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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. Hahaha it was hilarious. But she did look pretty terrified. And I would have paid good money to see you say that to him. Still, you got a hug from him as well. You were a popular lady that night!
  2. All I'm gonna say Vicky is that upon seeing Neil when we were waiting for Mika to come on, you shrieked 'OH THERE'S MY MAN!' and fought your way through the crowd, then proceeded to hug him, with a poor innocent woman in between the two of you. Which is obviously very much the behaviour of an utterly sober person. Of course.
  3. SITM trumpet bizniz with blowers and giggles and David blowing my blower. (Saucy!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jApqYofbJI4
  4. Vicky and I definitely did NOT check out the date of it on the MFC calendar when we had lunch the other day.
  5. Love Today Shooty Bizniz - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulPfK80vj6E EDIT: And the chat before OMS is done too - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTFcWaFird4 EDIT EDIT: Rain - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Bh5jADYNDI
  6. Videos are slowly uploading: Billy Brown - Blue Eyes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVCCoklIP_s
  7. FINALLY - Over My Shoulder, Confetti Fight and Cake - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP836_1LKME And the Love Today Killing Spree - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe7omvNJOWE
  8. Yeah, but I guess people who live near-ish each other can see friends in between shows, it's just a bit more awkward when they're hundreds or thousands of miles away. I think one of us needs to get our thinking caps on and invent the teleport. Anyway, here are my photos - http://s928.photobucket.com/albums/ad129/Lozzington/MIKA%20Fringe%2023082010/
  9. Back in London town now. I'll upload everything, write a report and get all my shiz together today. Finally. Gaaaaaaaaaaaah I miss everyone.
  10. I seriously missed the bit where I got a frying pan, hahahaha. Wtf is with that? I'll be sorting out all my shiz tomorrow, got a few good snaps, videoed a LOT, but can't be bothered to battle with the terrible wifi. Oh and if you watch the birthday present giving bit I apologise for my fangurly moment right at the end, how embarrassing, hahahaah.
  11. His hotel was really far away from Edinburgh and he had a majorly early flight this morning - boy does need sleep occasionally!
  12. Pictures and vids will come when I get back on Thurday night - the wifi here is rubbish. I might do a report in the morning when I wake up, but for now, just know that it was brilliant. Really brilliant. Really very brilliant. Yeah.
  13. Kick Ass - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPwWu2qITVU OMS and the Love Today shooting bit will have to wait until this evening as I'm leaving for the airport now. UAHIGUAERGHIAURGHUAER It's too early and I couldn't get any sleep. *sigh*
  14. Happy Ending - This was after the cake was given, which is at the end of my OMS video, which is still uploading. But he mentions the cake and all that.
  15. Tiibet's got a much longer video of it in better quality, so you'll get even more adorable birthday cuteness when she gets some time to upload. And yes! I can't believe you're coming on Monday either! It's going to be so brilliant to meet you!
  16. Hahah you're very welcome. Aw I loved that so much as well, Allegra. It was gorgeous. The Blue Eyes video is uploading now so we can relive the pretty sounds! And here's WAG - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBGskKAIUvg
  17. I had nothing to do with the cake - it was the Italian girls, they organised it and brought it on stage just before Happy Ending.
  18. Yeah, I told him he'd be getting it at the Fringe, so he's expecting it now. Gives him lots of time to get excited about it. And here's the video for Sweet Dreams - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDefEGcqEbY
  19. No, there was an issue with the printers...who basically lied about the amount of time it would take for it to be ready, but he'll get it on Monday in Edinburgh.
  20. Yeah he said 'If you see me running away like a six year old girl you know why...' and then he paused and added 'well, ANOTHER reason why.' :roftl: I'm officially in love with that man. Have I mentioned that before?
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