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Everything posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. And to you too!

    Even if it is belated,

    Hope you had a good day and a great new year :huglove:

  2. OMG 92 pages! That's 920 posts! Need to update the first post with a non-perrishable picture from tinypic but thanks to all who made it such a success of a thread and who continue to do so and a VERY special mention to Alice (A.Clay) who makes this thread so mouthwateringly delicious with her daily posts! :flowers:
  3. Not leaving Facebook. I said my avatar was going to change to that picture for everything. I was considering leaving Twitter because I'm sick to death of having holes picked in me by my aunt and 140 characters per post seems to have gotten me into a bit of trouble Greg-wise It's not really thr Greg thing anymore. the few comments about Greg (all but one were joking but it bothered me) were what made me reconsider my presence on Twitter but now (look at my twitter - I'm having an argument with my aunty right now!) I'm really feeling a lot more like it wouldn't be such a bad thing. I just wanted to share some of the good experiences while I'm dealing with the bad because in bad times we usually tend to forget the good things and only see the bad. But the truth is I'm really at a loss because the way I felt when I first got replied by Greg - That and that alone - Counteracts my bad feelings now and it makes me want to stay. I won't delete my account unless it's totally nessisary but it looks closer and closer to it. Honestly, I just want to leave twitter mainly because now everythign I say gets picked apart by someone and now I've gotten to a point where I'm writing something honest and sincere and I delete it before posting because I don't want to get crap for it. I shouldn't do that and twitter is something I once enjoyed.
  4. My new Twitter/Facebook and soon-to-be everything avatar: Ava Garter (who was Mika's burlesque opening act at the Roxy back at the not-so-secret gig. She was saying her kids were playing with "Legos" on her twitter which I follow and I said "Isn't the plural of lego just... Lego?" She DMed me: I started following the Roxy and Island records during the not-so-secret gig week and they both DMed me. The Roxy's first reply to me was that they'd check if the audiance could bring in video cameras. GREG WELLS REPLIED ME..... TWICE! :boing::boing:
  5. I didn't think that non-members could see the members' boards?

  6. Hey! How was your Christmas?

    I got enough money (two people gave me $50 each) to get a ticket to see Rufus Wainwright when he comes to Wellington in February!!! :boing:

    It's really nice to talk to you! My Granddad says that my hinding things is not normal. It probably isn't healthy but it puts the mind at ease to keep things moving so that you know that nobody really knows where something is for long periods of time :wink2:

    Why exactly does your hubby not like Mika? Is it the celebrity obsession or is it because Mika's another male figure who is important in your life?

    I ended a relationship based on that somebody wasn't ok with my being obsessed with another guy. It was the principal of that he took me in as I was and said he wanted me as I was but wanted to change me. Like in Rain which BTW was played at a nightclub the other day. My mother went to call me from the club so I could hear it as I had decided not to go out with hr.

  7. Not that I didn't take you seriously, but you know what I'm like about New Zealand and admitting to being Kiwi. For the first few years (oh look, I'm still doing this:) I put something about London in my whereabouts because I didn't want to say where I was really from. Not that I have anything against NZ, just that all my inspiration came from the UK but primarily London. Oooh I LOVE my fanfics! I still write them in my head and if I had anything truely special to say, I'd post it on Quizilla (but never here - Can't do that after the "I respect Mika" faze ) Good idea for a utube Ro, I'm in and I'm off to Taupo soonish so will try take pictures and upload them though I've not a clue how to make vids! I'll add you when I get a spare moment. I'm lollipoplyonesse Cool, you're doing great! The more support we can drum up (without being a pain) the better! Agreed
  8. Hey guys, just to let you know that I personally have left Twitter. As far as my endeavor to be a performer goes and also my fanship to Mika (though NOT Greg Wells), I am still going to be an active member as @Liyonah. @vampirelyonesse will be deleted if anyone follows my twilight vampire roleplay account and basically, my @Liyonah self that is my daily life and feelings about people in my world at school and where I live, will now disappear. Just so as you all know and nobody thinks I've turned cold hearted or anything
  9. Oh hey! I didn't even think of that! Thanks for the tip!

    Yes, I have a hotmail, it's Khayla_Burton@hotmail.com and I will use it when I have a free moment away from my mother :)


    Hey, do you know how to take pictures of the computer screen? My cameras don't let me take pics of it and I want to delete my twitter account but keep the Greg Wells replies I've got.


    Have a REALLY good Christmas and all that jazz, I'm going to sit in my room and eat the Christmas candy I hid in a box several weeks ago (it's safe, I always do it and only with covered candy that doesn't go bad).

    I think I was a dog in a past life, burying bones in the backyard to dig them up and tresure them later :roftl:

    Oooh I LOVE Rain vid! :mf_lustslow:

    I'm going to try and get all his videos (I have all the vids on LiveICM and PdP but want to get them all in one place that I can hide :roftl:




  10. No, I joined the Kiwis a little further down the road I think. I ignored you all for a bit because I'm such an anarchist NIIIIICE! I think people need to pull their heads in personally. It DIDN'T make it lady! Be happy, they didn't play it so ya didn't have to listen to it! I bet she secretly liked the song but didn't want to admit it because Mika's some what of a guilty pleasure
  11. Wow, that was said so beautifully!

    And so true as well. I have back up copies of Mika's album on 2 MP3 players, an ipod and a memory stick and I also have all the itunes art and pictures of the album and single pictures so that even IF my Mika box gets found and distroyed *CRINGE* then I have back up to tide me over.

    So much of my energy goes into preserving the things I hold dear and Mika is the most important so I spend a good deal of time by myself dealing to it like Gollum and his ring :P

    Maybe not quite so creepy though :das:

    I think Mikafan is like a state of mind like you said. It's accepting people and turning away conformity and doing what you want. It's embracing his ideas and learning to embrace your own true self and it's about seeing the beauty in what "Normal" (aka BORING) people would find ugly.

  12. My mother would hurt my Mika box because he makes her angry :no:


    He makes us happy I think because many of us feel close to his experiences' and it makes us feel like we can BE something like he has become and gives us hope that we CAN be what we want to be rather than be what others think we should be.

    He's a very private person I think so he lets us really see him when he sings and hear what he feels and feel what he feels. I think we can be thankful for him and his showing us there is a better way to do things :original:

  13. I'm glad you have people who understand. My videogame fan friends understand my Mika obsessions. They're very patient with me :naughty:

    I keep a Mika box and I hide it in different places every so often so that nobody from my family ever can hurt it. My mother hates Mika but my Granddad puts up with it because he knows Mika makes me more happy than anything else in the world.

  14. Aaw they never play Rain here :no:

    That's so true! Thanks :huglove:

    Funnily, my father's on MSN just now. I said "I can't believe there's no Mika fans on!" and he said he is one because he his my fan so that automatically makes him on :roftl:

    I see no logic but whatever makes another Mika fan makes me happy :original:


    TC! :huglove:

  15. Yeah, I agree. Besides that, who else would understand?

    My Granddad read my story, disapproving of the disturbing contnt!

    I spoke to my Father on MSN the other day and he - says he's a qualified psychologist though I know he isn't - Thinks there is something mentally WRONG with me for loving Mika so much!


  16. Yeah, I LOVE Juice and J2! Petition won't work I don't think but we could try. Reason I don't think it'll work is because people like C4 broadcasting board don't care about the little guys like us, even if there are 100 odd people signing. All they want is what will make thousands of people watch their channel and NZ is largely a fair bit homophobic and Mika, though we know it's unimportant, they arn't partial to him.
  17. LOL you live my dream life :D

  18. I will show everyone who wants to see it. But only after the deadline and when nobody can look at my idea without taking it (not saying I don't trust you, just that if I make it really easy to find, some random could get ideas and, you know... :wink2:)


    Haha, that's what I was hoping :roftl:

  19. That sounds good! OOOH! CUTE! You're right, I never thought of that Busy. We're not that big on spelling her Everyone's felt like that here, trust me. I was so surprised to find a Kiwi thread on MFC! I was one of the later arrivals to the thread but I've been here since around the same time as RosinaKiwi. Ok, so we're brainstorming ideas on getting Mika to NZ. We need to spread the word but NOT OVERDO IT. Agreed.
  20. OMG I totally did that!

    For the Mika X factor competition, I did stuff with crayons!


    But I am SUPERCOOL with crayons I'll have you know :mf_rosetinted:

  21. You're most welcome!

    My friend uses diviantart and he's a genious. I don't use it because I'm inferior compared to some people on there! :roftl:

  22. Excellent!


    Wow, I keep popping in and out of here through the day and you're on every time! Do you never leave?

    If you don't then I worship you :bow:

  23. If you do that then you will probably be able to pay for all or most of the flight and the tickets and maybe some merch if you want it. Then you have one less thing for your Mom to worry about. :wink2:

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