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Everything posted by dcdeb

  1. dcdeb


    Au revoir, Leezy! And good luck! I'll be away this weekend as well, but I'm sure you'll be bombarded with PMs from all the vigilant Oldlings when anything exciting happens! dcdeb
  2. I have a Japanese friend who took a look at the webpage for me and here's what she said: It's a radio station website I believe. It was like the DJ's todays diary. I tried to translate it for you. A guest from Overseas Mika, who stayed with us until the show ends, spoke very good Japanese. He only listened twice or three times but his pronunciation was almost perfect. Did any of you listeners understand his words?? Also, there were a lot of people outside of our studio. When we took his picture, he was just COOL, it's a shame we can't show you how cool he was. So, he was having a grape taste soda (I guess that might be Fanta ), well he will come and perform this summer at Fuji Rock Festival 07!! You guys have to experience Mika's miracle happy voice in person, live!! ++++++++++++ That's almost all about on that diary, It's a radio station in Osaka. Also the Radio station has a message board, I checked several pages to see if there is mention about Mika. Well, few were there from his fans who got excited to listen to him or to go to see MTV awards show, a girl posted that she'll bring three lolipop girls to the show. One Japanese sentence Mika said during the show was "Kimi ga Hoshii you", that was "I want you" I guess.
  3. Neither am I! And was it only a week? Seems ages ago already... *sigh* dcdeb
  4. Yes, I told him it made me go dcdeb
  5. dcdeb


    Great photos, kath! I almost missed them! dcdeb
  6. Awwww... sorry I suppose that's how I'll be feeling 3 weeks from today... which will be the day after I see Mika in DC... dcdeb
  7. Welcome aboard! Love your avatar! dcdeb
  8. Very cute, Beckar -- you're quite good at animating those pics! dcdeb
  9. I wasn't making fun, btw -- it did sound like mint, at first. I was just laughing because of all the pies in the world you could have, whyever would they have had a mince pie? I think mince (or mincemeat) is one of those love it or hate it things -- I rather like it, but my mum is English and we always had it at the holidays, so I grew up with it. But you're all right, I have NO idea how the guy knew it was Mika's pie, unless he'd been told beforehand... dcdeb
  10. LOL! Not MINT... MINCE pie! Completely different thing! And I'm guessing you wouldn't like it very much... it's sort of an acquired taste... dcdeb
  11. I would just, for the record, like it to be noted that I have NOT commented on Mika's bum in any of the 3 threads in which "that" photo is posted... I'm just sayin'... In case Mika's reading... dcdeb
  12. LOL! Well, it's 7:15 p.m. my time now and you've all gone to bed, so I'll wait a bit before I post it -- otherwise it'll have sunk to the bottom before you ever get up in the morning! I think it properly belongs in the Therapy thread, so will post it there. Hope you've all had a pleasant night and a good sleep! We'll see you in the a.m.! dcdeb
  13. OK! You've given me an idea, but I HAVE to get some work done! Good job my hubby is away again today... I'll be able to get back here a little later after I'm actually productive... talk to you later! dcdeb
  14. OK, that's pretty bad... although I must admit, my hubby's been away traveling a lot lately, and I really haven't minded that much... MFC-aholic... hmmm, do we need to come up with a 12-Step Program for ourselves??? Or do we not want to go into recovery just yet...? dcdeb
  15. I like this idea... because I may *need* therapy, but I don't necessarily want everyone else to know! I can totally relate! I'm coming up on a holiday weekend away (it's Memorial Day weekend in the states) and I'm sure I'm going to be having major withdrawal, as we'll be sharing a house with my BIL and his wife and girls... I won't be able to have LICM on nonstop all day, nor will I have a chance to be online all day... Ahem. No, no no, I'm in denial still... haven't gotten to the confession stage yet! My name is dcdeb and I'm definitely NOT a Mikaholic. I do NOT own 4 copies of LICM -- 1 UK version and 3 US versions. I do NOT have 5 windows open on my PC right now, 3 of them showing Mika photographs. I did NOT spend 2 hours the other day trying to figure out how to get the blasted Koko promo video on my myspace page. I have NOT downloaded the forbidden Mika demos and transcribed all the lyrics, and committed them all to memory. I also have NOT burned the forbidden Mika demos to a CD so I can listen to them in my car. I have NOT downloaded the bootleg Berlin concert and burned it to a CD. I have NOT ordered a Mika Fan Club t-shirt and buttons. I do NOT have a countdown clock on my myspace page that I check every few minutes to see how much longer I have to wait until the Mika concert in DC. (20 days 14 hours 45 minutes 58 seconds... 57... 56... 55...) And I most definitely have NOT spent hours looking on ebay trying to find the perfect outfit to wear to the Mika concert. No I have NOT NOT NOT. Because I am NOT NOT NOT a Mikaholic. NOT! :roftl: dcdeb, otherwise known as Cleopatra, the Queen of DeNial
  16. You're making me really laugh! dcdeb
  17. Tootch, mgpm and I have been talking about red, white and blue/stars and stripes things... it's just deciding on one thing and getting it all together. Cowboy hat is a good idea, though. I just remembered... It's 3 weeks from today!!! dcdeb
  18. Leezy, I think the first messages started on page 140 or so... that's when we started getting texts from you via Wendi that you were in the queue waiting for him... dcdeb
  19. I can just imagine what you'll come up with! I wish I could come up with something clever for the DC gig, but I don't think anyone can top the Tartan Trousers... and I wouldn't want to even try! Wouldn't want to take away from the specialness of that! I guess Mika will just have to settle for my undying love and devotion as my gift, as I am one of the least artistic people you'll ever meet. dcdeb
  20. Hi Nicole! Welcome aboard -- think you'll like it here! dcdeb
  21. It was listed twice in teeny tiny print in the weekly ad the 9:30 Club runs in the Washington Post. This past Friday, I actually freaked out a bit, because MIKA's show wasn't in the ad at all -- my son was laughing at how upset I got. But now I think maybe it wasn't in there since the tix were already gone? I don't know. I have yet to hear Grace Kelly or Love Today on a local radio station, and the only people I know who have even heard about Mika have heard about him from ME. I sure hope Lissy got her ticket now! dcdeb
  22. OMG! I might actually be able to do this! Depends on whether we're on holiday then... But there's something fishy about that date -- that's right in the middle of all the European festivals he's supposed to be doing... I can't believe he'd fly all the way back to NYC just for 1 day... dcdeb
  23. Wendi, I've told several of my friends who only know of Mika through me and they said the same thing. Even my husband, who is getting a little tired of hearing about Mika Mika Mika all the time, had to admit that it was a pretty nice thing to do... I can't tell you how happy I am for you all. I know I came in on the trousers thing late, but I am, as I said before, so glad that you allowed me to participate in some small way by cheering from sidelines! dcdeb
  24. Well, I just discovered that Mika's show in DC is SOLD OUT! I had no idea -- I mean, I'm glad, but I really am surprised! I see tickets selling on ebay, which really took me by surprise. At least that means that the show won't be cancelled due to low sales... but it also means I'm going to have to get there even earlier than I was originally planning... Hmmm... the show is three weeks from tomorrow. Do you think NOW is too soon to start queuing at the door? dcdeb <just a little excited>
  25. If he would actually use the braces as they're meant to be used... he wouldn't need a belt! dcdeb
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