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Everything posted by raha!

  1. oh, he does! it's just that the official name for the sound he makes is a "kaching", so i never bother adding an a.
  2. gahah me too i had to keep watching him to make sure my kerchiiiiiing was in complete synchronization with him...didn't want it too long! but after the first few hundred listens, it begins to come naturally oh, what a sad bunch we are...
  3. exactly! that last sentence was very mumbo-jumbo... the dude's contradicting himself.
  4. oh my...mika has the same hair problems as normal people?! oh right, i almost forgot: he's only human, isn't he? his angelic voice convinced me to think otherwise!
  5. same here...but i haven't even gone to his gig yet.. lol, every time the topic of mika comes up, my friend's usually roll their eyes and say, "not agaaaaiinnn!" but hey, how can we not rave about him?! it's the mika instinct but how many songs did he do, tho? i hope it wasn't too short.
  6. thanks! i agree with the last para.... since he's new, i suppose he's still a tad insecure abt things, and not comfortable yet. well, at least he's not stuck up, like most other famous artists!
  7. yes, i was just going to say how interesting it is that you capitalize your words. hi there! mika is deffo a shooting star....and i have no clue where he's headed, either!
  8. btw, i'm pretty young so this will be my first ever concert too.... i was anxious abt how it will be but his concerts must all be amazing, by your description
  9. chloe, that must have been an AWESOME night! glad to see you had a good time. great idea that you posted this; sort of got me to relive some of it! i'm going to mika's toronto concert in march and plan on having a great time, too. thanks!
  10. nooooo! i mean pull off in the "wear with ease" kind of way, not the "i want to make his babies" kind of way! mika looks much nicer in my head with his trousers on than with them off... but if i ever happened to have those intentions (and got the chance to express them, lol), it would take some skilled pulling. ok no more said!
  11. oh my gosh i'm going to be killed for saying this but.... when i watched mika's grace kelly vid for the very first time, i thought: "who is that strange pervy man talking to that girl??"...and 10 seconds later, i became fantasticafied by that strange man! (don't think that's a word, lol ) i think he is generally very pretty everywhere.
  12. thank you he's looking very suave there... wow, a first paparazzi phot! *cue the clapping* i love those shoes. and the omnipresent scarf, teehee.
  13. raha!

    Mika Abc

    but wearing like mika doesn't mean wearing skinny jeans only he's got this personality that emanates through his trousers (is that possible?!?! lmao), but it's there in everything else he wears too. so as long as you feel you look unique, quirky and happy, you're wearing mika.
  14. this must have been a really early interview.... instead of having the interviewers jump all over him and please him, it's like Mika's trying to assert himself to the interviewer, sort of to prove his worth! great. but his hair's a bit off centre.. teehee
  15. raha!


    thanks! mika is an awesome live performer, that's for sure.
  16. LOVE it thank YOU! best clip ever. it's great how the song's emotion is shown on his voice and face. and the background harmonizing sounds great! i love the way the cam zooms into his shoes. very lovely shoes.
  17. good for you. hey, if mika could pull off the red trousers, why can't we?? i'd rather everyone in the world wore what they wanted to wear regardless of what other ppl thought. our streets would be much more interesting!
  18. young fish indeed! yep, nicole, youngling is used in the same context as youngster. but youngfish sounds way more interesting! oh, and i'm not playing right now; just interrupting!
  19. i wish i had red trousers now, lol! but i think i would get odd looks if i wore them out....
  20. me too.... (i can't use enough of the blushing emoticon when i talk about mika's style) i have a pair of dark blue skinny pants that remind me of mika, and i wear them all the time. with a certain pair of slim white sneakers that i emptied my account when buying... hey- doesn't mika have red skinny trousers too?
  21. i agree. i guess tastelessness is a universal thing. wouldn't it be great if we walked out one day in skinny trousers and lovely shoes? our towns are in desperate need of mikaMagic!
  22. purple purple purple! i love the cut of the purple sweater with his trousers. and his hair (literally) tops off the gorgey ensemble. :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl: i adore mika's style. he is DEFFO not a conformist ...would love to see more ppl with unique style in my own town. everyone wears the exact same thing..
  23. downers to them for childish bashing and unprofessionalism:( bet they didn't know just how many they were offending with that comment. soooo...... here's to the kaisers: :starwars::rocket::mf_plasmawhore: and...! had to join in on the fun....
  24. oh white queen, tmi indeed! haha autumn is the coziest....the changing leaves are always so pretty. summer is the season that always holds the most memories for me i don't like winter for the one reason that, a few days after the snow comes down, everything turns muddy and mooshy.
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