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Everything posted by guapo!

  1. Happy Birthday Mika!! Be yourself all the time, we love you!
  2. right. but I think music is an expression of what the artist is, so...you like him or you don't.
  3. Super Cool! I'm a singer, so I'm in !
  4. She's sweet but she's a rocker, bad ass. I don't believe she cried.
  5. I want to pinch all his cheeks! Ass cheeks better! lol
  6. wow! thank you very much! :punk:
  7. AAAH!! What I think about the heart.....READ MY SIGNATURE! lol
  8. We’re A Proud Poppa We are soooo happy! Perez Hilton’s making the people come together. But not just any people, two of our favoritest people in the world. A few weeks ago, we suggested to our dear friends Mika and Beth Ditto that they should do a duet together. The two had never met so we introduced them (virtually) via email. The stars aligned this weekend when both of them were scheduled to play the same event and they finally had the chance to meet up. On Sunday, Beth joined Mika on stage at the T in the Park festival in the U.K. to sing the Eurythmics classic Sweet Dreams. And we wish we could have been there! Magic!!! If any of you see this performance pop up on YouTube, let us know! Merci. http://perezhilton.com/?p=1109
  9. This one would be easier, because it'd be only with photos, right?
  10. wow, he has some muscles! I like his hair in this pics.
  11. yey! Norah #1 !!! Mika # 4 !!! Linkin Park HOw can the stupid bitch Avril Lavigne be #2 !! Stupid teenagers that buy her album!!
  12. yey! Norah #1 !!! Mika # 4 !!! Linkin Park HOw can the stupid bitch Avril Lavigne be #2 !! Stupid teenagers that buy her album!!
  13. yeah, if don't want to say it, then whatever, but i whish he would:bleh: ask a straight guy if he's gay, he will say, nah! im very straight. but ask a gay guy, he will deny it or just try to "confuse you" . yes. I don't believe he said that!
  14. lol! lol! thats really good... and childish...haha.
  15. I'm gay and I love MIka. I just can't understand why he doesn't say if he's gay or straight. I think it's stupid and not mysterious or confusing like he thinks. If he was straight I bet he would say it. maybe that's why gays doesn't like him, or maybe because he's to gay even for gay ppl, lol. But I love him no matter what.
  16. When I'm supposed to be paying attention in class, im thinking about grace kelly and then mika, lol. Have you experienced that? this is what i do in classes, lol :
  17. I said shut up in a friendly way, like saying nah! i see you didn't understand it. anyways of course you can hate perez, but you can't deny he has power, and that millions of ppl are visiting his site everyday
  18. shut up! lol. Perez has power! It would be worse if he talks bad things about MIka! perez promoting Mika is great!
  19. omg, he's so gay in the 2nd pic and looks like a bunny in the 3rd pic, lol. But the the hottest!
  20. wow, u r fast, i tho i'd be the 1st one to post it. lol, it's so damn funny! mika nxt to amy!
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