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Everything posted by findingmywords

  1. ill check on her site to see how we can ask her or send her a letter or let her know about mika too!!!!! u guys can tell me things to put!hehe
  2. lol hehe i know! i hope he goes on 1 day! we should sesriouslly send her a letter i bet she would like him! she would prabably invite him to the show! it should be around when hes in LA on June 8th for the concert!!
  3. YEAH!! she rocks and shes super fun and she asks fun questions and i would be able to go to her show (i think) it would be great to see mika dance on the show!!!!!
  4. of course!!! i am MIKAS ANGEL!!!! i converted my friends (well, most) and i lwet everyine catch my insane obsession. i sent mika a letter in the scrapbook and i am sending him a b day letter and giving him a special present at the LA gig!!!! i annoy people with my conestant mika vocab and talk and chat about mika!! hes all i talk about at school!! i am presently trying to convert everyone i know!!!!! YEESSS!!!!!!!! I WANT TO BE 1 OF MIKAS ANGEL!!!! <3333
  5. uuuhhhh how bout both u guys!!???? duuhh!!!! i would like ellen better tho. shes funner!!!!! she rocks and it would be so greaatt!!!!!
  6. maybe he can go on Ellen tooo!!!!!omg that would be so coooll!!! we should send her a letter cuz i mean she has random people on the show who arent famous ya know!!!!????
  7. OMG THAT WOULD BE THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER!!!!! i never really liked oprah but if she did that i would love her forever!!!!! ekkkk!! we have to do that!! i would definitely try to go (if she films close to LA i HOPE so!!!!) great idea u guys!
  8. heheh wow sparkly1... yes i do love his throat too i love every part of him <333
  9. awww yay!!! im so happy hes relaxing and haviing time off!!!! shes super lucky to be in that position... its sad that they still follow him around tho, but hey, hes mika, who cant help taking a pic of him. i thought he was scared of the ocean and didnt like the water........hmmm
  10. ay-ai-ai.....*OMG MIKAS SWEATING THATS GROSS* ITS NOT NORMAL AHH*!!! psscchh like we've never seen anyone sweat before! i sweat, u sweat, mika sweats, we ALL sweat YYAAYY!!!!YAY SWEATING!! i hate how people act like celebs arent human!!! ay-ai-ai.
  11. o alrighty then whoa there watch your mouth! jk
  12. o your welcome!! its my pleasure im so excited to show em to you guys! i hope you get to see him when he gets to canada!!!! i hope i take good pics tho cuz my camera is kinda slow.
  13. o i will!! ill have tons of pics and videos and ill post em k!!??
  14. o and thanks!!!!!!! U have fun tooo in New York u lucky!!!!!! hope u have a deliciously wondrous time!!! <33
  15. lol alrighty then!! 31 days!! then 30, 29, 28, 27 and then soon enough itll be 1 day and then we'll be there!!!!!! aaeesssjjjjrrrrkjkajaknfkjgiadjiw!!!!!
  16. 1 MONTH UNTIL THE LA AVALON MIKA GIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHH MY GOODNESS THATS SO SOOOONNNN!!!!!!! WOOOOOTT!!! today is May 8th, and the concert is June 8th!!!!!! eeekkkk!!! <333333 cant wait!!!!! <33333333:punk: look at the countdown in my signature!!!!!!!
  17. omg goodness golly gosh holy wow who doesnt huh???!!!!! u have no idea how much i ablolutely think mika is gorgeously delicious!!!!!!! He is like the most delicious icecream sundae with churros and cake and tons of pounds of chocolate he is so gorgeous and tasstily delicious aaaahhhhh!!!!!!! i love his hair. ok. if i had to name 1 thing (or 2 things i love about him it would have to be his hair and lipppsss!!!!!! yyyuuummmm!!!! i absolutely love his hair!!!!!! ahhhhh its like a cloud that i want to sleep on or something!!! <33333 and to think that he actually (supposedly, i kinda hope not tho) that he wants curly hair and curls it is even lovelier, cuz most people want to get rid of their curls not enhancce them and make them more curlier and gorgeouser!!!!!!!i love curly hair and i love anyone with curly hair and i have curly hair and i think it is beautiful!!!!! also his lips...............wow i probably shouldnt describe it cuz it would take hours and i would sound like an idiot and mika would read it and be scared, but yeah, i think you all know how much i am infatuated with mika, and I ammmmmm ahhhh yummmmm
  18. i love my family!!!!!!!<3333333 I have a sister and me and my mamma and pappa!!!!!!!! thats all, and of course my dog. I also have a brother, but he passed away when i was little, but hes still my brother of course, so YES i have a brother!!!!!!!!!!! here is my family: picture 1(in the attachments)= my whole familly!!!!<333 left to right-mom, dad, me, sister. Picture 2-me (right) and my sissy natalie(left) at the snow on a frozen lake!! Picture 3-me(right) and sister(natalie) being weird at the beach <33333
  19. id make em listen to his album, show him pictures and show how great his personality is and how adorably delicious he is, and i would show them as many interviews and shows and just adorably gorgeously delicious he is and his persoanlity and his cuteness,and just him!!! and so far, it HAS worked and has been VERY affective!!!!!! yyyeeeessssssss!!!!!!! hehe
  20. omg i LOVE doing that!! its so funand its the only thing i can steal that i wont get in trouble for (kinda). i even take pillows and stuff and i also do that in restaurants!! i steal the nice salt & pepper shakers and some other nice stuff. Most of the soaps at the hotel rooms make my skin have a reaction thing or whatever, but i still take them!!!!! its soo fun!!! me and mika have so much in common!!!! yaaayy!
  21. o hang on what will the date be in the states on july 5 then???? dont i have to listen at a differnent time?!!
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