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Everything posted by Ocean_Fairy

  1. Certinly a strange compliment I havn't seen that before:blink: Thanks for posting this
  2. Ooh cool, thanks for posting it, I've never heard of Hellogoodbye. People say to me in school that he is so obviously gay and I say really what makes you think that and then they are like this
  3. I looove huge posters, I can't wait until they release some Mika ones. At the moment I have a doctor who one,a fairy and a Johnny Depp one on my wall
  4. Oh yay! Look forward to talking to you. I should write about you to now as your above this Lemme see your obviously a very nice person , Mika fan of course and your a year younger than me And you like this smilie XD
  5. Poor Mika! *hugs* get well soon. A good nights sleep helps to according to my mum anyway and honey and lemon tea
  6. Raha From what I know about you you're a year younger than me,you've got a great screen name and you're fave song is Lollipop this is fun
  7. I agree we never get Mika pictures in our either. Everyone loves Mika yippee!
  8. Damn, that would be awful ecspecially for people who have to travel to get there
  9. Lol hey great to have you here.
  10. I love them all I can't decided what I like best honestly.My friends however, all except one hate Grace Kelly and groan whenever I play it in the common room. It makes me so mad because they play all they're rnb stuff lol but as he's number one album and song I can say I have the better taste in music :)
  11. Borat ick! Who can possibly even imagine Mika looks like Borat Omg...I'm speechless.
  12. The only reason I 've heard of perez is because of Mika lol so that's what he looks like.Funky shirt!
  13. Ocean_Fairy


    Hey Sorry to hear all the tickets are sold out Have fun here
  14. Eeeek! Not a nice dream I'm sure that won't happen though lol I think everyone would notice the fraud
  15. Hey you're going to love it here
  16. Oh right that's quite a while, we should all go on the day before and vote loads of times :)
  17. I've voted loads of times They all just stay really close like that.When does it close?
  18. Yep five weeks !Hey have fun here
  19. Awww poor Mika flu really sucks Hope he gets well soon.I feel sorry for all the people going up to Brighton though.
  20. Yeah I think it is "a rhyming dictionary soaked in cider " I like that idea ,I get what you mean.
  21. This is great! It is somewhat familiar though, thanks for posting it "if they like me, to stick with me and to give me enough of a chance," I'm gonna stick with you Mika:)
  22. He's got to stay at number one I know a hell of alot of peole love Ruby by the Kaiser chiefs, it is good but not if it knocks off Mika..
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