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Everything posted by avoca

  1. oh, jolly good idea!! another MFC lunch, like milano! esp. if the MFC party is set for sat. when I haven't arrived in london yet.. pls, smt on sunday too..
  2. never had much to do with mac (aka apple) till I got the iphone. I think I prefer windows. call me a beginner, but it's smt I am used to
  3. awww.. thanks can you save it for munich please..? as for the irish weather, don't recall extreme cold -perhaps wind- but it rains it rains it rains it rains......
  4. read it now: pleaseeeee... not partying on sat. night! what about those who actually arrive on sunday..?
  5. well, if things don't change, I arrive in london at lunch time. time to get to lovely hammersmithland..
  6. thanks for the lovely pics. I esp. loved to see the mfc'ers in the audience. too bad you were not involved in the show, though I'm sure allegra might have preferred this way.. I feel her pain, though and biggirl, I think I do remember you from some italian gig.. bologna? milano? I'm almost 100% sure. are you a new user here..?
  7. thanks, rose, you are a star.. I'll stay in central london, not far from there, will keep you posted oh, too bad about bar 38.. it was a sort of tradition.. on the other hand, now that you make me think about it, when we were over with the party without mika last time, the tube was still going, so it couldn't have been that late..
  8. hehe london's the usual MFC party. I hope mika parties this time too, with better logistics. TO MELLODY: when I heard hammersmith, I imemediately thought bar 38 too! shall we plan an after party ther, if mika doesn't plan smt himself? bar 38 is a tradition now.. maybe we can get martin this time too..
  9. awwww.... yes, I am also worried once the proper tour starts, the schedule is so dense, he'll end up being worn out soon. we may get cancellations again. I KNOW I'm being pessimistic, but experience tells. sigh, I hope he's trained his voice or managed to find some refreshing technique, so he won't get quite so tired and can handle his tour properly... to NEZZA: do you actually think mr diva would wear the same outfit outside AND inside the TV studio..? do not mind what colleague think about mika-stalking. I stopped telling to people about it. they think I am mad (more than I actually am in reality, I mean... ). to MIKABUNNY: did you go, girl? I'd have loved to see you again.. ah, the memories from july.. to MARI: SO sorry I missed you either.. I'm absolutely delighted though, to hear you finally got to talk to him.. to ALLEGRA: ROTFLLMAO AND.. VERY right about robertina. I second that all the way!
  10. *sneaking on the net from work * robertina, SO glad you had a good time!! and you got to meet him, even if for so short time (clara, that pic is breath taking literally.. ). too bad about the seats and the fact he was in such a hurry, esp. since there was people coming from very long to see him.. I trust you had a great time with each other anyway
  11. morning do we have news..? or they are still in bed, being knackered for all the partying till late with mika..? I hope it went well: was so shattered, I was in bed before 9pm. the excitement of my lifestyle is unbelievable..
  12. ohhh.. I see marina in the pic!! SO grand they could all get in!! not so keen on the filming part though, so I'm glad not to be filmed what will allegra do? but I do am envious of them seeing big M.. sigh..
  13. oh, can I have a chocolate krapfen, pls..? even if I don't come to dublin.. john, set up some also for hammersmith and munich, pretty pls.
  14. ohhh.. I see. thanks for the explanation I see hammersmith will be the usual MFC party: one comes for the MFC just as well as for mika. look forward to see some familiar faces again.. rose, if you have your van in reach, I could use a lift to hotel after the gig!
  15. do we talk about mikasounds..? cause if so, there's smt that I don't get. I logged on in the morn from work, let's say 9.30-ish GMT. I was at work and could not purchase the tick. so I did it off mikasounds, english version, in the lunch break, when I ran quickly home. I purchased, paid and got confirmation email with order #. how could have it been sold out at 10 am when I got mine at 11.30am GMT..? I am lost
  16. MICI ALERT I can just picture it: some 70'ies style disco thing, with mika at his golden piano and shimmering lights all over the place..
  17. yes, brixton is not dramatic. I just prefer apollo as it's generally better and brixton is SO far from accomodation..
  18. ohhh. I'd love to come to dublin and see you both.. say hi also to mr mika mad from me and mr avoca. I wish I could persuade mr avoca to go to another gig, but it's hard after the BC fiasco.. will you be in london? speaking of which, I HAVE to get tick to that, as I've booked my flights too.. it was either that or nothing, since prices go up SO fast..
  19. so pleased for the irish the day has finally come!!
  20. avoca

    yes i am going. booked a flight already. shame about belfast on a sat: it should have been scotland

  21. oh that was good! I arrived during the opening act due to the annoying hiccups with airports but my position was not bad.
  22. I don't think I'll be at all as I arrive midday but it's ok, it's good arrangement for me and I hope to be in a fair position anyway
  23. it's london baby. how could it be anything different? probably half of the MFC will be there too. got my flight already but obviously no tick yet..
  24. will you be in london? I remember chatting with you in brixton
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