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Everything posted by paula.pop

  1. oh yeah its soo cute,amazing how he can pull of clothes that no one else can! that T-shirt is just awesome and those jeans...
  2. I think you can as there is a link you can copy and use:thumb_yello:
  3. seriously I just had my lunch-eiww!!!
  4. Since their inception in 1992, the annual Mercury Music Prize awards have set out to reward the best in British music, regardless of genre or style. An independent panel of judges (music industry experts, journalists, record company bosses and the like) selects twelve ‘Albums Of The Year’, before choosing one and announcing the overall winner on the night of the Mercury Music Show. The 12 nominated albums are: - Amy Winehouse - Back To Black - Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare - Basquiat Strings with Seb Rochford - Basquiat Strings - Bat For Lashes - Fur And Gold - Dizzee Rascal - Maths And English - Fionn Regan - The End Of History - Jamie T - Panic Prevention - Klaxons - Myths Of The Near Future - Maps - We Can Create - New Young Pony Club - Fantastic Playroom - The View - Hats Off To The Buskers - The Young Knives - Voices Of Animals And Men :shocked: :shocked:
  5. Its not bad at all! thanks:) I am still gonna search for the original one-I can't believe they ignored my email:/
  6. sorr,no idea why the link has expired,I updated the post so should work now:)
  7. I would be very very very grateful!! I wrote to this agency saying that I would like to pay it to have it without watermarks but they never wrote back!:/
  8. at last! I was searching for it every day-kudos Jen!
  9. Rory Kinsella 3 July 2007, 3:07 PM M is for Mika. The classically trained Lebanese tall fella who has gone from being that chap with the high voice supporting The Feeling to that chap with the high voice with a number one album and his two triumphant performances at Glastonbury recently. So how come he played the very intimate (i.e. small) ICA on London's The Mall (the Queen's driveway basically) this weekend? Well... I is for iTunes who are currently hosting a series of gigs (they call it a festival but we couldn't see any mud) for a select audience of 350 people (of which you could be one - find out how here.) K is for, er, crikey, Mika knows how to put on a show! And no, "crikey" doesn't begin with a 'K' but Mika used to spell his name with a 'C' (until he started worrying people would pronounce it wrong) so it sort of works. (FYI: his real name is Michael Holbrook Penniman.) Anyway, we're still wondering how he didn't put his back out or tear a hole in his sprayed-on trousers with all that gyrating about. Kicking off (ooh, we could've had that as the 'K', too late now) with 'Love Today' then racing through most of his debut album, 'Life In Cartoon Motion', until 'Billy Brown' and 'Grace Kelly' had everyone singing along (albeit a few octaves lower than Mr Mika). A is for animals. Yes, animals. For the encore, the entirety of Mika's band returned dressed as furries and had a fight. For a reason that no one has yet been able to explain to us, this then led to 'Lollipop' as the crowd was pelted with giant balloons and machine gunned with bubbles. Not something you see every day. Or is it?
  10. what a feast of colors! Such a shame it will only last few days...
  11. Mika exhibition opens (Thursday July 12, 2007 06:11 PM) http://uk.news.launch.yahoo.com/dyna/article.html?a=/070712/340/hcl3w.html&e=l_news_dm An art exhibition of Mika's paintings has opened in London, with the star promising fans will want to "eat the walls". The flamboyant pop star's drawings and sketches went on display at the Blink Gallery in Poland street this week, running until Saturday. Some of the work has featured as cover art on Mika's record releases in the last six months, as he has become one of the hottest properties in British pop music. Speaking about the exhibition, he explained: "The one thing I said I wanted was to be able to eat the walls, and that's exactly how I feel. "When I write songs, I draw sketches to go with them. It's a visual world to step into and to have fun and to play with. "It would have really broken my heart if someone else had come and stepped in and been given a big budget from a record company to just do the artwork themselves", Mika told the BBC. His new single, "Big Girl (You are Beautiful)" is released on July 23.
  12. http://img.perezhilton.com/?cat=232 Our little boy is all grown up and knows how to work those poses! Mika posed with some of his creations that he collaborated with his artist sister in London on Wednesday night at the opening of their new exhibit. Don’t you just wanna pinch his cheeks??? Ass cheeks that is! ekhm...
  13. http://showbiz.sky.com/showbiz/article/0,,50001-1274889,00.html Mika's Arty Debut Oh Mika you're so fine. You're so fine you blow our minds. Yes folks, here in the Showbiz Shed we can officially proclaim we are the bubblegum pop singer's biggest, bestest fans in the whole wide cosmiverse. And not just because he invited us to an intimate gathering to launch the exhibition of artwork from Life In Cartoon Motion. We showed up at Blink Gallery to find that colour was the essence of the evening - kaleidoscopic, vibrant, bold and intriguing. His art we mean. Oh, go on then, the Grace Kelly singer himself. We had a little chatski to Miks, and a bit of a natter with his fancy-dressed motley crew too. He told us he is on the mend from being a little bit poorly in recent days. And he also mentioned something about rolling around in the lollipops spread all over the floor... Lollipop Girl told us about her love for candy, and the Willow Forest, where she's from. But she also warned us about the monkey from the very same forest, who could show up and steal the sweeties... Sound crazy? That's because it was. But we had a whole lot of multicoloured sugar-tastic fun. Last Updated: 08:53 UK, Thursday July 12, 2007
  14. how awesome would be to have a wall painted like that at home!
  15. shall we laugh or shall we be shocked?hard to say!
  16. http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=518059226&context=set-72157600286261084&size=l
  17. oh my this is so adorable! and I want all that stuff!!!
  18. yes this happens-I was bullied by a teacher too-it has to stop!
  19. he should be locked up (by me he he) for looking this good:wub2:
  20. oh,no problem:blush-anim-cl: I was receiving the same message,but I kept trying and here it is:) I think you need to click on show all entries to see it;)
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