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Everything posted by Sity

  1. The support act is Alphabeat just to mention. Im maybe coming. So Im maybe adding myself to the list?
  2. Im sure many more people besides my friends think too. I have holidays but I guess that's not interesting. Scarf knitting is really nice. Only... how do you do that while online?
  3. Oh, I only now noticed it. Oops. Links - good job! Woo! Bye for now then, have fun watching(?) the game!
  4. A miracle! I was out last night. It was fun: First we were on a pub (dull as hell), no music at all except a-not-that-special musician playing few sad guitar songs. So everyone was just sitting on their own little corners drinking, not really talking anything neither having a good time (at least in a way I know). I was really starting to lose my mind, fall asleep - just for the boreness of the place, not passing out already. I started to bitch in our group that I needed to get out there before losing my mind, It's boring, let's go somewhere where fun, I WANT, NEED MUSIC etc. At last we left the god damn place (for me ) for a dance club. And at the door the first thing I heard was Relax, Take It Easy remix starting beat and when I cheared for the song and was the only one dancing already on the doorway, everybody was looking me: ok we can see (hear) this's your place. Bet ya having fun now?! Bet I was... And it was even better, they started to play Sweet Dreams remix next..! I have never been such excited in a club. And I had something worth of mention too! Look what I just noticed: http://www.myspace.com/thisisalphabeat Look at the list of upcoming shows...
  5. Many country luuuuuuuuvs Mika... (Which fact I luuuuuuuuv btw). Run out of space?
  6. "MIKA hienostuneemmalla linjalla", mä en tykkää. Se on vielä sama vanha ainakin mun mielestä.
  7. Good good good! We need more Argentinian people here..! ^___^ Yes! That's it! MIKA award! Period.
  8. I want a badge that says that. And after the awards I want a badge that says ACTIVATE YOURSELF TO MIKA. You know, just fo the sake of it.
  9. 1. I have smiled (because of the song) listening to LT, Relax, Stuck ITM, GK, Lollipop, BB, Big Girl, My Interpretation. (Maybe them all). 2. None of the songs have made me cry... Or actually the very first time listening to Over My Shoulder really made me sit down quiet and stare stupidly. I was alone at the time (as usual) listening through the cd (the first time) and the music was just indescribible. Something in it sounded familiar (and russian I thought) but still it was new for me. Arising a lot of bad memories and misery from the past in to my mind and made me have tears for that one time. 3. None of the songs have made me feel in love. 4. None of the songs have made me feel down. I've been feeling down already while putting on a MIKA song but I think there's a difference. 5. None of the songs have made me feel crazy. (Interpret: mad, psycho) 6. Hmm, maybe the same as in 1. Singing passionately to them... 7. None again... Nooo wait, Grace Kelly... And Stuck In the Middle... 8. I have felt that listening to every song in LICM pretty much. Oh and the same as 2. 9. None. 10. Don't know. And I can't remember all the times I've heard the songs, that'd be just mad.
  10. Oh, I went to a club yesterday and on the door I hear the first beats to Relax!! Very nice remix, sounded a lot like the original! And very soon after that they played a dance version of Sweet Dreams! (Then from that the music started to get worse and worse but that's another story).
  11. Yeah, it was Mika who invented the whole 'lick a lollipop' thing... Oh wait no, it's SUCK a lollipop... You went all wrong!
  12. Hahaha! Im coughing a biscuit out of my lungs, brilliant. Yes and (in emergency) 'Mika Penniman' would actually do.
  13. Hehehe! Isn't it good to know you're not the only lonely one spending time and effort clicking a button on the site? There's always room for encouraging! Yeah! Makes one a bit worried of their system! Should I put up two links for every country then..? Maybe they'll erase it all then. Pfft. Oh and there's plenty of people voting without posting here. (At least that's what Im counting for) Here! Swedish candy to everyone who's taking the time to vote!
  14. Hallo Olivia! Make yourself at home! :]
  15. The song! It is spectacularly good! I love it so! ^________________^
  16. Oh yeah sorry, yep we still can vote. I was just annoyed cause I got used to easy voting.
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Have they deleted the voting buttons on the 'info' permanently? I so don't need the voting any more complicated than it is. It was great just the way it was.
  18. Thanks to you for bumping!! But HEY what's wrong with the voting now? Oh no!
  19. Ahha! Im no help. I should focus on helping myself. I had not heard of the live version. But now I do! So err... bye.
  20. Yes, it's very interesting indeed! This night and the reports, Im very interested... Do you think it would affect much to Mika singing new songs in his concerts, when we have such a worldwide fanbase here. I mean at every gig someone always have somekind of recording equipment. I know some artists feel a bit sensitive about playing new songs (and spreading them with the world "unfinished").
  21. Umm, live version of Happy Ending..? Haven't heard of. Im not sure what you mean. Sorry, not being very helpful.
  22. Happy Ending video?! Vähän aikasin! Hyvä Axel, go! Mä oon kattonu sitä kans välillä ja näin BG:n silloin ku se tuli ekan kerran! ^___^ Jee Anzuzu ja Marianne, onnea!
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