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Everything posted by Sity

  1. I instantly thought of the new remix. I admit it, I was scared.
  2. Sity

    Hi :)

    Hello Inby! I prefer long introductions. Here's the door mat! ^___^
  3. Oh yes we should! Anything goes in the name of votes flowing in... or raining... or bombing. ^___^
  4. He has. Based what I hear on MySpace I like the music. She's not going to support in Sweden then?
  5. Yay sparkly1 and mikas_gal07! Exactly. Everyone just needs to see this thread and realise the fact that Mika's going to win.
  6. Hahahaha! Although I might need one too. If Natasha Bedingfield is able to win Mika like that, what we need is crazy campaign for the MTV EMA voting... It's Nelly Furtado, Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake etc. etc. against him!! But I think Mika needs to win this also for the sake of Europe Music Awards. Justin Timberlake can go and win sexy prizes back in US too. PLEASE!
  7. I would be so scared of this. So could you put me on the list, please? ^___^
  8. I voted Relax, Take It Easy. It's a great song with a simple, still magnifying video. I love those early AOL clips, MIKA has a killer style and you can see a bit of the band too.
  9. Oh. I was just going to get lost to youtube. 2 of my milk teeth got rotten to my mouth, so the dentists wanted to pull them off. Im not sure they knew how to use that stuff (what's it called?) right to numb my mouth cause it always hurt like-- pain. Ive had many cavities in my teeth I was lucky to even have my milk teeth for a while. It always felt like dentist after dentist. And I had a fear for them because it never was "just a check". But I got good teeth after milk teeth, yay!
  10. I like your hair, very flowy. And I know that stuff they needle you with, I have a terrible dental history.
  11. Why is it that I've too felt so bored on the boards nowadays... And I want some pizza.
  12. Yeah, I know, MIKA and Snoop Dogg. What a party!
  13. I think I've never felt like this for a dvd recorder! I enjoy awards, and now they have MIKA too. But how is MFC nominated?
  14. Yeah. Just reminded me of this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01zyWwK5gJI Oh, and everyone don't forget to vote for MTV EMA!
  15. We only look for tickets and then maybe a little PM each other.
  16. You mean the list of six nominees? I believe they're just on random order. Different each time you open the page. :]
  17. Hey fede! We are happy to have you here! Hope you like active forums! :] Welcome!
  18. Hi Jérôme! Nice introduction! No, we won't run away, hope you won't. :] Welcome!
  19. Mä olisin ostanu jo lipun jos en olis köyhä opiskelija ilman Visa-korttia. Tai oikeestaan vaan Visa-kortti uupuu, kyllä mä nyt yhen puol vuotta ilman ruokaa pärjään. Tervetuloa annamanna! :]
  20. Oh god, well good you found out! If we all vote daily, it's many votes!
  21. Billy Brown is one of my favourites. Welcome Mafalda! :]
  22. Haha! Im always still banned when trying to go the list through for a second time. I need to listen to some music while I vote though. And Im sorry for your carpal-tunnel addled wrist Jack, give it some rest and tomorrow we are able to vote a new round, right?
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