kids cos she's cool!), but now my sis-in-law and her hubby are coming and they will find it hard to get a baby sitter to come early and stay till late! What do I do?!! Wait for them, or leave early and tell them I'll see them there?
  17. There are 6 of us going (only me from MFC) but I don't think we will be able to get there too early Save some space for us at the front! The 6 of us are - Me (Katherine! omg my real name lol!) Mark (Mr BG) Dawn (sis-in-law) Charlie (her hubby!) Charlotte (nutty friend) Spare ticket! (not for very long, I'm sure!)
  18. It wasn't a big story on there, just a little snippet. Follow the link and scroll to the end of the page. http://www.thesun.co.uk/section/0,,4,00.html
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