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Everything posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! Why do I keep missing you? We need an allocated time every so often just so we can catch each other!!! LOL Rosina, haven't had your beauty sleep? Like last week when I was at a local pub and the police walked in and me, my mother and her friend went outside for them to have a cigarette and so the police (she calls them pigs) didn't see me and ask me for ID. It's like haven't they got anything better to do on a thursday night than frequent the pub? Oh and I suppose they think they're doing a good job becauswe there's nothing to do don't they? Here's an idea: WHY DON'T YOU GO PICK UP SOME DRUGGIES OFF THE GODDAMNED STREET ya puds... Rant over
  2. SORRY I get mixed up between tinyurl and tinypic. Use TinyPIC: http://tinypic.com/


    Then follow my instructions (minus the tinyurl bit)

  3. Hey! I'm good thanks, just reading Greg Wells' twitter page :wink2:

    How are you?


    Save the picture to your harddrive (so it's under your pictures on your computer rather than being on the net) and go to tinyurl to upload and get a code.

    Click on the forum options and the copy and paste the codes into the reply where you want them to show.


    Hope that helps :original:

  4. I used to talk in my sleep but I don't anymore which is good. Did you hear that (apparently) Mika used to sleep walk when he lived in France?

  5. WOW! That sounds like a great dream!

    I had a dream I got to be Greg Wells' friend on yfrog a few nights ago. But I don't often dream about Mika and I NEVER dream of Greg :das:

  6. My dad's not cool, he's a perverted little so and so. I told him it was my idea in the first place and he gave up on trying to be a father when he realised that when you live in Australia and you broke probation in order to GET to Australia, that you can't actually act on any of your threats' due to being banned from the country in which your daughter lives until she is 17 anyway So now he just laughs at me and makes dodgy comments about my looking increasingly like a lesbian he'd like to go "Woman hunting" with... Though he's a homophobe... I'm pretty sure he's a closet bi though.. So yeah, my dad's a little cool. He hates Lebanese as he's Syrian. So we have lots of arguments
  7. What did he say about the paint and the boobs? My dad's a little perv - You don't wanna know
  8. OMG I was SO amused at my father yesterday! Speaking to him on MSN I told him I hadn't seen him on until then because when I logged in, I got half swarmed by several Mika fans. He was like "Oh yeah, that's fine" and we got to talking and later he brought up Mika and I started talking about that idea with the boobs and bodypaint. Somewhere in there I said something along the lines of Bla bla bla Mika fans bla bla bla MFCers. What happened then? He said "Baby?" "Ya." "Why do you hate and abuse the other Mika fans?" I was like SERIOUSLY! But then I asked what he was on about and it turns out he thoght MFCers meant mutha f*ckers I MSN slapped him
  9. Hey that's so great! I'm still trying to get in contact with Josh and Kester. It's hard to get in touch with them cos they have my contacts but I don't theirs. I am following Maybe the guy could have known that one of the hatemailers was going to try something bad and that he wanted to protect Mika. Or maybe he didn't have a home and Mika's doorstep was particularly comfy. For either of those reasons, the man wouldn't be crazy! Best to text my usual number Ro, that's my Granddad's cell and he was wondering if my crush had got a new number seeing as I usually tet him off that phone so he was rather confused
  10. I've been alright thanks, my granddad and his ladyfriend are putting up the xmas tree as I write this to you. She's whistling to Rihanna's "Don't stop the music" (very badly...). I had a dream about Mika last night and it was not a bad dream but it also wasn't a GOOD dream. I got to talk to him and then he left before answering my other question and he seemed not to want to talk to me kind of. Hard to explain ;)

    How are you?

  11. THANKS! Pfft, yeah who DOES know who this MIKE-ah chap is??? YAY! Congradz!
  12. Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting my top off if it'd get him here I could come as one of the Boobs on Bikes chicks to his show!
  13. I think with the painted boobs idea, maybe we should ALL just wear colourful clothes. I hate not being an eaqual. Even IF my boobs are little, I hate that they don't have the same rights as all yours (lol) so we should all have the same rights
  14. Yeah, I've been on holday since novembre 30th. How long are you on holiday for?

  15. Yeah, Mika's music is brilliant, each one a work of art :fangurl:


    Ok, I'm glad :original:

  16. It's adorable the pic and thanks for adding the link OR I can message everyone while the numbers are still small and ask them to join Charlotte's group and then I'll delete mine. Next year we're all 16. I turn the big num' on May 1st but totally would not oppose everyone going if there's a meetup. Spookers sounds great!
  17. Oh no, I already have a group with 10 members which I think I made about an hour ago We can advertise both can't we? *Goes to see how much better than mine Charlotte's is*
  18. From LICM I love Relax, Love Today, Erase, your sympathy and Any other world (but only live because the cd version's not as good).

    From TBWKTM I like Blame it on the Girls, Lover boy and Pick up off the floor.


    Ok, sorry for making you uncomfortable :wink2:

  19. Agreed. I'm going to go make the group now and make you and Charlotte admins. Emily, you can be an admin if you'd like but I don't have you in my friends so if Ro or Char have you they can add you or you I can ad you to friends and then add you if you're on Facebook. Either way you can be admin as well Ok so you got C4, The Rock, the Edge and More FM. I'll work on ZM as Mark is somewhat of a friend. Oh yeah and lets all remind everyone about Mika in the lead up to the showing of the Queen's variety show this month! They always show that and if we can get people watching him who maybe don't know him so well, we might be able to find more fans.
  20. What's your favorite Mika song?

  21. Oh cool about the exchange! I almost got to go but I had surgery instead so I can't go till 2011 but I don't really want to go to seventh form in France. I know it's really hard there and I'm struggling in the NEW ZEALAND education system!

    No, I didn't, I felt I was going to fait because I couldn't hold onto anything properly (my muscles stopped contracting so I went limp slowly) so I put my head down and I lost conciousness as I went down.

    Nobody noticed and I learned that I should not go on sleep and hunger strikes for more than 24 hours (or if I do, I learned not to go to history class during it :roftl:).

    I fainted once after that and hit my head on a concrete step. NOT nice!

  22. I went to a pub and they were doing karioke and the managers didn't really want me to sing beacause I wasn't meant to be there in the first place (underage) but my mother convinced them to let me sing Mika's LT and when I got up, they were a little hostile but when I started to sing, I got all happy and started swaggering around and really enjoying it and then people started to get really happy too and clap to the beat and really liked me and then I got - Not JUST an aplause - But CHEERS! Someone yelled "You ROCK Khayla!" I got all shy and ran away to the toilets then I came back and the managers were really nice to me and asked if I could sing another song so because they couldn't find GK and I would have been a little icky on BG or HE, I san Leona Lewis's version of "Run" which was ok but I forgot the words and couldn't see the screen with my bad sight so it went a little wobbly but then righted itself when my mother told me the words. Then 2 people were talking to my mother's friend and then one of the guys approached me and took my hand and congradulated me on my performance and he was saying I was really good and talking about how I should persue music and asked me what I'd like to do with my career and I told him I wanted to be a performer and I didn't care what type so he said he'd like to get my and my mother's numbers so he could talk more and asked if he could see what he could do about helping me into a career of musical theatre. Him and his lady were just back from tour with Kara Diogardi said my mother's friend. Apparently they were in Adelaide but someone was going to give birth or something. Anyway I was all OMFG! YOU WORKED WITH KARA?! Kara Dioguardi is a judge on American idol and she cowrote the song "I do not hook up" by Kelly Clarkson, with Katy Perry and Greg Wells. So, in short, I got to hold the hand of a guy who worked with a lady who once cowrote with GREG WELLS (who we should ALL know by now that I adore!) who is Mika's producer of both his albums!
  23. OH! We could have the pendents on the pendent bit (lol) but we could have pretty beads coming off the rest of it to make it look interesting. I'm thinkingKiwi's, Pukeko, Tuatara or something. IDK how to do it though, any ideas? Has anyone seen those kitsch dolls that have been subject to controversy lately? Little Maori native children type dolls. They're very cute. I notice Mika has quite a few necklaces with toy characters/dolls hanging off them. Perhaps we could make one like that out of a NZ doll? OK and I'm good at keeping FB groups and not so good at keeping twitter groups. It's perfect FINALLY! I remember your... 20th I think it was. Where you were having problems with her being able to come. It's better you don't bother with her. I say it's anal (oh no! Heaven forbid I should spell that wrong LOL Teegs ). Seriously, she's not worth your time! I have no probs with religeon, but when you are judgemental and mean like that, it's not really being good by god's terms is it? Arn't we supposed to be kind to all god's earthly creatures??? BIG GIRLS ARE GOD'S EARTHLY CREATURES TOO! Well, they're Mikas but you know what I mean
  24. I just came across this thread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20647 Some of those links are facebook. I'm thinking Facebook and Twitter account that can be managed by us. On facebook we MFCers can admin - I can start the group if you'd like. IDK if we should be exclusively NZ based (like we only accept Kiwis) because I think if people see that there are numbers, maybe they'll be more inclined to join so we can invite friends to join and support. We can call it "Let's get Mika to New Zealand!" or something similar. "Mika come to New Zealand!" "We want Mika in New Zealand!" "New Zealand wants Mika!" And the likes... We can add pictures and badges and banners for anyone to put in their signatures (or not, let's not forget some people are lazy and others arn't from NZ so they won't put it in signatures for any given reason). Updating status regularly and not writing too many group messages (because people will be more inclined to read if you don't bomb their inboxes). A twitter account can be started maybe. But I do NOT think we should have an actual forum as I've seen many Mika fan forums that don't get much attention. Or MAYBE we could link the FB and/or Twitter to a fan forum. Anyways I think we should appeal to a wide range of people and not do anything too binding if that makes sense as I have NO PATIENCE for people who sign up to forums and then never go on them. ARGH that pusses me of something big like you WOULD NOT believe... Sorry fant over! Ok? Facebook group's looking good right about now.
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