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Everything posted by humpfree

  1. baaah! this makes me jealous!!! i want to meet him so bad... but i cant even get tickets to one fooking show! >.< i'm forever jealous of you guys (unitl i meet mika) XD
  2. cause i'm only14! and we cant afford for me to fly all the way over to new york just to see mika... even if i want to more than anything.
  3. sad! i live in utah... and although it is possible (but i HIGHLY doubt it) that he could come to salt lake city, i doubt he ever will. and my mom was willing to take me to california for the coachella festival to see mika, since she knows how much i love him and stuff. but his day was sold out. so it would cost $500 bucks just for tickets... and so my mom cant do that.. and then i found the other show at traubadour. tickets are only $15 and he's all sold out! i'm willing to go to another state to see him!! gosh. he should just play at bigger venues.... or something like that. cause i'm soo sick of getting all excited only to find out that i cant go. it kills me every time!
  4. this is a very good idea! i always find out about his shows too late... and then i cant go cause they're all sold old
  5. ya he should play bigger places!! i know he's playing the coachella festival but its like $250 cause the day he's playing is sold out. : ( I"m even willing to drive to a different state to see him! its soo messed... i still love him tho
  6. im soo sick of trying to see mika and then him always being sold out!! im only 14.. and there's only so much i can do... and he only plays in california and new york... so both times he's going to be in new york is sold outt! it makes me so mad! ALL I WANT TO DO IT SEE HIM LIVE! is that so hard?? and what makes it worse, is that both times he's going to california are really close to my birthday! and i'd loooove to see him around my brithday.. that would kick arse... sorry if this doesnt make sense. i'm kind of just ranting....
  7. lol i was kind of a little freaked out for a second. i was like 'how could he put braces on for a show and then take them off??' and then i thought that they were talking about like a brace you'd use for a broken arm, so i was like braces are suspenders in britain. ^.^ i learned something new today!!!!
  8. hmm its hard to say.... but... most likely i wouldnt like him much... unless i met him and he was really nice or sumthin like that
  9. hehehehe. your guys are sILLY! : P i have an obsession with lime green suddenly
  10. Raha~ a year older than me, same gender as me, same occupation as me, and a country up from me
  11. mika has braces????????
  12. how can you know they're the best nights if you can't remember them??? huh huh???
  13. what a waste of time! what's the point of spending time with such a great guy and not even being able to remember it? POINTLESS!
  14. so that guy derek says i want to meet him sooo bad so that i can see for myself what he's really like! (mika i mean)
  15. getting totally wasted on a night out with mika wouldnt be a good idea for many reasons. A] because you wouldnt remember it B] you wouldnt be able to control yourself C] he might write a song about how stuipd you are!! and you would sign the rights not knowing that you just totally humiliated yourself! i dont think he'd do that last one tho...he's too nice:blink:
  16. that would be mean to use his money!!!!! he works hard for it! i wouldn't want to party with him....i'd want to just... hang out and find out what he's all about... cause im boring like that
  17. he says in interviews that he's a big internet fanatic. so i think a lot of the time it is him. but i wouldnt doubt it if he occasionally has someone else do it for him
  18. did anyone else notice the ring on his right hand?? my mom pointed out. and i'm just curious about what you all think about it
  19. i'm so utterly shocked that anyone could not like his music! . even tho most of my friends that i've let listen to the album dont like it. yes its different. but thats what makes it great! and addicting too! its so nice to hear something that is somewhat original whereas everything else in the music industry is seemingly the same. its also nice to have a singer that isnt usuing too many vocal effects. he sounds the same, if not better, live and on the album. he is forever my fav! <3
  20. humpfree

    Mika making a brew!

    i loooove his smile!!! it's infectious!
  21. humpfree

    Mika making a brew!

    i loooove his smile!!! it's infectious! :
  22. duhh everyone says he's hot and i agree. but what's he really like?? does anyone know? if you do, tell us about him!
  23. hahahah! i love that pic of him in the article. I find it hard to believe that he doesnt get dates. i mean he's so gorgeous, talented, and interesting..... But then again i dont really know him. maybe i'd feel differently if i met him. after all, you can't judge a book by its cover (even if its incredibly gorgeous and perfect:wink2:)
  24. humpfree


    hi im kate! i'm from utah and i first heard about mika from mtv. they played his music video and i loooved his music from the second i heard grace kelly. i heard some other songs and i'm infatuated! i cant stop listening to his music. he's my favoriteeee! he needs to do a u.s. tour tho. cause that would like.... make my year! especially if i got to meet him.. that would be awesome:mf_lustslow:
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