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Everything posted by Sity

  1. Hahaha! Yeah, it's so much work you know. Oh, and thanks for letting me have the job! Hope I'll manage being the MFC Suomi-opas.
  2. Oh, wait. It has music there and sugar to suck on, it'll survive. Oh and I see a gun in that Happy Ending art work.
  3. Yes MIKA's fan club always up to date.
  4. Okay everyone looky here! Voting is easier now! Just click the links, you'll see! >__> Hehe! This is a good advice I needed to quote even I think I've done it before... Or more... It's real easy. ^___^
  5. Hey DiETC0KE&someMIKAplease! Nice name you have and MIKA concerts oh yeah! Hope to see you on the forums. Welcome!
  6. That's your tama in kindergarden. I guess you need to wait a bit for your tama to be able to get a job. There's also different kind of jobs, depending of the little one's education.
  7. Yötä ketjuun!! Mulla on tiedote: Mä oon ilmoittautunut ja ilmeisesti valittu suomalaisten luottohenkilöksi täällä foorumilla. Toivottavasti se on teille okei, koska mulle se on. Uskon, että homma hoituu. Ei ainakaan toistaseks oo ihan hirveetä ruuhkaa meistä suomalaisista jäsenistä ollu. En haluu ottaa tätä kovin tosissaan. En todellakaan oo mikään järjestäjätyyppi. Eli voin ilmotella jos huomaan, että jotain tapahtuu (siis Suomessa...) ja moikata uusia foorumilaisia, mitä oon kyl jonkun verran tehny ennenki.
  8. Oh, congratulations finally! Because I kind of noticed you wanted one!
  9. Mika has been trained to sing that chirpy sound for years. No, It's a remix done by Dj of his vocals as far as I know.
  10. Thanks for trying to answer me! Because I don't compare remixes to the other songs. I don't know much of remixes yet. I find it as an energetic one. I wonder when/ if we are allowed to hear the original Police cover!
  11. Okay, Im being lazy and quote my previous post on here because I still don't understand. So besides the fact it's a cover song, how is it different from the other remixes?
  12. I don't understand now. Aren't there already loads of remixes made of his vocals. How is this one different? I like the piece where he sings "I can't, I can't, I can't stand loosing..." but other than that: NAAH. Im not sure about the little "quoziquozi"-voices either. Oh yes and thanks for all the posting!
  13. What is happening here? New stuff!? :shocked: *Goes off to see the youtube video*
  14. Hi Keet! Hope to see you on the forums! Welcome!
  15. Yes there is. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8430 And Im off to vote some more.
  16. *walks in* Okaay. Im obviously been missing the fun here.
  17. There are times I wonder if I was the only one sober on the forums, and for that being the only one in need of a serious help.
  18. I still think it's time. Yeah.
  19. Hey! You know I just noticed no one really did welcome the new fellow here. Welcome to Mika fan club MMMM!
  20. You don't want to tell that to my ex-teacher. :naughty: Really. Her whole world will collapse.
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