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Everything posted by Ocean_Fairy

  1. Wow, lucky friend of yours! hae fun here
  2. Hey Jess, we got the same name Have fun here
  3. *sigh* where do I start? His voice and the laugh (I agree Zahara) his tallness,how thin he is...hi seyes,hair. I just love Mika how can I possibly choose lol
  4. I love the pic I wish wish I was going to the Koko...
  5. Cool thanks I don't agree with them for some of the things though ecspecially about Any other world. I didn't know his last name was a secret, I thought I knew it:confused: Sunny will you tell me please
  6. lol,Hey Brumming have fun here
  7. Lol they can be really stubborn, I saw a gang of them on the comments page on Youtube I tried to tell them but nope:thumbdown:
  8. for not lurking any more. Welcome Nell, have fun
  9. Finally something else original He is so cute in this vido playing with the bear he likes Mr Bean and Winnie the pooh!
  10. Hey I love your name Wiccana!
  11. Awwww he has a gorgeus smile... thanks loads
  12. Fabulous, fantastic, flamboyant I love things like these
  13. Lol thank you Ahh singing in the rain I have heard of
  14. Lmao Yeah I'm addicted to Lollipop too Hey You've made a great first board choice Have fun here
  15. Yeah I quite like them to, no where near as good as Mika mind but still good enough that I've been trying out all their songs for the past half hour. I haven't seen what they look like yet, a blonde/blue eyed Mika I shall have to check this out...
  16. I wish I was there to...it looked brilliant.
  17. I love it! Cos the real Mika Magic Makes me feel that I can fly I love that line and yep your chorus is making me hungry
  18. Hey you're going to love it here Yeah Discobiscuit I love it
  19. Sorry if I'm being dull but who is Feddie Astaire? But yeah I'm 100% certain it's Freddie.M he is talking about.
  20. Hey yay you're not a lurker any more I like this smilie too lol.Have fun
  21. Hey jonmbarlow and Little13lyd have fun
  22. Hey and I'm 16 to and I love writing stories, songs and poetry and I'm trying to play the guitar how strange is that:shocked: I hate r+b music and club music Oh well have fun here
  23. OH my God I forgot to breathe during that...the best video I've seen of him yet.He's just so cute. I have a slightly lazy eye too.I'd be glad if he got rid of rats I have a mega phobia of them
  24. I agree lo but there's nothing wrong with an older guy He definitly seems younger than 23 at times but then so mature in interviews.
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