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Status Updates posted by robertina

  1. aprilo tu il thread su R&G...ce la puoi fare :wink2:

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww





    leggo il post di allegra qui sotto....ehehehehehheheeh...come cambiano le cose eh?

  3. poverino...come stai? :huglove:

    hai voluto imitare Mika eh?

    dai, spero tutto bene e buon ritorno in Libano!

  4. see you soooooooooonnnnnnnn!

    ciao ciao :wub2:

  5. you trust me too much! i know nothing! :original:

  6. parole di verità dalla tua penna escono :mf_rosetinted:

  7. chiunque pretenda di saperla lunga senza sapere un tubo :original:

  8. se il cielo non mi cade sulla testa dovrei esserci :original: ma non so se sono abbastanza tosta ;-)

  9. salutino veloce e mattiniero :bye:

  10. i've written in udine thread also, but i want to be sure you read it.

    re. the train ticket: go to the nearest train station today, wherever you are, ask for timetable and buy it from the ticket office. it's quick and safe. you only have to valid it at the machine in the station the day you use it. :bye:

  11. hi christine! i'm glad you are ok and leigh too, say hullo for me!

    i'm not into facebook at all, shame! i barely can catch up here ;-)

    huge hugs to you both and families!

    take care

  12. i'll move it! don't worry :original:

  13. so che lassù fa un caldo cane...ale oggi va al mare! :original:

  14. beh? ti è morto il telefono? :sneaky2:

    o ieri sera ti sei fatta troppe birre? :teehee:...vista la compagnia, eheheheheh

  15. mi diverto...mi annoio...mi arrabbio...dipende da quello che scrivete!!! ahahahahha

    ciao bella

  16. sì lo so...scrivo poco....ma leggo tanto! :original::wink2:

  17. ciao Karla...non essere triste per il mikagasmic...credimi, è meglio così :bye:

  18. ciao, just want to leave a special greeting for you here! i was wondering where you were, but i supposed it was lebanon. i hope everything goes well with you. i'm happy to see your mika love hasn't vanished... love and hugs!

  19. ho notato :glasses3:

    mod powerz

  20. consider not going in the mikagasmic...not good for blood pressure!

  21. happi! i saw your msn message too late, i was cooking! i hope you are getting on well.

    keep us posted! :huglove:

  22. ma sì :shun: carina :shun:




    ma 'miche' chi è? :blink:

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