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Blue Sky

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Everything posted by Blue Sky

  1. I knew Sou would come to the rescue. We could start a Sou appreciation thread!!!
  2. OK finally my kids can get their dinner...9pm...oooops!
  3. That was the fastest hour of my life!!! Boohoo it's over!!!
  4. NOOOOOOO, don't waste the last three minutes on a song.....NOOOOOOO talk to us PLEEEEEEASEEEE!!!!
  5. So I take it that the Freddie Mercury piano thing was just a joke??
  6. More talk more talk less music less music...time is running out.....
  7. Until 8pm tonight...is this really tonight??? Now he is onto Simon Cowell...who didn't answer his calls...and didn't want to come on the show... Mika on the x Factor????
  8. So is the Perez mix up proof it is live??? who only speaks the truth???? Perez??? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  9. JAPAN ITALY USA UK...have we got the world covered??? :cool:Where are the Aussies???
  10. This is so cool having everyone posting online during the show...esp the breaks...I can't even get dinner for my kids, I can't be torn away from the computer!! Only another half hour...
  11. On no the competition will really heat up now!! Little bit short??? So he goes for tall girls obviously!
  12. If anyone manages to text, please tell him MFC members are listening all over the world, even Japan!! We can't text from here!!!
  13. Freddie Mercury's piano???? Yay Go MIKA!!
  14. YAY!! I am listening right now in Tokyo JAPAN!! (and it is 8pm exactly!!) Scissors sisters yay!!
  15. I reckon he has monitors:cool: ...people to keep him up to date with anything juicy on here. I can't even keep up when I am on here everyday, so how could MIKA keep up when he is so busy with flying round the globe and shows and everything.
  16. dcdeb and sou, thankyou, I am just technically challenged I think.
  17. Well he is coming to Japan in a couple of weeks, but the tickets are lottery only, can't just go out and buy them, record company is so useless here they even got the buidling name wrong for the location of the huge poster... my feeling is they mistakenly think there aren't any MIKA fans yet in Japan because the album isn't out till June 20, and HOW WRONG THEY ARE We are here, dying to get in to see him, dying to give him some small things from Japan and stuff, and maybe have our photo op....and I reckon we will all be denied. There isn't even a meet and greet arranged.... I HATE BUREAUCRACY. :thumbdown: Hence my original question...isn't there another way????
  18. He seems to really appreciate that he has moved "up" in the world now, and his attitude to it all seems good and healthy.
  19. Did anyone hear this? It is very long, and apparently Mika is about 50minutes through it. But I can't get it to link to the right show. Any hints? http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/mashup/ I saw it listed on www.mikasounds.com
  20. The offers to get things to him are so sweet, thanks! I am hoping to see him myself in Japan when he comes, but I am still curious about if there is a way to post things. There's gotta be a way!!
  21. When I went to see Queen and PR live in Tokyo, and then bought the ROTC CD and also the DVD of the Japanese shows (not the one I went to, but it'll do!!) I was so impressed with the way they handled the whole "Paul is not replacing Freddie" thing. He really isn't, and couldn't, but I am really glad that having him there gave Brian and Roger whatever it was they needed to get back on the road and into the studios. WE are lucky to have QUEEN back in whichever form they choose. I for one cannot wait for their new album. BTW did anyone hear Roger Taylor's son's song last summer? He sounds just like his Dad.
  22. I am sure someone has posted this before, but this thread requires it again.... Brian has a lot of respect for MIKA's work...if you read brianmay.com
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