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Everything posted by humpfree

  1. i would probbaly pinch him to see if he was real. lol
  2. i've been doing a report on mika for one of my classes, and i was researching stuff and i came across a different article that also said that he had moved to new york. i'll try to find the link.
  3. he should have an american street team..... we should start one. XD
  4. omg i'm so glad that i'm not the only onee!!! how do i make a link?? i'll comment mikamyspace with the link....lol
  5. XD XD XD XD XD no. our goal in life... is to make mika a hit in the U.S. god. i'm retarded. i sit and push all my friends into liking mika, and then i get mad when people like him.... silly me
  6. i'm actually glad you posted this, cause if you didnt, i wouldn't be able to be sitting here listening to the radio...thing. XD so THANKS!!
  7. that would suck sooo baddd!! it would make me laugh tho. now that i figured out how to vote, i've sent 2 bulletins on myspace asking people to vote. and a email to all my hotmail contacts XD i want him on the countdown!! so i can dance and scream and run down the streets in my underwear!!! XD
  8. buhahahhahah i just keep voting for him over and over again
  9. lol i feel so blonde, i've tried before to vote for mika...and i hadn't figured out how to vote...and i just figured out how to... WOO HOO FOR ME!
  10. what song am i supposed to be voting for??? lol
  11. i catch on to all the threads late...anyway i think that mika and his sweat....is F*$#ing sexxxy!!! omg. lol
  12. ok those backtracks were....weird. lol
  13. where would i find schock's stuff?
  14. i wonder if he put subliminal messages in the music...and that if we played it backwards, the secret would be revealed!!! that would be cool....very cool.
  15. good observation!! your smart!! =)
  16. i dont get what your saying...what questions??
  17. hehehe. i'd find him even more attractive if..... i met him....and i actually liked HIM as a person....and not just as like..him being a popstar...if that made any sense
  18. he would be(already is) strangely attractive no matter what his sexual orientation is!!
  19. XD that made me laugh!! that line always made me wonder about him being flamboyant. i wonder if he's straight...and the industry was like "oh if you pretend to be gay then we'll sign you." my interpretations of his songs are out there. lol XD
  20. nope. we redid my room and it ended up costing a lot more than we thought.... and i was looking at the upcoming mika tours...and he's doing a show in san fransisco in june..so i asked her about it and she said that we just dont have enough money to go unless some miracle happens.... so i feel.... like giving up. he makes me so happy....but so sad....
  21. because i live in utah...and the closest he's ever come to utah is shows in california...and whenever i find out about a show its too late...the tickets are sold out...or i dont have any money..... it really sucks.... really bad....
  22. ohh sivan!! thats soo cool!!! your story made me sad tho....i dont think i'm ever going to meet mika..... :[ its so unfairrrr!!! :'(
  23. ya same here!!! i mean, either way, he's going to loose some fans, or have people mad at him. if he's straight, he'll have gay people that are going to be mad at him for being so flamboyant. and then if he's gay, he'll have the straight people saying that "omg you tease!!!". it will be one huge mess......poor mika.
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