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Everything posted by MikaRMS

  1. Its called The Vault its on sky and sky+
  2. it was meant to be mikas on the telly now lol i think its something where yo vote and they play their songs... VOTE!
  3. mikas on the vault its on Sky though.. its like theres MIKA Leona Lewis, Gym class heroes and Kate Nash and you gotta vote for them as the best new artist of 2007... atm LEONA LEWIS is winning. I don't think so. Vote for him!! text A to 63333 costs 50p + your normal charge
  4. PERFORMANCE 1) The best Mika's video?Relax 2) The song you prefer in his concert?Any other world THIS PARTICULAR SONG 3) The song that puts you in a good mood?Grace Kelly 4) The song you can listen again and again till doomsday?Billy Brown 5) The song that corresponds with your life? Happy Ending IN FUTURE 6) The theme that you would like Mika deals with?loving someone you know nothing will happen 7) What song (of another artist) you would like Mika sings?Um barbie girl by qua dont know why... 8) With who he should have a duo? aqua...]
  5. I like the way on MFC, you can be talking about MIKA's personal life then somehow, you are talking about starfish... rotfl
  6. Oh yes, I dont care-he'll still be making his fab music even if he is gay.. his personal life has nothing to do with it.. its just some people are just curious to know about his sexuality (so they know whether to throw themselves at him )
  7. I cant be bothered to read all 33 pages of this.. so i am just going to say what i think to the thread even if some of it has been talked about during previous pagess MIKA's sexuality: His fans are always going to want to know whether he is gay or straight.. as someone said, curiosity is natural! Theres nothing wrong with wanting to know at all i dont think. i know that some people i know say they wont like him if he IS gay which i think is just pathetic. But if his fans aren't going to change their minds about his music even if he is gay or straight then theres nowt wrong with that MIKA'S family: They should NOT be photgraphed. They are just trying to live their lives without papparazzi and random people in the street taking pictures of them! Fair enough if their at a gig or something mika related but they should just be left alone other than that-after all, if mika wasnt famous, we wouldnt know anything about them would we? & mikas driving liscense thing... i thought he COULD drive?!?!?!?!?
  8. i can't remember which standing tickets i got but what is unreserved standing and stalls cos i dont know the difference...
  9. omg. i have never noticed that before... well done for noticing!!
  10. Bump... lol is anyone who is going to febuary 26th concert interested in doing this cos thats the one i'm going to attend xx
  11. hehe i am trying to make the glue dry as i can only scan it in so i will get glue on the scanner
  12. I made my one last night it is in the shape of a heart i will try & scan it in but it has feathers & a pompom on it i got a purple neckalce thing with pink lovehearts on it
  13. i didntg mean you had to just use the tamagotchi straps, i just couldnt think of what they are called (their keycords) but their like £1 in Toyshops if you get the one i got You can get them in Toyshops and some supermajkets probally. tHEY dont have to be laminated if you can't get that done (i cant ) It doesnt even have to be a keycord it can just be like some string or even a strawberry shoelace. i'm making mine now actually lol
  14. Oh sorry, its like those straps that you get @ festivals like where you put your sunglasses on them. but their are tamagotchi straps like what MIKA has
  15. Hi! So I was talking to Celesteee the other day and i suddenly had a brainwave... it's not often this happens you see. So. At MIKA's gigs I dont have a clueeeee who's from MFC & it makes me sad so. You know those Tamagotchi straps? Well, you could print off (or draw whatever) the MFC logo & attach it to the strap with your username from MFC on it. Tell me what you think of it!! xox livvy (the strap ) THEY dont have to be black & white - thats boring!! get colourful ones if you can their only about £1 in The Entertainer http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.f4a831e4ac.jpg[/img] Thats MIKA wearin his tamagotchi keycord... :¬)
  16. Hii!! well as i wasn't there @ the brighton concert, did mika get anyone up on teh stage??? just wondering thank youu!
  17. when i was looking at the picture, there were harps and violens on the telly lol!!!! such an angel....
  18. REGistered. 24th i think he'll be on... something to fill ya stockin eh?
  19. Oh can i be in it?? i did this card in feb for him but i didnt know where to send it... so could i scan that in???
  20. i'm in if thats ok... would it be ok if i used the drawings i did in the Year In Cartoon motion book?? they're drawings that she did herself
  21. i can just see him in a aqua blue trousers and braces going " I'm a barbie girl in a barbie worlddd, life in plastic" then holding the microphone for everyone to sing back "its fantastic!!!!!!!"
  22. i know what you mean. Posh's acting role was rubbish... lol mika wuld be btter by miles
  23. hmm.. as CazGirl said, it usally always snows REALLY heavily wround that time. I know because I got snowed in once on my birthday and if it snows and theres ice then people who are using trains to get there wil be a bit screwed...
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