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Everything posted by Sity

  1. Ahh, this award is not gonna slip through fingers. Mika may start planning a new shocker awards look. The Italy site seems to be back to normal.
  2. Emm... Is it a beard or hair? Or a moose?
  3. Disturbing? Isn't that what we need for a shocker. But really I've been wondering how much this over-active buzzing fansite actually affects to things.
  4. Yeah, Im pleased at my skills picking a picture out of google images. And the business thing, it's a rumor but yeah, respect.
  5. Hey, I just realised we have the power. Perez was said being seen on here before he wrote the 'going straight' article. Though I also read someone sent him a message. So which fake news do we want to start now? Who can work photoshop?
  6. Hmm, wondering if we can be spared of another new thread for this little one. Hope the search works. Here's another article: http://www.queerty.com/news/mikas-new-look-20071009/
  7. Oh! So maybe it was "I tried to be like Gene Kelly" then? I think it's very classy look. Kudos for Mika, it's a gala for god sake. Maybe he was showing a respect.
  8. You're talking about me, not the business look?
  9. Im quoting it here cause I so love spreading the gossip. A business look?
  10. Yeah it's not. At least never in the fan club... (Look at the link in my sig.)
  11. There's always MTV EMA... Voting is on.
  12. Hi livingeyesclosed, happy clubbing!
  13. I guess people need to compete in every way...
  14. You pretty people. I agree you. ^___^ If there's such thing as music award, this year it must be handed for Mika.
  15. Oh come on, he looks gorgeous. As the fact that it's his awards look. If he would appear to a gig like that, I seriously would burst to laugh.
  16. Umm, dear Freddie, it's really not... He didn't win. I know it's not the end of the world, but come on... Vote for EMA!
  17. Ooh, so it's the LA edit then as a single too, okay.
  18. Hello Justine! Nice introduction! Im warning, it's very active here, thousands of posts every day... We'd like to see you around so just hang on there. :]
  19. Nice to see you Modee! Oh, and don't get overwhelmed by the amount of posts here, it's kind of active. Just hang on there, we'd like to see you around. :]
  20. Hehaha! Look the add I got down this page: I don't really care if people want to bombard him with gifts. Maybe it's an easy way to approach. Anyway it's one kind of response he's getting so he'd bette get that extra storage. Or maybe we should help him by offering to take some of his stuff at Vega. Or then not.
  21. Lena you're a sweet person! Have a... Keep it up, it's all interesting! Mika's name-day in Finland then was 29th August by the way... And this thread made me want to know some more Russian!
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